In the living room, listening to the exchange between Ying Zheng and Chongzhen outside, Wang Ben curled his lips in disdain.

Your Majesty is pretending again.

In his opinion, what kind of 'hair-removing' strategy is used in the face of the mere Jiannu, and the army can directly press it, and the hundreds of thousands of Jiannu can be wiped out in just a few seconds.

"Sir, let us arrange it ourselves, can I take it casually, Pharaoh?

With a smile on Wang Ben's face, he sneaked around in the living room. Ergou stood on the chandelier and looked at the robber helplessly.

"This is Mr.'s collection of red wine? Yes, yes, I laughed at Pharaoh."

"Hey, Fairy Bird, what is this big and thick thing?"

"That's a cigar from the owner's collection..."

"Cigar? Not bad, it looks more domineering than Hua Zi, I like it."

Under the guidance of Ergou, Wang Ben cut a number of cigars and lit them, took a deep breath, and a hint of intoxication suddenly appeared on his face.

"Fairy Bird, why can't the refrigerator I brought home can't cool, but the refrigerator in the fairy master can cool? 35

"...Stupid, do you have electricity at home?"

Wang Ben stared at the socket behind the refrigerator with wide eyes.

Ying Zheng, who had already heard the movement here, gathered around and pointed at the socket.

"Fairy Bird, you said there is electricity in here?"

"Is it lightning from the sky?"

"The immortal master can even domesticate lightning?"

When Ergou heard this, a sly look flashed in his eyes. It waved its wings and pointed at a row of holes in the socket, and said in a loud voice, "Why don't you try it yourself?

Ying Zheng and the others looked at each other and turned to look at Wang Ben in unison.

Wang Ben's face darkened, and he said aggrievedly: "Your Majesty, if this is really Tianlei, it will kill people..."

"Don't worry." The black-bellied Ying Zheng was earnest and enticing: "This is in fairyland, how can people die, don't you want to try the methods of immortals, Wang Qing?

Chongzhen also said to the side: "That's right, Marquis of Tongwu, this is Tianlei, and only people from the immortal family like Mr. can tame it. Marquis Tongwu is brave and invincible, and he will definitely be able to withstand Tianlei, try it." "

"The last general also thinks that the candidate for this experiment is none other than the Marquis of Tongwu!"

Wang Ben was a little overwhelmed by the compliments of several people, and immediately raised his head, his nostrils turned to the sky, and said, "Okay, since you are looking at each other, then I will try him now!

Saying that, Wang Ben stretched out his finger and tentatively reached the outlet.


In an instant, sparks flew, Wang Ben's hair stood on end, he trembled frantically, foaming at the mouth and fell to the ground.


Everyone was startled immediately.

"When... is there really electricity?

"Xianniao, this... Tongwu Marquis won't be electrocuted? 35

Ergou waved his hand and said briskly: "No, he is rough-skinned and thick-skinned and cannot be killed by electricity.

"You can try splashing some water, the owner said that water can also conduct electricity.


Chongzhen tried to pour a can of beer on the socket.

When the water flow touched Wang Ben, he shuddered again.

"Fuck, can it really conduct electricity?"

"Fairy bird, what's the principle of this `︾?"

Ying Zheng and the others were stunned and asked in confusion.

Ergou waved his wings and said helplessly: "I'm just a bird, how do I know.

Ying Zheng:


"Cough cough. 35 Seeing that Wang Ben was being electrocuted like a Kunlun slave, Chongzhen smiled awkwardly: "Tongwu Marquis is indeed brave and invincible, and even Tianlei can withstand it. "

"Not bad, Wang Qing has tried his own risk, the widow will definitely reward him when he returns this time!

Ying Zheng glanced at Wang Ben with admiration, then turned back to see the living room that was messed up by himself and others, and suddenly coughed dryly and said, "It's getting late, why don't we go back first?"

"Fusu, bring those beers and cigars."

"Yes, yes, Shi Huang walks slowly, and I will also retire first." Chongzhen and Li Yuanyin carried a large package, which was full of red wine and cigars from Ye Yu's collection, and Ying Zheng carried a nervous trembling body. Wang Ben, turned around and ran towards the door of light.

Ergou stared dumbfounded at the backs of the robbers fleeing in a hurry, turned his head stiffly to look at Ye Yu's emptied wine cabinet, his legs softened, and he almost fell from the chandelier.

"You bastards, leave a little for the master!"

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, and when the master comes back, I don't want this bird's life."

the next day.

Daming Palace, Golden Palace.

Chongzhen frowned and sat on the dragon chair, lit a cigar, and watched the civil and military officials arguing endlessly.

Above the court hall, the two sides confronted each other.

"Your Majesty, Jiannu has entered the gate, and is wreaking havoc all over the place at this time, please decree that your majesty will summon the generals from all over the world to the King of Qin! 35

"Yeah, the minister has long said that they should not go to war. Without the backing support of Shanxi merchants, these founding slaves will surely come to my Central Plains to loot, and I am in danger! 35

"My minister asks for orders from all localities to convene the generals of all localities to enter King Qin in Beijing, the army is in full swing, and it is urgent!

"This minister opposes, Jiannu's army is strong and strong, hundreds of thousands of troops are invincible, my Ming's fighting strength is withering, how can I be Jiannu's opponent, the minister proposes to make peace! 55

"Fart, my Great Ming Zuxun, if you don't cede land, you won't pay indemnities, you will pay tribute. If you negotiate peace, you will definitely cede land and pay compensation. Yang Sichang, if you dare to disobey my Great Ming Zuxun, this old man slashed you with a sword!

"Everyone has hit the door and still hasn't surrendered. Could it be that you don't want all the jade and stone to burn? Fan Jingwen, this old man is thinking of me for the sake of my country's society, you know the shit!

"Hmph, if anyone wants to surrender, don't blame the sword in the old man's hand for being rude!"

In the courtroom, the officials were arguing endlessly.

Among them, Fan Jingwen, the chief assistant of the cabinet, tried his best to fight against Jiannu.

After Chongzhen's explanation, Fan Jingwen has a very clear understanding of the form. In the current situation, only by fighting to the death can there be a chance of survival.

Yang Sichang, a senior scholar in the cabinet, tried his best to make peace. He believed that the court was unstable now, and a head-on collision between Daming and Jiannu was like an egg hitting a stone.

"Quiet!" Chongzhen's head hurt because of the quarrel, and he roared impatiently: "What a quarrel, I have ordered Zuo Liangyu and Lu XX to enter King Qin in Beijing. Get out of here if you're noisy!" 5

"Your Majesty!" Yang Sichang said stubbornly: "Jiannu is stronger than people. Although my Daming Jingying has hundreds of thousands of troops, most of them are soldiers who are neglected in training and eat and wait to die. Why? May be Jiannu's opponent, Chen strongly recommends making peace!

"Shut up!" Chongzhen was furious: "Jian slaves have already been killed at my door, slaughtering my Tianxia people, but you still want to make peace! Yang Sichang, what are your intentions, I have existed in Ming Dynasty for 274 years, and I have never spoken to anyone. People bow their heads, Yang Sichang, do you think that I Chongzhen violated the instructions of the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty and became a traitor to me! 99

"I dare not!" Yang Sichang shuddered and knelt down in fear.

Chongzhen laughed in anger: "You dare not? I see that you are very courageous! Yang Sichang, since you are so courageous, then I will order you to be the chief governor of Jingying, immediately lead the Jingying, and go to the front line to resist Jiannu. mistaken!""

"Ah?" Yang Sichang looked confused and said quickly, "Your Majesty, this minister is a literati, how can he go to the front line, please take back your order!"

Yang Sichang was anxious, he never thought that Chongzhen would come to operate in such a way. He was clearly talking about peace, but he was regarded as the chief governor of Beijing camp if he disagreed.

As far as his ability is concerned, it's okay to brag in the court hall, and go to the front to resist the Xiongnu. This is death.

"Haha." Chongzhen smiled coldly, staring at Yang Sichang with sharp eyes like a knife.

He was still struggling before, which general should be used as a bait to lure Jiannu to take the bait. Whether it is Cao Bianjiao or Fang Zhenghua, they are his confidants. Lu and XX are the killers to eliminate Jiannu this time. He can't bear to let them go. These people die.

Just in time, Yang Sichang jumped out.

Relying on his seniority, this old dog was greedy for life and feared death as a disaster, and he thought he would not dare to touch him.

This time, this naked conspiracy slapped him to death.

""Yang Sichang, haven't you always boasted that you are in the prime minister's office, and are familiar with the art of war? Your Majesty has given you such a precious opportunity, so why don't you express your gratitude?"39

Fan Jingwen immediately rejoiced when he saw this, and as expected, His Majesty's tactics were very clever, and Yang Sichang took it to pieces in one fell swoop.

Officials in his line also spoke freely.

"That's right, Master Yang, this is a great opportunity to serve the motherland. Master Yang must seize it."

"Your Majesty entrusts such an important task to Lord Yang, what a great deal of attention this is!

"Unfortunately, we don't have the means of Lord Yang, and we don't have the chance to go to the battlefield, otherwise we have to go into battle and kill the enemy! 35

"Master Yang is deeply favored by the emperor, which is really enviable.


This 'appreciation' sounded like a knife stuck in Yang Sichang's heart, causing him to almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He could only look at the officials in his department, hoping that they would stand up and say a few good words. , Let Chongzhen take back his life.

But these officials under his command were all too busy to take care of themselves.

Just kidding, their leader Yang Sichang was ordered. How many words they wanted, they were asked by Chongzhen to throw them on the battlefield, that was not their own trouble.

"These goddamn bastards! 35

Yang Sichang cursed (Li Qian's) in his heart and turned to look at Chongzhen on the dragon chair. Although he was extremely reluctant in his heart, he was instantly cowardly when faced with Chongzhen's half-smile eyes.

He thought about it carefully in his heart. Although Jiannu is powerful now, he may not attack the capital immediately. As long as he actively avoids the battle and runs faster, he will not necessarily die on the battlefield.

After dangling on the battlefield for two laps, and having military exploits, it may not be impossible for him to pick up the position of the cabinet's chief assistant.

Yang Sichang immediately moved in his heart and demanded: "Your Majesty, this minister is willing to go to the front line to resist Jiannu, please order the minister to lead the Shenji Camp and the new army out of the station together."

"Haha." Chongzhen smiled coldly.

The Shenji Battalion and the new army are the main force of his resistance to Jiannu this time. Let you lead them. You are probably thinking of shit.

"No!" Chongzhen refused decisively: "The Shenji Battalion and the new army have just been established. They have no combat experience and need to protect the capital. You can only bring the old capital of the capital. If you don't want to, you can bring Yang Jiading into battle by yourself!"

Yang Sichang's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly: "Then please give me a large number of new firearms, and I will surely repel the enemy army. 99

"Just you, and repel the enemy army?" Chongzhen rolled his eyes secretly, and there were countless grooves in his heart that he didn't know how to spit out.

"The production of new firearms is too low, and it is not enough to equip the new army and the Shenji battalion. I don't have any extra for you. Don't talk more. Hurry up and stop the army from resisting Jiannu Qin. 99

After he finished speaking, Chongzhen flicked his sleeves, turned around and left.

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