I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 110: Open warehouse and put grain

Ming dynasty.

From the ministers of the cabinet to the common people of Lebanon, everyone was in a panic.

No one thought that Chongzhen's methods would be so cruel and ruthless. When he made a move, he would raid his family and exterminate his family.

Inside and outside the capital, all the people were trembling and hiding in their homes, trembling.

The blood mist filled the sky, and the blood was drifting on the scull. The entire capital seemed to be covered with a blood-colored shadow, dyeing the capital of Nuoda blood red.

Daming, it seems to be in chaos again.

"The food is ready! 39

"Royal grain is in full swing!

The capital yamen shuttled through the streets and alleys of the capital, shouting loudly.

"Put... put food?"

Some refugees hiding in the corner suddenly opened their eyes, and the people in the capital also pushed open their doors.

"Sir, have you really put food in?"

A group of people rushed out of the house, surrounded the yamen, and opened their mouths in disbelief.

"That's right!" The yamen shouted affirmatively, "Folks, the imperial grain store has opened its warehouses, and everyone in the Ming Dynasty can receive grain for free. Don't miss it, go to the imperial grain store to get the grain! "

"Hey...really put food?"

"Quick, go to the imperial grain shop!"

At the same time, the entrance of the imperial grain shop was crowded with people.

Refugees in ragged clothes, yellow-faced, skinny, scrawny people in the capital, and even some small landlords with hats and white clothes, all patriotic courtiers, are also his current confidants.

Looking at Fan Jingwen with a worried face, Chongzhen smiled leisurely: "Why, Fan Qing, are you still dissatisfied with my killing?"

"Weichen dare not!" Fan Jingwen shook his head again and again, and then smiled bitterly: "It's just that, Your Majesty, this time so many people have been raided and wiped out, and most of the people in the court have been implicated, I'm afraid the court will be unstable!

"There are also the general soldiers in the world, if they resist desperately, I am afraid that my army will rise up and the people will be in trouble!

Several people in the royal study looked at each other in dismay after hearing the sound, and all expressed their approval of Fan Jingwen's words to a certain extent.

After all, Chongzhen's sword directly wiped out half of the ministers. If nothing else, the operation of the imperial court alone lacked half of the officials, so it had to be paralyzed.

Only Li Yuanyin looked calm, and only he knew the intention of Chongzhen.

Sure enough, I heard Chongzhen's faint voice sound: "Of course I understand what you mean, but Jiannu is about to enter the border and loot. If we don't eradicate these thieves who are selling for glory at this time, we will wait until we fight against Jiannu. At times, these people secretly sent information, stabbed us behind the scenes, and had to cause more serious consequences!


"Jian slaves enter the customs? How is this possible?"

"Your Majesty, this... I don't know where you got the news from?""

As soon as these words came out, everyone except Li Yuanyin took a breath of cold air, and Cao Huachun hurriedly asked with a look of shock on his face.

As the eyes and ears of the imperial court, how could Chongzhen know about the news that Dongchang did not get.

Chongzhen looked solemn and said solemnly: "How could the news from the immortal master be false! Li Yuanyin, tell all of you Aiqings!

"Yes!" Li Yuanyin bowed his hands in a salute, then faced Cao Huachun who were all shocked, and solemnly informed Ye Yu's analysis one by one.

After hearing this, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that the elimination of the eight imperial merchants would cause such serious consequences.

However, no one felt that Chongzhen made a wrong decision to eliminate the eight imperial merchants. This group of thieves and profiteers secretly funded the establishment of slaves. If they were not destroyed at this time, it would inevitably lead to more serious consequences.

Fan Jingwen bowed and said ashamedly: "Old minister is short-sighted, I have wrongly blamed Your Majesty, please punish Your Majesty.

The rest of the people also looked extremely solemn.

With the Immortal Master platform, no one has the slightest doubt about the news of Jiannu's entry into the customs, and everyone is secretly worried.

Everyone knows what the consequences of Jiannu's entry will be.

Every time these beasts with human faces and animal hearts enter the customs, they will cause extremely serious damage to Daming. Not only will countless northern cities be looted, but many people will be slaughtered, and even looted outside the customs as slaves. This is definitely a game. An unprecedented catastrophe!

Thinking of the scene of Jiannu's hundreds of thousands of iron cavalry trampling the Tianxia earth, everyone seemed to have a shadow cast on their hearts.

Seeing this, Chongzhen chuckled lightly: "You don't have to worry, Aiqing, the Immortal Master has already planned, as long as you follow the Immortal Master's plan and build slaves, there is nothing to worry about!"

He turned his head to look at Cao Bianjiao and Huang Degong, and asked, "How are the training of the two Aiqings, the new army and the Shenji camp?"

"Report to the sage!" Cao Bianjiao hurriedly replied: "The new soldiers have been training day and night according to the special training method, and they never dared to slack off. With this battle to annihilate the eight imperial merchants, everyone's emotions are high, even if Facing Jiannu also has the strength to fight!'

"The same is true of the Shenji Camp. They are trained every day according to the special training method. The soldiers of the military are now banned and have new weapons in their hands. The combat power has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the past. If Jiannu dares to enter the customs, the last will lead Shenji Camp takes the lead and kills the enemy to serve the country!

"good very good!

Chongzhen was extremely satisfied.

The soldiers were brave and good at fighting, the treasury was full of food and grass, and the firearms in their hands were very easy to use. Three months ago, he would not have dared to imagine this scene, but now, it has all become the power in his hands.

Moreover, there is an Immortal Master behind him to help him. If he still can't eliminate Jiannu, he can really find a tree with a crooked neck and hang him.

With a smile on his face, Chongzhen ordered in a deep voice: "Huang Degong, Cao Bianjiao, you should still hurry up to train the army, cooperate with the Military Battle Bureau and the Artillery Bureau, and at the same time familiarize yourself with the use of firearms as soon as possible, and be ready to fight at any time!"

"Sun Dinghe, Bi Maokang, your War Department and Artillery Department speed up the production of firearms and artillery. The more the better, it's up to you whether you can repel Jiannu or not!"

"Li Yuanyin, Cao Huachun, you Dongchang and Jinyiwei immediately dispatched personnel to closely monitor Jiannu's every move, and if they have any moves to enter the customs, they will report back immediately!

"Wang Chengen, immediately promulgated the grand governor Lu Xiangsheng, and the general Zuo Liangyu, ordering them to immediately rectify their troops and enter King Qin in Jing, and prepare to fight against Jiannu!


"This minister will definitely rectify his troops and horses, and fight against Jiannu at any time!

Chongzhen's wave of orders immediately made everyone feel certain, so what if there were slaves?

"Oh yes!" Chongzhen seemed to suddenly remember something, and said to Wang Chengen, "You should send someone down immediately to collect mysterious objects from all over the Ming Dynasty. It is a strange animal bone, and I will collect it. Remember, take it with confidence, don't care about the money, we are rich now, as long as it is all the purchases that have their own strangeness! 35

"Ah!" Wang Chengen was stunned for a moment. If he was collecting intelligence or talents, he would still understand, but why would he buy these things, beast bone ore? How could these things help the establishment of slaves in the region?

"Don't worry about it!" Chongzhen waved his hand at will and said: "These 580 items are all things that the Immortal Master needs, you can go and collect them, if you can really find that strange thing, the Immortal Master will definitely reward!

Seeing that Ying Zheng took so many good things from Ye Yu, Chongzhen was jealous!

He turned around and thought about it before he realized that the reason why Ye Yu gave Ying Zheng so many treasures must have something to do with the mysterious jade que that Ying Zheng contributed.

If he can also find similar objects, then he will definitely be rewarded by Ye Yu, this Ming will go to heaven from now on!

Hearing the sound, Wang Chengen froze in his heart. He didn't dare to ask any further questions.

Huang Degong and the others looked at each other in dismay, and couldn't help scratching their heads and said: "Your Majesty, since you are so sure that the Jiannu family is about to enter the border, why did you immediately send a large army and the army of the Liaodong family to join forces to resist Jiannu?

"Haha. Chongzhen sneered when he heard the words: "Do you think that the Liaodong faction are all good things? The eight imperial merchants colluded with Jiannu, and they are also inseparable from the people of the Liaodong faction, they are unreliable!


Upon hearing this, Cao Bianjiao and others were a little dumbfounded, and stammered: "Your Majesty, do you mean that Lord Wu Sangui and Lord Zu Dashou are also traitors and traitors?"


Chongzhen sneered: "If you believe in these traitors who eat inside and out, I am in danger. Look at it, it won't take long for them to write to the court to ask for money and food, but if you want them to send troops to resist Jiannu, this is fundamentally impossible. Impossible!


Cao Bianjiao and the others suddenly took a deep breath. If this Liaodong faction really decided to rebel, the enemies that Daming would face in the future would not only be Jiannu, but also the hundreds of thousands of troops from the Liaodong faction. In this way, when It is extremely dangerous!

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