I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 106: Today's Changying is in hand

"Sir, are you sure?" Li Yuanyin couldn't help but said, "Is this Jiannu really going to enter the customs?"

"Nine times out of ten." Ye Yu said solemnly: "The fact is that the people involved in the eight imperial merchants are too broad, you are the chief soldiers of tomorrow, and half of them are friends with the eight imperial merchants, as well as above the court, I don't know. How many officials have accepted the favor of the eight imperial merchants, you have eradicated the eight imperial merchants, and now the Ming Dynasty does not know how many people are in danger, the possibility of privately releasing the slaves into the customs is very high!""

Having said this, Ye Yu suddenly sighed.

Originally, according to his plan, these eight imperial merchants were not in a hurry to move, and it would not be too late to wait for the boy Chongzhen to bury his head and develop for a while, and then it would not be too late to take action against Jiannu after he had sufficient strength in his hands.

But I didn't expect that the Eight Great Imperial Merchants would be so daring, even the victims of disaster relief dared to move, which completely touched Chongzhen's bottom line.

Their family was ransacked and their families were wiped out, but the mess they left behind was very serious.

Seeing the pale faces of Chongzhen and Chongzhen, Ye Yu sighed and said, "Old Zhu, don't think I'm joking, this faction in Liaodong takes four million taels of military spending from the imperial court every year. In resisting Jiannu, do you think they don't know about the secret transactions between the eight imperial merchants and Jiannu?

"Let me tell you, people not only know about it, but also know it clearly, and even participate in it, just this dog thief Wu Sangui is secretly supporting it!"

"When these bastards who sell for glory find out that you have wiped out the eight imperial merchants with a quick knife, will they panic? At this time, according to the habit of Ming military generals to support pirates, do they dare to let you in? Looking for trouble?"

"There is also the Chinese martial arts in this dynasty, you watch, when you go back this time, you will definitely be scolded by the Chinese martial arts of the dynasty, saying that you are cruel and unkind, and framed Zhongliang. These bastards who betray their glory are for their own little lives. Anything can be done! 99

Ye Yu's analysis made Chongzhen's back feel cold and sweating.

When he killed the eight imperial merchants before, he was dizzy and didn't think much about it, so he killed him.

I didn't expect that this impulsive act of my own would bring about such a big disaster. This is simply poking a hornet's nest.

"Sir is right, now there are rumors in the DPRK that I am not benevolent to the king, but I didn't expect that even this Liaodong faction would be such a bastard!" Chongzhen gritted his teeth and said coldly: "If it wasn't for the reminder from Mr. I didn't even know it when Jiannu entered the customs. I always thought that the people of the Liaodong faction were loyal and loyal. I was really blind.

"Loyal?" Ye Yu sneered, "You know that Wu Sangui rushed to the crown to lead the Qing army into the customs for Hongyan, and then Zu Dashou became the general soldier of the Jiannu Han army and the Yellow Banner, and Hong Chengtao made suggestions for Jiannu. Xia has caused boundless murders on the land, and you still think they are loyal?"

"Old Zhu, people's allegiance is not you, it's silver, it's their own life! As long as they can enjoy the glory and wealth, who cares who the ruler of this world is!"

With a cold face, Ye Yu picked up the details of these traitors in the late Ming Dynasty. Chongzhen heard that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

Especially this Hong Chengtao, not only failed his trust, but also turned to Jiannu to make plans and bring disaster to the people.

"Shit! 35

"These goddamn bastards must be killed! 35

"Surely should be killed!" Ye Yu's eyes were cold, but he didn't have the slightest affection for these traitors who were betraying the country.

If it wasn't for these damn bastards who released Jiannu to enter the customs and instructed Jiannu to attack Daming, maybe Daming could last a few more years, and the history of later generations would inevitably change earth-shakingly, and the people of Tianxia in later generations would not have to bear that. hellish suffering.

No matter how these bastards whitewash Taiping and whitewash themselves in history, they can't hide the essence of their sellers seeking glory.

Especially this Wu Sangui, who on the surface said that he was only angry at the crown, and privately released a slave to enter the customs for the sake of a woman.

Could it be that he wouldn't surrender to Jiansla without Chen Yuanyuan? It's ridiculous!

"Old Zhu, the days of peace will not be long!"

Ye Yu sneered and said: "Anyway, it is inevitable for the slaves to enter the customs. If so, then cut the mess with a quick knife. After returning this time, as long as it is against you, I will scold you for framing Zhongliang, and not a single person on the platform of the Eight Imperial Business Battles. Let it go, kill them all, otherwise these people will be an obstacle for you to fight against Jiannu in the future.39

"You need to prepare well. After the Liaodong faction privately releases Jiannu and enters the customs, it will be your first fierce battle.

Ye Yu glanced at Chongzhen and said faintly: "The crooked-neck tree in Meishan is still waiting for you, don't hesitate, just go for it.

Chongzhen's face instantly turned pale, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

Hanging Meishan to death has become his nightmare, and when he thinks of the scene where he can't save Ming's national fortune with all his life, and the people all over the world are slaughtered, his heart goes cold.

This thief, why did he arrange such natural and man-made disasters for him, this is too unfair!

Chongzhen's eyes were about to split, and Li Yuanyin's face was also distorted.

He thought for a long time and said: "Sir, since we are so sure that the people from Liaodong will privately release the slaves into the customs, why not take this opportunity to eradicate the people of the Liaodong faction first, and then send a large army to defend Shanhaiguan. Give me a chance to breathe.

"Because the time is too late..." Ye Yu said faintly: "It will only take a few days for Jiannu to enter the border. If you send a large army to destroy the Liaodong faction and rectify the army, the long journey will take at least ten months, and it will be too late!

"Furthermore, if you really want to do this, if the army of chariots and horses is exhausted and encounters the army of Jiannu and the Liaodong faction in Liaodong, and is slaughtered by the enemy on both sides, you will lose the last trace of vitality in Daming, and you will be close to destroying the country. Not far!"

"So, now you have only one way, to be positive! 35

"Only if you win Jiannu in an upright manner, will you have a chance to breathe! 35

Li Yuanyin was sweating profusely when he heard this, and his heart was extremely solemn.

Jiannu's iron cavalry is no joke, these fishing and hunting peoples are extremely powerful, they are really unsure!

As the saying goes, the Qing army is dissatisfied with ten thousand, and full of ten thousand is invincible.

Once Jiannu enters the customs, two or three hundred thousand troops must enter the customs together. If Liaodong opens the door to let people in, it is scary to think about it!

At that time, the northern border will inevitably fall into the flames of war, and countless people will be slaughtered.

Moreover, if the Liaodong army could not be relied upon, Chongzhen would only have tens of thousands of new troops and a hundred thousand of the old Beijing battalion with less than five combat strengths. How could they be able to resist.

"" "Sir, I... I guess I can't resist it!" Chongzhen said bitterly.

""If you can stop it, you have to stop it, but if you can't stop it, you have to stop it! Ye Yu said coldly: "Think about the beasts of Jiannu, think about the dozens of cities that were slaughtered, and think about keeping your head but not your hair. , The hell order to keep your hair and not your head, that's not what you want me to never want to die tragically, and want thousands of people to live under the rule of Jiannu from now on, live a precarious and humiliated life, right?

"So, in this battle, you not only need to win, but also win beautifully. It is best to kill all the Jiannu and Eight Banners at once, and by the way, also clean up the Liaodong faction that is betraying the country for glory!"

Chongzhen's faces twisted.

Even Ying Zheng was so angry that he heard the cruel order 'Leave the hair but not the head', hating (Li Qian's) not being able to send a million army to slaughter all those beasts with human faces and beasts!39

"Zhen, of course I don't want to! Chongzhen gritted his teeth, the blue veins on the back of his hands burst out, but he said helplessly: "But I only have tens of thousands of soldiers who can fight, Jiannu has hundreds of thousands of soldiers, even if every Famous soldiers are throwing their heads and blood, and we may not be able to resist it!

"Fei Ye, Lao Zhu, you are too unconfident, in fact, you still have a great chance of winning!"

Ye Yu patted him on the shoulder and comforted: "People in the world think that the soldiers and horses under your command are still the old Beijing camp, but they don't know that the guns in your hands have been replaced by smashing them. There are mortars and flintlock guns in the distance. With a wooden handle grenade, do you think you still have no chance of winning?"

Ye Yu's words instantly made Chongzhen's eyes light up.

He was frightened by the news of Jiannu's entry, and he forgot that he had such a magical weapon in his hand.

Today, I know that I am not me, and the current he is no longer the previous him!

The Jingying under his command is no longer the Jingying of the past. With such a powerful and terrifying weapon, he has the strength to give it a shot! Qin.

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