I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 111: Jiannu enters the border, and the war reignites

At the same time, Liaodong, Shanhaiguan and Ningyuan City.

As the first heroic city to resist Jiannu, the outside of the city was completely built into a majestic military fortress. On the city wall, you can see the firing ports of crossbow firearms everywhere. The red-clothed cannon made of gold, the dark and thick barrel reflects the fierce cold light in the sun.

Soldiers in iron clothes can be seen everywhere in the city, vigilantly patrolling around, five steps, one post and ten steps, one post, showing their elite.

If you are seen by outsiders, maybe you will really praise it, what a majestic city!

At this moment, there were bursts of angry roars from the Ningyuan City City Lord's Mansion.

"You bastard, bastard!"

"Chongzhen, how dare he, he dares to move the eight emperors, he can't find death!"

"Little Huangkou, the people related to the eight imperial merchants up and down the court were killed by him today, is he crazy?

Listening to the crackling sound from the study, the soldiers outside the door were all chilled, subconsciously standing upright, for fear of being scolded by the furious Wu Sangui.

The scolding continued for ten minutes, and finally quieted down.

In the study, Wu Sangui was seated in the first seat, panting heavily, his face twisted, and there was a trace of anger on his face, obviously not comfortable with scolding.

"Master Chief Soldier, Chongzhen's children acted so tyrannically and inappropriately, and everyone related to the eight imperial merchants was killed by him. Will he also discover the secret transactions of our eight imperial merchants..."

On the seat on the other side, Xia Guoxiang said worriedly.

It is said that Chongzhen really discovered the transaction of their eight imperial merchants, will he also send a large army to encircle and suppress it?

Although he believed that Chongzhen would not be so impulsive, but thinking of Chongzhen's crazy actions during this period of time, he still felt a chill.

"Hmph, what if he finds out, does he dare to send a large army to encircle and suppress us?"

Wu Sangui sneered and said disdainfully: "My Liaodong army is guarding Shanhaiguan, and Chongzhen took action against us. Could it be that he wants to establish slaves to enter the customs and ravage the Central Plains?"

After the anger, Wu Sangui quickly calmed down, and the situation in Daming clearly appeared in his mind.

Although he didn't know exactly why Chongzhen got the wrong strings recently, he still had the most basic judgment. As the chief soldier guarding Liaodong, he held hundreds of thousands of soldiers, even if Chongzhen was crazy, he would not Might take a shot at him.


The eight imperial merchants are their financial masters, and they were so ignorantly arranged by Chongzhen that he lost a lot of profits.

Wu Sangui raised his eyebrows and said, "What is the attitude of Chongzhen's children towards my Liaodong clan? I still need to test it out."

"Minister of the State, you immediately contact Zu Dashou and Hong Chengtao, and let them work together to put pressure on Chongzhen, and see what kind of wishful thinking is in the mind of this Chongzhen child!


Xia Guoxiang nodded in response, seeing Wu Sangui's dark eyes, and couldn't help but say: "Master Chief Soldier, if Chongzhen's child is determined to take action against us, then..."

"Then we will privately release the slaves into the customs!

Wu Sangui sneered and said: "Let Jiannu try what kind of trump card Chongzhen's child has in his hand, and let him act so crazy and reckless!

"If Jiannu wins, then we surrender Jiannu, if we lose both..."

A fiery look flashed in Wu Sangui's eyes, and he said slowly: "If both sides suffer, then we will take the opportunity to enter King Qin of Beijing and try the taste of being an emperor! 35

The atmosphere of the Liaodong faction was turbulent, and everyone was thinking about reaping benefits for themselves, but what they didn't know was that Chongzhen had already understood their ideas by heart, but they didn't have time to pay attention to them now.

For the Ming Dynasty, Jiannu is the biggest enemy at this stage, and when Jiannu is eliminated, Chongzhen will have time to clean up their rebels.


Chongzhen gave an order, and the new army and Shenji battalion immediately stepped up their training.

Training physical fitness during the day, and practicing the use of fire systems and mortars at night, every soldier knew the news that Jiannu was about to enter the customs.

The mountains and rivers were shattered, and every soldier was energized and put all his energy into training, trying to defend their homeland and defend the country.

The Soldiers Bureau and the Artillery Bureau worked all night to produce firearms. Everyone took a sigh of relief and prepared for the battle nervously.

Wu Sangui, Zu Dashou, Hong Chengtao, one after another, reported the news that Jiannu was about to enter the customs, asking for money and food, crying and crying, but never mentioned the issue of soldiers.

Chongzhen had long been prepared for the actions of these three bastards, and he directly chose to ignore their memorials.

Give money, how is this possible!

He can't wait for these bastards to commit suicide, how could they still give money.

Over the years, he spent millions of taels every year to keep these bastards, but in the end, when Jiannu entered the customs, they immediately turned to Jiannu like a dog, how could Chongzhen still pay to support them.

Now that they have two hearts, they will abandon all illusions and prepare to fight. Even if Chongzhen has hundreds of millions of silver in his hands, he will not give them the slightest.

Chongzhen's tough attitude, which was completely different from before, completely angered the Liaodong family.

Wu Sangui even wrote seven memorials a day to urge him, saying that if he had no money or food, he would never send troops to attack Jiannu.

This arrogant attitude made the people in the court and the opposition panic even more, and the atmosphere of the whole Ming Dynasty was extremely tense.

Everyone felt a rush of wind and rain, and even the people of Liaodong fled to the Central Plains overnight, for fear of falling into the hands of Jiannu.

In this regard, Chongzhen has only one attitude. If he wants money or not, he loves to send troops and not troops. Laozi is not uncommon!

He is very clear about the attitude of Wu Sangui and the others. They will not betray immediately, and they are all watching on the sidelines, waiting to see the court and Jiannu's decisive battle.

In the battle between the snipe and the clam, these fishermen can make money on both sides and get more benefits.

Chongzhen also played Tai Chi with Wu Sangui and others, using one-handed tricks.

Anyway, for him, being able to drag on a day is a day.

Every day, the soldiers of the new army and the Beijing camp are getting stronger, and every day, there are more long guns and short cannons released by the military and artillery bureaus.

With every extra day, Daming's odds of defeating Jiannu increased by one point.

The situation in Daming became more and more tense, and more and more people fled in Liaodong.

Finally, on the fifth day, the news of Jiannu's entry into the customs came again, and the court shook.

Huang Taiji led a young army of 200,000 people to bypass Jinzhou and Shanhaiguan, and rushed in from Dushikou, Xifengkou and other places.

The Jiannu soldiers were divided into three routes, and they attacked Tongzhou, Zhuozhou and Jingxi respectively, all the way to invincible Qin.

The fire of war quietly ignited on the land of Daming, and the national situation of Daming was in chaos in an instant.

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