I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 105: Chongzhen's Great Crisis

"Sir, that's right!" Wang Ben, a foodie, said again and again: "I'm used to being poor and suffering, and everyone dreams of living a full and warm life. If you can eat meat again and again, this is simply a It's a good day when the gods don't change! 99

"It's not difficult!" Ying Zheng said excitedly: "I have already sent people to plant immortal seedlings, and when this batch of immortal seedlings grows, they will be able to spread to various state capitals, plus the immortal seedlings you just mentioned, Mr. , let me, Daqin, have a full meal, and there is no problem at all!""

"Yeah." Ye Yu nodded with satisfaction and said, "The third point is the development of the North-South University!

"First of all, the north is rich in grasslands. The Hetao Plain can completely reclaim tens of millions of mu of fertile land and feed countless people. Moreover, this grassland can also be used for large-scale grazing of cattle and sheep. It can not only provide countless meat for Daqin every year, but also a huge amount of wool. , These are all good things, if made into wool sweaters, it can completely protect hundreds of millions of people from freezing in winter, which is of great value."

"And the south is very rich in mineral resources, there are a lot of coal, oil, gold, jade, and natural gas and other good things, although some of them are not used or even developed, but you can develop this point 26 For Da Qin, it is a great treasure!"

"For example, with coal, Daqin can extract countless steel materials from coal, and make a fire for heating. It can be said to be black gold. This must be taken seriously..."

Ye Yu talked eloquently, saying that the three Ying Zheng and the three had bright eyes.

Although they don't understand what coal and natural gas are, but looking at Chongzhen's drooling appearance, the three of them know that this is definitely a treasure that cannot be exchanged for a thousand dollars.

The three of Ying Zheng were secretly excited. Fortunately, they did not attack Baiyue after listening to the words of their husband.

Sure enough, you can only eat meat if you follow Mr.'s guidelines.

"Congratulations to the First Emperor, with such a treasured land, it is difficult for Da Qin to be strong or not." Chongzhen bowed his hands to Ying Zheng in a sour.

He still has an unstable grasp of Daming, and he has no chance to develop a large-scale development due to internal and external troubles. He can only watch Ying Zheng lead Daqin to develop step by step.

"Hahahaha, Brother Chongzhen, don't be envious, you can use firearms to exchange for these treasures in the widowhood country!" Ying Zheng laughed happily: "Thank you for your guidance, if it wasn't for the widowhood, the widowers would still be sitting on the treasure land. I don't know."

"Sir, how should this sweater be made, and how should it be excavated?"

Fusu's eyes flashed with curiosity. Ever since Da Qin planted immortal seedlings and made paper, he has been completely fascinated by the joy of farming.

Now that I hear that Ye Yu has something good here, I can't help it.

Ye Yu doesn't talk nonsense, Lao Zhao found a jade tower for him, it can be said that he gave him a huge treasure, he can't be stingy anymore.

He immediately took out a package and gave it to Ying Zheng.

"This is the step of scouring wool and weaving sweaters. This thing is not difficult to make, and it can be mass-produced with a few ingenious female workers."

"This is the firearm manufacturing blueprint you want. Although you can't make a flintlock gun, you can still make a wooden handle grenade, which is perfect for building roads. 35

"This is a medical book and seeds of potato and sorghum..."

"This is the spring of nature. You don't think it's only a drop, but it can greatly change a piece of land and turn it into a small spiritual field. I don't have much of this stuff, you must keep it well!"

"And this, this is a globe, you and Lao Zhu are one, and it records the forces of Daqin and Daming, that is, your respective enemies."

Ye Yu's big gift package made everyone stunned.

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen each held a globe, and Fu Su held the spring of nature in their hands, swaying excitedly.

"This world can be condensed into a small ball, oh... My Daqin is only this big?"

"First Emperor, my Daming is not much older than your Qin."

"Okay, it turns out that there are so many countries next to my Daqin. In my lifetime, the widows must fight one by one, so that the whole earth will be planted with the dragon flag of my Daqin!

"The first emperor is right, I want to let the people of Tianxia spread to every corner of the world!

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen held the globe, and they liked it the more they looked at it.

Both of them are ambitious.

Especially Ying Zheng, after he ruled the world, if it wasn't for his deteriorating physical condition and his ignorance of the situation outside the Great Wall, he would have sent his troops to attack him long ago.

Now that he has eaten Ye Yu's medicinal pill, his body is as strong as an ox, and with the guidance of this globe, it is only a matter of time before he will plant the Great Qin Dragon Flag all over the earth.

"Thank you sir for the gift, I, I am very grateful!""

"Hahaha, don't say anything, Mr. Lai, the widow will give you a toast!

Ying Zheng's face was flushed with excitement, and his heart was full of gratitude.

He never thought that his husband had prepared so many gifts for him that he had only been here for a month, and all of them were helpful to the development of Daqin.

With these treasures, Daqin will take off from now on!

What he didn't know was that Ye Yu didn't actually prepare so many treasures for him at the beginning, and only acted like this after knowing the records in the jade tablet.

He wants to change the steps of picking up the wool bit by bit before, he wants to let Da Qin and Daming develop at the fastest speed, and find treasures such as jade cards for him all over the world.

He has a hunch that the water in this world is much deeper than he imagined!

Although Chongzhen hugged the globe happily, he couldn't help but envied: "First Emperor, with Mr.'s guidance, Daqin is going to take off completely this time, maybe it won't be long before I can't use Daming's firearms!

"Hahaha, brother Chongzhen, don't worry, as long as you have sufficient supply of firearms, my Daqin's 580 grains will not be cut off!" Ying Zheng clearly understood Chongzhen's worries, and opened his mouth to comfort him.

Chongzhen nodded gratefully, then looked at Ye Yu and said expectantly, "Mr. has such a plan for Daqin, I wonder if Daming can give me some advice?"

"It must be!" Ye Yu smiled, and then suddenly said with a straight face: "But before that, you'd better prepare for war!"

"Go to war?" Chongzhen was a little stunned: "Who to go to war with?"

"Of course it's Jiannu!" Ye Yu said solemnly: "You made such a big noise, wouldn't you think Jiannu would honestly enter the border after two years?

"You have seized the houses of the eight imperial merchants. Jiannu has no food and cotton supply, so he can only enter the Central Plains to loot. The war is about to start, Jiannu will enter the customs soon, Lao Zhu, the days of peace will not be long. long!"


Chongzhen and Li Yuanyin sucked in a breath of cold air, and their faces instantly became solemn.

Jiannu is about to enter customs?

This news was like a bolt from the blue, awakening Chongzhen from his sweet dream, who had just raided his family and exterminated his family.

In the past few years, the Ming Dynasty has been turbulent, various natural and man-made disasters have continued, and he has to endure the long-term looting of Jiannu. Now he has finally set things right under the guidance of Ye Yu and saved a little of the situation.

But before he develops, this Jiannu is ready to enter the customs?

This thief, God, didn't he even give Daming a chance to breathe?

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