I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 107: Ying Zheng: I want to build a temple for Mr.

Ye Yu pointed at Jiang Shan and said: "The most important thing for you now is to quickly rectify the army, reserve more grenades, and be ready to fight at any time!"

"Once Jiannu enters the border, you immediately order Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu to send troops to Beizhili to assist in the battle, then send the capital to fight Jiannu, and teach them a lesson with mortars. Wait until Jiannu is beaten by this round of attacks. Now, you can send the new army and the Shenji battalion to fight and eat some of their troops."5

"At this time, Jiannu must be furious, you are concentrating artillery fire, bombing in all directions, and fighting them head-on, so that you can completely crippled them!

Ye Yu analyzed the crises that Chongzhen was about to face this time one by one, and gave a way to deal with them. Chongzhen's heart immediately calmed down when he heard the sound.

Chongzhen scratched his head and said, "Sir, why did you choose Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu? The other generals who are loyal to me also have the strength to fight!"

"Are you stupid?" Ye Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Allegiance to you does not mean that they will fight. Zuo Liangyu and Lu Xiangsheng are two of the five great generals I told you about in the late Ming Dynasty!"

"Lu Xiangsheng's Tianxiong army is first-class and powerful, and Zuo Liangyu is not an ordinary role. This time, they were transferred to the king of Jingqin, and since 580-use their power to suppress Jiannu, and secondly, you are the one who subdued them. a chance!

"After this war, the new army under your command showed their muscles, so wouldn't it be a natural thing for you to subdue them! Especially this Zuo Liangyu, this guy is rebellious by nature, you have to beat him well and show him Show your muscles, this kind of person has always believed in the strong, and when he sees your strength, he will not obey you

Ye Yu's words instantly made Chongzhen and Li Yuanyin's eyes light up.

"Wonderful, sir, it's just killing two birds with one stone! 35

"Yes, yes, not only has it increased the strength of the troops against Jiannu, but also can take the opportunity to subdue two generals, in the future, Chongzhen's younger brother must have two more heroic troops!

"Sir is worthy of being a gentleman, as expected, there are no omissions.

Chongzhen and several people applauded, obviously admiring Ye Yu's plan.

According to his arrangement, Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu will definitely become the backbone of his men in the future. Not only will they not fall after this battle, but they will also reap a lot of profits.

Looking at it this way, this battle is not only to be fought, but also to be played with momentum and style.

"So, it's not that I don't make a national policy for you Da Ming, but your current situation is not suitable for me to formulate a national policy!"

Ye Yu said with a smile: "The most important thing for you now is to prepare for the battle. If this battle is won, it's not too late for me to formulate a strategy for your country's peace and stability. If you can't win, even if I make it for you How amazing the national policy is, it's just a useless effort!

He patted Chongzhen on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Old Zhu, after this test, you can continue to expand your army, continue to deepen your right to speak, and finally clean up those shortcomings in your Ming Dynasty, understand?

Ye Yu explained patiently, and Chongzhen nodded his head with a moved face.

"Thank you for your guidance, I understand. Chongzhen said solemnly: "In this battle, I will definitely do my best to beat Jiannu back to their hometown!

"it is good!

"Hahaha, brother Chongzhen, I am waiting for your triumph!"

"It's a pity, we can't participate in the war, and we can't visit, or we have to see the power of your new mortar!

The two militants, Ying Zheng and Chongzhen, were full of regret.

Ye Yu also nodded secretly when he heard that.

If this battle can completely destroy the Jiannu, then the Qing Dynasty may not appear in the future, and the positive value obtained in this way will definitely be more than what Lao Zhao obtained by destroying the Xiongnu.

It's a pity that he didn't have the chance to see such a grand scene. It's really a pity.

"Ding, warm reminder!""

The mechanical voice of the system suddenly (cgag) sounded in Ye Yu's mind: "The host can turn on the observation mode of the gate of crossing the world, and can observe the major events of the dynasty where the holder of the gate of crossing the world is at any time, whether it costs 1000 positive value to open it. ?

"Hey, good guy, there is also this function, turn it on!

Ye Yu was instantly delighted when he heard this. With the increase in his bias value, the system seemed to become more intelligent, and it was no longer like the brain-dead system that didn't answer any questions.

Not bad, the system has grown up now and has finally learned to help the host solve problems.

After a system beep sounded, his correction value was deducted, and both his and Ying Zheng's watches flickered, and new functions were activated at the same time.

Ye Yu said to the two of them: "Old Zhu, you only need to say to your watch to turn on the observation mode during the battle, and everyone will be able to see the scene of your battle through the gate of crossing the world! 35

"How else, sir, are you joking?

"Fart, sir, what kind of tricks are you?"

"Yes, brother Chongzhen, just don't forget when you arrive, the widow will see with your own eyes how those beasts with human faces and hearts were beaten to death by you!

The three of Ying Zheng reminded them again and again.

Although the firearms exchanged from Chongzhen had already been used, it was just a small fight.

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben, the two war madmen, were still very curious about the real firearm warfare, especially the mortar, everyone wanted to see how powerful it was.

If you can witness it with your own eyes, it will definitely bring them great inspiration, and even help them frame the framework of the future Daqin firearms war. It is definitely a great opportunity not to be missed!

"Hahaha, the First Emperor rest assured, I will never forget it! Chongzhen said with a smile: "I will let you all witness with your own eyes how my Daming beat Jiannu to death!

With Ye Yu's guidance, Chongzhen no longer panicked.

With so many advanced firearms in hand, and Ye Yu's advice, it's hard for him to win!

Now, not only is he not afraid of Jiannu's entry, he is even a little impatient to wait for them to come!

Daqin has so many treasures presented by the immortal master, and he will take off soon, and he does not want to be left behind.

As long as the enemy Jiannu is eliminated, he will be able to deal with the stubborn diseases in the country, and then through the hands of Ye Yu, Daming will also take off!

Chongzhen looked at Ye Yu gratefully, and suddenly said: "After the victory of this war, I must build a temple for the Immortal Master!"

"That's right! 35 Ying Zheng also said immediately: "Brother Chongzhen and the widow thought of going together, the gentleman has given me a mountain of great grace, and the widow has never known how to repay it. Why don't I build temples in various prefectures and counties of Daqin and let the immortal master enjoy it? All people's blood and food are sacrificed, and all the people pray, only then can they repay the grace of the immortal master. 39

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