I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 104: The 3 major national policies can be Anbang!

"Not bad!" Ye Yu was also interested, remembering the popular jokes on the Internet some time ago, he couldn't help but tease: "When the Great Qin is fully developed, the Great Wall will be built to the Galaxy outside the sky, and the entire Galaxy will become the Great Qin. territory."

"At that time, if there are alien races from outside the sky who dare to invade, Lao Wang, you jump out and shout, and the Wushihuang hand orders, how dare you to trespass the border of the Milky Way, won't you be happy! 99

"Hey... The first emperor's hand, how dare to trespass the border of the Milky Way, this... this is too handsome!

"Hahaha, what Mr. said is really powerful, I wrote it down, Old Wang.

"Yes, yes, the widow will build the Great Wall to the frontier of the Milky Way in the future!

Ying Zheng and these idiots had never seen the jokes on the Internet. As soon as this kind of powerful jokes came out, several people were really excited and danced, wishing to go back and have a big fight.

"Okay, okay, it's all basic operations, don't make a fuss. 35

Ye Yu waved his hand and smiled, then said to Ying Zheng: "Old Zhao, now the biggest enemy, the Huns, has been wiped out by you. At this stage, it's time to farm the fields honestly.""


"That's right! 35 Ye Yu smiled and said, "Daqin wants to overturn the world, and now the most important thing is the population. As long as the population is large enough, with the combat power of Daqin's iron cavalry, it will not be a problem to overturn the world!"

"So, I have formulated three major national policies for you, as long as you follow my three major national policies, Daqin's future goal must be the stars and the sea! 35

When the three of Ying Zheng heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up.

If you know, the three major national policies last time have greatly benefited Da Qin.

Now come the three major national policies, Daqin is going to heaven!

The three of Ying Zheng quickly bowed to Ye Yu: "Please teach me sir! 99

"Sit down, you're welcome!"

Ye Yu took the chopsticks and duck intestines, and then said lightly: "The first strategy is to increase the population! 99

"Daqin has been fighting for years, and the population has never been small. Even if it lays down endless territory in the future, there will be no difference between the aliens living and not fighting, so the population is the most important.

"In the past dynasties, the size of the population has always determined the strength of a country. Although your Qin army's combat effectiveness is strong, compared with Lao Zhu's Daming, it is more than one step behind. Why, because there are so many people and people's countries The population of Da Qin is ten times that of Da Qin.

"So let's set a small goal first, to increase the population of Daqin to more than 200 million."


"How much, two hundred million?

"Sir, are you right, two hundred million?"

Hearing the sound, Ying Zheng and the others were immediately stunned. Now there are only 20 million people in Daqin, and the number has increased to more than 200 million, a full tenfold increase. This is easier said than done.

Giving birth is not Piggy, how can it be so fast.

However, Chongzhen's eyes are bright. Daqin has only 20 million people now, and has such a strong fighting force. If this population increases to 200 million, it will easily be able to pull up an army of tens of millions of people. Who can resist the Qin army, this is going to go against the sky!

"First Emperor, what the teacher said makes sense!" Chongzhen said excitedly: "It is the last word that Da Qin has more children now.

"Not bad!" Ying Zheng nodded and looked at Ye Yu with a burning gaze: "Sir, I don't know how I should increase the population?"

"Don't worry." Ye Yu laughed: "It will take at least a few decades to double the population, so we have to take it step by step.

"First, you need to lower taxes first.

"Reducing taxes, to put it bluntly, let the people have enough to eat. This person is full of warmth and desires. In the evening, the people have nothing to do when they are full. It's not hard to raise children, and in addition to being rich, The common people are not afraid of having more children, and the population base will naturally go up.

Ye Yu's easy-to-understand explanation immediately made several big men ecstatic and burst into laughter.

In fact, although this method of increasing taxes is rough, it has been done in all dynasties.

The population of the Song Dynasty can be said to be a peak in the history of Tianxia, ​​why? Because the Song Dynasty is rich, and with money, the people are rich, and naturally they are crazy to create small children.

"The second point is to attach importance to medicine! 35

Ye Yu smiled and continued: "You should also be able to see how important the development of this medicine is in Lao Zhao's battle in northern Xinjiang. If nothing else, just the alcohol I gave you, Yunnan. What Baiyao added up should have saved the lives of many soldiers, right? 99

"That's right!" Ying Zheng bowed his hands to Ye Yu gratefully: "Fortunately, thanks to the elixir that Mr. Qin gave, the casualty rate of my Daqin soldiers has been reduced by 80%. I want to thank Mr. for those soldiers."

"You're welcome, it's just some ordinary wound medicine." Ye Yu waved his hand and said, "Your doctor Daqin's status is too low, and the medical conditions are also very poor. Most of the people are sick and can't be cured. They can only wait to die. , even the average life expectancy is less than forty years old, which is very unfavorable for population growth! 99

"Therefore, you must improve the status of doctors. It is best to establish hospitals in all counties and villages across the country, and establish specialized institutions to train doctors. With more doctors, people can be cured when they are sick, and their life expectancy will be extended. The population base will naturally go up. Luo

"You can even classify doctors into different categories, and train those who treat trauma, internal injuries, and even gynecologists who are specially responsible for midwifery. As long as the number of doctors is sufficient, the number of people will not increase!

"It's not bad, sir, what you said makes sense!" Ying Zheng was very excited when he heard this, and Fu Su recorded nervously on the side.

Ying Zheng has been trying since the last time Ye Yu said to change the system of the Great Qin state and let professional people do professional things.

Now, Daqin has basically achieved internal Confucianism and external law, and the people of the farm family are also helping him to farm the fields honestly, and then the status of this doctor is also mentioned. The basic structure of Daqin is completed.

"Well, I'll get you a few medical books later, and you can let the doctors study it when you go back." Ye Yu ordered, and then said, "The third point is to marry later and have children later. Remember, this is Very important point!

"Late marriage and childbirth?" Ying Zheng and the others looked at each other, and some did not understand what Ye Yu meant.

Fusu said suspiciously: "Sir, why can the population increase due to late marriage and late childbearing? Isn't this a bit of a conflict, and childbearing should be encouraged."


Ye Yu said angrily: "Da Qin's women can marry at the age of twelve or thirteen, have children at the age of fourteen or five, and their bodies have not yet fully grown. Two corpses, how could this increase the population.

"Marriage at a later age means that women should marry later, and let their bodies grow before giving birth. It's like pulling the seedlings to help them grow. Is the grain still edible?"

"Once a woman's reproductive age is raised to 18 or 20 or more, the chance of a baby dying will plummet. Coupled with a reasonable medical system, nine out of ten babies can survive. This population is not large. Are you going up?

Ye Yu's words caused everyone present to fall into contemplation.

Although it has not been tested and verified, the basic knowledge is still there, they can understand, Ye Yu is indeed right.

If the marriage is delayed for three to five years, the mortality rate can be greatly reduced, which is definitely a good deal.

"Sir, what you said really makes sense." Li Yuanyin couldn't help but said: "I have seen it in my early years, and many women give birth.

Chongzhen nodded and said with emotion: "I will announce the emperor's order when I go back this time, and it is strictly forbidden to give birth to 0.6 early. 55

"Not bad!" Ying Zheng nodded again and again: "If the unborn fetus can be saved, why don't I worry that the population of Daqin will not increase! I will also order the prefectures and counties to strictly prohibit early marriage and early childbearing. 35

"Well, just remember it well. Population is the embodiment of a country's national strength, and it must not be neglected." Ye Yu urged: "The next day is the increase in grain production. When the population increases, I guess I will give it to you. The rice is not enough. I will give you some potatoes and sorghum seeds later. The yield of this thing is higher than that of rice. After you go back, you can promote the planting and let the whole Daqin from now on. No more food shortages."

"When the production of these crops increases on a large scale, some of them can be used to trade with Lao Zhu, and some of them can be used to encourage people to raise pigs, cattle, sheep and other animals to increase their meat and enhance their physical fitness. 39

"Increased population can open up more land to grow more food, and more food can feed more population. If this virtuous cycle continues, within a hundred years, Daqin will undergo earth-shaking changes!

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