"Brother Ye Yu, why is Brother Ye Yu lying on the ground?"

Early in the morning, Ye Yu stumbled upon hearing a burst of anxious shouts, he opened his eyes and looked, Ye Xiaoling's anxious face appeared in front of him.

"Hmm..." Ye Yu clutched his aching head and slowly got up from the ground, only then did he realize what happened yesterday.

After the Taixu Yu Ling flew into his mind yesterday, he was stunned unconsciously.

Seeing Ye Yu sitting in the same place dumbfounded, her expression constantly changing, Ye Xiaoling felt even more anxious, and hurriedly took his hand and said.

"Brother Yu, what's wrong with you? Have you been stimulated by something?"

"I'm fine, I sat for a while exercising last night, and I fell asleep when I was too tired. Don't worry. Ye Yu reacted and waved his hand to signal Ye Xiaoling not to worry.

"do excercise?

Ye Xiaoling was stunned for a moment, what kind of exercise can make you fall asleep when you are tired lying on the ground?

She looked at Ye Yu's pale face for a while, and when she thought "five and eighty", a guess came up, a strange look appeared on her face,

Ye Xiaoling said hesitantly: "Brother Ye Yu, you are still young, at night...it's better to be more restrained at night, and give up the ancestral craftsmanship. If you want to find a girlfriend, how about I introduce my best friend to you? ?"

"Ah?" Ye Yu was also taken aback by Ye Xiaoling's words, and it took a long time for him to react. He was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

He slapped Ye Xiaoling on the head and said angrily, "Control your ass, you brother, I'm in good health, no, I didn't do anything, why tell you all this.

"Go, go, make me some breakfast, my brother is starving to death!"

Ye Xiaoling stuck out her tongue, covered her head and ran out.

Ye Yu took a breath and sat on the sofa, his eyes gradually became solemn.

Last night, Taixu Yuling flew into his mind. I don't know if Ye Yu, who was always aura in his body, had a mysterious and mysterious meaning.

Jedi Tiantong!

This is the most important part of it!

Ye Yu now understands that no wonder he can't get started no matter how he cultivates. It's not that his aptitude is too poor, but that there is no spiritual energy in this world.

Even if the spiritual energy in his yard is actually not considered spiritual energy in a strict sense, it can only be regarded as the natural energy emanating from vegetation.

The real spiritual energy is a mysterious force generated by the combination of the mountains, rivers, plants, and the sun, moon, and stars, which is much more powerful than the 'aura' in his yard.

And the spiritual energy between this world has already been completely isolated by unknown means!

Ye Yu was stunned by such a means of traveling through the sky and the earth. He could even isolate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Could it be that there really existed cultivators in the ancient times, even immortals?

If so, how strong are they?

Where are they hiding now? Are they gone as the aura dissipates or hidden somewhere in the world?

After thinking about it, Ye Yu used his superb hacking skills to log in to the dark web and start searching.

If these former immortal practitioners still exist, they will definitely leave traces of clues, just like the Taixu Jade Token in his hand.

If he can find the slightest trace, he can discover the secrets hidden in this world!

Automatically skipping the deliberately falsified news on the Internet, Ye Yu's eyes stayed on a message.

Tianxia Xuanjing Auction House will auction a Xia Dynasty jade tower tomorrow, and you can enter and participate in the auction with an invitation letter.

At the same time, there is also a photo of Yuque.

Ye Yu's eyes stayed on the photo, a palm-sized, round jade tower, seemingly ordinary, but Ye Yu was very familiar with the mysterious symbols on the jade tower!

That is the symbol on the Taixu Jade Token!

In this world, there are still mysterious things like Taixu Yuling!

Ye Yu was shocked, and quickly checked the information of Xuanjing Auction House.

Xuanjing Auction House, as an auction house of the same level as Genting Auction House, is also faintly trying to overwhelm Genting Auction House.

Although this auction house only has branches in Yanjing, Chang'an, and Modu, it is extremely powerful.

Different from the more down-to-earth Genting Auction House, Xuanjing Auction House auctioned off some mysterious items.

Bronze wares from the Warring States Period, mysterious sacrificial wares from the Yin and Shang dynasties, and even mysterious skeletons, jade wares, books and so on whose origins are unclear.

Ye Yu looked up the list of previous auctions and took a breath.

Several of the items auctioned by the Xuanjing Auction House have mysterious runes on them, and other things don't seem to be simple!

The most important thing is that even with his hacking skills, he can't find some deeper information about Xuanjing Auction House, at most only a few managers on the surface.

"This auction house, even if it's not the mysterious cultivators behind them, is inseparable from them!

"Brother Ye Yu, it's time to eat!"

Ye Xiaoling let out a soft cry and called Ye Yu back from her contemplation.

Liu Cang followed Ye Xiaoling and walked in with a smile on his face. This senior is not shy, and he eats and drinks at Ye Yu's place all day long under the name of observing the beauty.

At the dinner table, Ye Yu was still thinking about the Xuanjing Auction House, looking at Liu Cang in front of him, his heart suddenly moved.

Liu Cang is a big boss in Tianxia's academic world, and he has a close relationship with Genting Auction House, so maybe he will know a little bit of the inside story of Xuanjing Auction House.

Ye Yu took a dough stick and asked unintentionally, "Professor Liu, do you know Xuanjing Auction House?"

"Xuanjing?" Liu Cang paused and looked at Ye Yu puzzled: "Why are you asking Xuanjing Auction House, this old man knows a little bit and can talk to you about it. 35

Ye Yu's heart moved, and he immediately smiled: "Don't I have some ancient jade calligraphy and paintings in my hand, I heard that Xuanjing Auction House prefers this kind of things, so I wanted to see if they could sell it.

"You boy, isn't it good to sell these things to Yusuo girl? You have to sell them to Xuanjing." Liu Cang scolded with a smile, then his face suddenly turned serious, and said with a serious expression: "Ye boy, it's not that this old man looks down on your things. , But in fact, even if you are willing to sell those things of yours, Xuan Jingjing will not necessarily accept them!

"Xuanjing Auction House is not interested in ancient jade calligraphy and painting. In fact, they only sell items with mysterious colors! Ordinary things, people don't look down on them at all!"

"Ah?" Ye Xiaoling was stunned when she heard it, and said puzzled: "Then how did they become one of the three major auction houses in Daxia?

'Not sure. Liu Cang shook his head, and a hint of doubt appeared on his face: "It's strange to say that every time this Xuanjing auction, there are a lot of people who go to it, and most of them are dignitaries and big old families. , Perhaps, this is related to the fairy in the legend. 39

"Pfft...cough cough, Professor Liu, you just said, Xian?" Ye Yu was taken aback by Liu Cang's words, and asked quickly.

"That's right!" Liu Cang smiled mysteriously: "This is a secret that Tianxia's senior management knows. Xuanjing Auction House has been working hard to find the traces of immortals. They firmly believe that immortals must exist in this world, and this auction 0.6 row is equally mysterious. Very, in the past hundred years since its establishment, they don't even know who the real leader of Xuanjing is.

"Whether it was a deliberately released smoke bomb or whether it was a real thing, we don't know. As for the specific things, it's not something that I, a bad old man who studies bones, can know. Perhaps, the people above should know some details. 99

Liu Cang stretched out his hand and pointed upward, with a mysterious look on his face.

Ye Yu was shocked, this Xuanjing Auction House really had a certain connection with the legendary fairy.

It is impossible for the groundless story to last for too long. This Xuanjing Auction House can flourish in Tianxia, ​​and even become the most powerful auction house in Tianxia. There must be something real.

This trip to Yanjing seems that he has to go, and he is bound to win the jade tower related to the Taixu Yuling.

There is also the inside story of this Xuanjing auction house, if there is a chance, he will also find out.

As for Ying Zheng and the others, they can only be left to dry.

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