I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 115: Ying Zheng's Guidance

In the afternoon, Ye Yu packed up and headed to the airport.

This time he brought the jade items left over from the last time at home.

Before Lao Zhao brought ten pairs of jade articles, he only sold five pairs last time, and there are still five pairs left, this time for emergency use.

After all, no one knew what the price of this mysterious jade tower was, and the money in his hand might not be enough.

When Lu Ming got on the plane, thick fog enveloped Sujia Village again.

The door of light opened again, and Ying Zheng and the others walked out.

"Sir, are you there, sir, I'm here to disturb you again.

It was still Pharaoh's loud voice calling the door, but he called for most of the day, but there was still no response from inside.

Wang Ben scratched his head, turned his head and said, "Your Majesty, it seems that Mr. is not at home."

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen looked at each other and frowned at the same time: "Why don't we go in and have a look."

"it is good.

A group of people walked into the yard lightly, and the two dogs standing on the spirit gathering tree immediately fluttered their wings and flew down.

"Silly big man, the master has gone out, gone out."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng frowned and immediately cupped his hands: "Excuse me, Xian Niao, I wonder when Mr. will be able to return at 26?"

"I don't know, the master asked you to make your own, eat grilled fish, I want grilled fish!"

Wang Ben scratched the feathers of Ergou standing on his head, looked back at Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, the Immortal Master is not here, should we leave now or not?"

Ying Zheng frowned. They could only come to Wonderland once every seven days. This opportunity was missed once less, and it could be said that it was not easy.

Seeing this, Chongzhen immediately said: "First Emperor, since the Immortal Master let us handle it by ourselves, how about we cook by ourselves, just to try out these Immortal Master's utensils and how we should use them.

"Well, okay, then let's make our own barbecue.

Ying Zheng nodded and asked Wang Ben to get the barbecue rack, Chongzhen took Fusu to the orchard to pick some fruits and vegetables, and Li Yuanyin went to the warehouse to get some meat.

Their group has also eaten barbecue several times. Although they have never done it themselves, they have never eaten pork and have seen pigs run.

A few people stumbled and lit the fire, skewered the grilled meat and vegetables, and sat on the edge of the river to start the barbecue.

Wang Ben and Li Yuanyin were in charge of the barbecue, while Ying Zheng and Chongzhen opened a can of beer and sat chatting.

"Brother Chongzhen, what's your situation in Daming now, has Jiannu entered the prison?" Ying Zheng lit a cigarette and asked curiously.

"The immortals do not deceive me." Chongzhen said with a wry smile: "Yesterday, news came from Shanhaiguan that Huang Taiji led an army of more than 100,000 people to cross the Shanhaiguan and are now heading towards the capital."5

"There are also people from the Liaodong faction, who have been holding their ground, obviously wanting to stand on the sidelines, and Sima Zhao's heart is well known to passers-by.

"Hmph, these gang of thieves!" Ying Zheng snorted coldly and said angrily: "It's a pity that the widow can't go to your Daming, otherwise we have to send an army to pacify this group of traitors!"

"Thank you first emperor." Chongzhen bowed his hands to Ying Zheng and said confidently: "I am now ready for war. As long as Jiannu dares to come, I will teach them how to behave with mortar!"

"Well, yes, there are mortars, and it's really not a problem to destroy Jiannu." Ying Zheng nodded in agreement, the power of mortars is obvious to all, and with this kind of artifact, Jiannu is indeed only in ruins. And escape.

Da Qin was able to crush the Xiongnu with a more backward wooden grenade, and it was indeed no problem for Da Ming, who had more advanced weapons, to defeat Jiannu.

However, Daming and Daqin are different after all. Although Jiannu has a small number of people, he also has spears and artillery in his hands, which is much more difficult to deal with than the Xiongnu. Moreover, Daming's battleable soldiers are far less than that of Daqin. If Chongzhen wanted to eliminate Jiannu, Certainly not as devastating as he destroyed the Huns.

Ying Zheng thought about it for a while, and then suggested: "Brother Chongzhen, about this resistance to Jiannu, the widow has some opinions, would you like to hear it?

"First Emperor, please speak, I am all ears." Chongzhen's face immediately turned straight, with a hint of excitement on his face.

Qin Shihuang, ah, this is, if you want to talk about war experience, you can leave him dozens of streets behind.

If he could get the guidance of the first emperor, Chongzhen felt that it would be easier to eliminate Jiannu himself.

"Sit down, you are polite." Ying Zheng pressed Chongzhen onto the chair with a smile, and said in a deep voice, "Although your weapons are advanced, the combat troops are still larger than Jiannu.

"So, you must not collide head-on, if you want to defeat Jiannu, it is best to use the hair removal strategy!

"Depilation? 35 Chongzhen is a little puzzled.

"Yes! 35 Ying Zheng nodded and said: "Jiannu is powerful, the most important thing is that they have the Eight Banners generals and countless two Tartars. Pull out all the eight flags, and finally confront each other head-on to eliminate Jiannu in one fell swoop!""

Chongzhen nodded thoughtfully, and said hesitantly, "What did the first emperor mean, first show the enemy's weakness, slowly nibble on Jiannu, and finally destroy Jiannu in one go?

"Yes!" Ying Zheng said with satisfaction: "Don't you have a lot of soldiers in Daming who are waiting to die, let them fight Jiannu first, and slowly introduce Jiannu into the encirclement you have already set up, At that time, you will be able to wipe out the slaves in one go!

"Thank you for the first emperor's teaching, I wrote it down!" Chongzhen bowed his hands to Ying Zheng excitedly, his face full of gratitude.

After Ying Zheng's words, the war thoughts in his mind suddenly became clear. 580

Although Daming's firearms are very advanced now, if you want to eliminate Jiannu, it will definitely cause great loss, which is very unfavorable for Daming's future hegemony in the world.

But if Ying Zheng did this, he would only lose some soldiers who were mixed up waiting to die, which was equivalent to cutting off some stubborn diseases for Daming, which was beneficial and harmless.

Moreover, when Jiannu thought that Daming's combat power was so weak, he would definitely relax his vigilance. This would be the best time to eradicate them.

The first emperor is worthy of being the first emperor, and he is really awesome.

Chongzhen bowed his hands to Ying Zheng gratefully: "If Da Ming can eliminate Jian slaves in one fell swoop in this battle, I will make every effort to develop firearms and exchange them with the First Emperor!""

"Good good!"

Ying Zheng was overjoyed.

He made suggestions for Chongzhen. On the one hand, he couldn't bear his younger generation, and the people of Tianxia were oppressed by Jiannu. On the other hand, he was jealous of Chongzhen's firearm.

Although Daqin now has the blueprints of firearms, it will take a long time to manufacture firearms that can be used in war, and this time depends entirely on Chongzhen, an arms dealer.

As Daqin's supplier, he can hope that Daming will not have any accident, it is best to eliminate Jiannu in one go, so that a steady stream of firearms will flow into Daqin, and his road to domination of the world can begin!

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