At the same time as Ye Yu retreated and cultivated, in the world of Ming Dynasty, the sky was already bright.

The atmosphere of the Ming Dynasty was very strange.

The major event of the eight imperial merchants being raided and annihilated made everyone in the court at risk, and an aura of imminent storm shrouded everyone's heart.

The civil and military officials stood nervously on the Golden Palace, almost no one dared to look directly at Chongzhen, and some people who were involved in the eight imperial merchants were fighting with each other, and their hearts were extremely frightened.

Chongzhen looked at the civil and military officials, and Ye Yu told him that after eliminating the eight royal families, some people would definitely not be able to help but criticize him, and now it seems so.

It's only been three days, and some people can't help it.

Chongzhen sneered and said: "Zhu Qing, I recently sent people to investigate the case of the robbery of the disaster food. I didn't expect that the eight emperors and other traitors would be implicated. This time has been very fruitful, what do you think?"

Hearing the sound, many ministers' expressions changed immediately, and then they gritted their teeth and said: "Your Majesty, there have been frequent disasters in the northern provinces of the "May 80". It is also helpless and what does it have to do with the eight imperial merchants!

"That's right, each of these eight imperial merchants has been loyal and sincere, and has donated countless grains to me, Daming. Why did your Majesty sack the family and destroy the family without a word? It's not the act of Mingjun!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, let's release the relevant personnel of the eight imperial merchants. Otherwise, you will be listed as a tyrant in the history books. What should you do? This is not good for your reputation, Your Majesty!"

Many officials spoke up.

On the one hand, it is to speak for the eight imperial merchants, and on the other hand, it is to put pressure on Chongzhen to let him go.

"Hehe, the Immortal Master does not deceive me, and you really have such a face." A cold light flashed in Chongzhen's eyes, and he had the nerve to threaten him with a history book?

If he had made such drastic reforms, it would have been recorded in the history books that he would have hanged Meishan, and there would be no good words.

For the sake of his own life and for the sake of hundreds of millions of people in the world, now he Chongzhen has long been unconcerned about what will be recorded in the history books, and saving Daming is his only thought.

It's a pity that these traitors still don't understand, history books are written by victors, and their threats are useless to Chongzhen.

Chongzhen smiled coldly: "The loyal and good people, okay, I will let you see what the loyal and good people are like in your mouth!""

"Cao Huachun, talk about it!

"Yes!" Cao Huachun quickly cupped his hands and said: "Reporting to the sage, the East Factory was ordered to investigate the case of the robbery of the disaster food, and it has been found out! 99

"At present, I know from several key witnesses that the master of all this is the Jinzhou Fan family. They bought the Caoyun Yamen and created this fake robbery together!"

"That's because the grain was looted by the exiled victims, but in fact, it had already been secretly transported to the Fan's granary.""

"Sacred Lord, a false accusation, this is Chi Guoguo's false accusation!""

"That's right, the Eight Imperial Merchants are my business leaders in Daming, and they have always been loyal to the monarch and patriotism. How could they have done such a treacherous thing."

"There must be a traitor who is obstructing it, please investigate thoroughly!"9

"The East Factory has always been filthy, and I suspect that this is a big play directed and performed by the East Factory. Please investigate the matter thoroughly."

After listening to Cao Huachun's report, the ministers were so frightened that they were dripping with cold sweat, and they hurriedly stood up to stop them. More than half of the people in the entire court knelt down, trying to put pressure on Chongzhen.

Looking at this large piece of black kneeling down, Chongzhen's teeth itch with anger.

"Hmph, now that Jiannu is now, you still dare to mislead the country, and even dare to quibble when you are about to die!" Chongzhen laughed in anger, and said sharply: "Li Yuanyin, let's talk!"

"Yes!" Li Yuanyin said hurriedly: "Reporting to Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei has seized a lot of evidence in the investigation of the Jingshi grain storage case, and these eight imperial merchants are indeed the masterminds of the disaster grain robbery case.

"When the minister was ordered to raid his home, 10.52 million taels of silver were found in the grain merchants in the capital, and they also hoarded 2.1 million shi of grain in the granary on the outskirts of the city.

"At the same time, 120 million taels of silver, countless jewels, calligraphy and paintings were found in the eight imperial merchants, and in their secret rooms, a large number of secret letters in the ledger were also found, which proves that the eight imperial merchants have traded with Jiannu all year round, and among them are Many DPRK and Chinese officials are involved."5

Every time Li Yuanyin said a word, the bodies of some officials in the DPRK and China trembled. When they finally mentioned the list of officials, those officials were so frightened that they all turned pale, and even more timid, they lay on the ground, almost not scared to death. .

"Hehe, let me show you the list of ministers who are 'loyal and patriotic' and dare to trade with Jiannu!" Chongzhen's cold and sharp eyes swept across the faces of these officials, and he smiled coldly.

Immediately, a large number of officials were so frightened that they fell out of their bodies and fell to their knees tremblingly: "Your Highness, forgive your sins."

Many people were sweating profusely. It wasn't long since the last time the court was cleaned, and the bodies of Wei Zaode and the others were still rotten. Thinking of the tragic state of Wei Zaode and others, everyone could not help but feel chills on their backs.

Those innocent officials were also taken aback. I didn't expect that there would be such officials who all cooperated with the enemy and betrayed the country. Some of these people were even their close friends. .

"Your Majesty!" Fearing that Chongzhen would slaughter all these officials in a fit of anger, Fan Jingwen hurriedly stood up and said, "Please calm down your anger, this case involves a lot, so please think about it for a long time.

"Ha ha."

Chongzhen smiled coldly, he naturally understood what Fan Jingwen meant.

In this court alone, half of the people are involved with the eight imperial merchants, not to mention the entire world, and even those general soldiers who hold military power. Those generals also have to be able to afford to rebel.

At that time, the world will be in turmoil, the country will not be a country, and there will be slaves staring outside, and Daming will be over.

If it was in the past, maybe Chongzhen would keep this matter from happening, for fear of chaos in the world.

But now, Jiannu is about to enter the border, and there are these damn bastards as stumbling blocks, Chongzhen wants them to jump out.

After killing these bastards who are betraying the country and seeking glory, and then fully resisting Jiannu, this is Daming's way of survival.

"There's no need to investigate, the evidence is so solid, what else is there to investigate!" Chongzhen grabbed the list and slammed it on the ground, shouting coldly, "Cao Huachun, Li Yuanyin, arrest people according to this list!"

"Anyone who cooperates with the enemy and betrays the country and has a connection with Jiannu, the Yi Jiu clan!"

"Anyone who accepts bribes of more than 100,000 taels will be divided into five horses!"5

"Any official or businessman who colludes with the common people will be executed!

Chongzhen's murderous order of 0.6 Teng immediately shocked the civil and military officials to the extreme.

Those innocent officials shook their heads and sighed when they saw that their former friends had ended up like this.

The corrupt officials who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country were even more frightened, and they struggled frantically.

"Your Highness, the old minister knows that he is wrong, please forgive me, Your Highness."

"Killing so many people, the country is not a country, the sage should give the old minister a chance to redeem his sins,

"Tyrant, Chongzhen, you tyrant!"

No matter how they struggled and roared, the well-prepared Dongchang Jinyiwei was like an emotionless killing machine, and started arresting people directly according to the list, and the officials were dragged out one by one.

There was another wave of blood in the capital.

A large number of officials were raided and their families were exterminated, and tens of thousands of people were implicated.

The executioners in Caishikou changed batches after batches, and they were unable to finish killing people even with their knives slashed with rolling blades.

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