Yang Sichang's face was full of bitterness, and he asked for no or no.

Now, no matter how stupid he was, he could sense that something was wrong. Chongzhen clearly wanted to use him as a cannon fodder. He would not give anything and bring a group of remnants of defeated soldiers to resist the strong Jiannu. This was not courting death.

"Run, Jiannu has killed him, everyone, run!

"The governor has an order, the whole army will retreat thirty miles, hurry up! 35

Three days later, in the Qian'an area, the Jingying Pioneer Battalion led by Yang Sichang and Jiannu joined forces. A total of 3,000 people were killed by Jiannu's army of tens of thousands in less than a stick of incense.

Although Yang Sichang was a little timid, he was after all a minister who was familiar with military books and had a clear understanding of war. He immediately led the remaining Beijing soldiers to retreat while fighting, until they retreated to the vicinity of Xianghe. Only slowly retreated.

"Damn it, how can this group of slaves be so cruel!

Inside the tent, Yang Sichang said in dismay.

In the military tent, the few generals of the Beijing camp were all sad, and some had obvious panic on their faces.

On the first day, they encountered Jiannu inlaid with the white flag Azige, and they were killed 3,000 people by the opposite side.

The next day, a furious Yang Sichang personally dispatched an army of 30,000 soldiers to surround the 5,000 soldiers of Jiannu who were looting.

I just didn't expect that Aziger's fighting power was so strong, with a total of 30,000 people, less than 5,000 escaped.

After losing two battles in a row, not only Yang Sichang was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but the soldiers in the Beijing camp were so frightened that their legs and feet became weak. Now that they met the Jiannu people, it was like a mouse meeting a cat, and no one had the courage to go out. .

"Lord Governor, there are no more than 10,000 Jian slaves, and more than 10,000 are invincible. Now there are 30,000 Jiannu soldiers attacking my Xianghe generation, and we are not opponents at all!

"That's right, Mr. Yang, the soldiers were all frightened by the Jiannu people, and no one was willing to go out. After this, I have to be slaughtered."

"Governor, why don't you ask the capital for help."

"Shut up! 39

Yang Sichang was furious and shouted sternly: "No one dares to fight, you guys are too embarrassed to say it!

"A total of 30,000 people were beaten by a mere 5,000 people and lost their helmets and armor. You still have the face to send rescue troops to the imperial city. You have to go to your own. This governor cannot afford to lose face."

Yang Sichang was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Although he had known for a long time that this group of soldiers from the Beijing battalion were useless, he did not expect them to be so useless that they could not defeat one of ten enemies.

Before, I wanted to use this army to get some credit, and when I went back, I would fight for the position of the first assistant in the cabinet. Now it seems that there is no such thing as the first assistant, and it is not bad to be able to save my own life.

Thinking of this, Yang Sichang was even more angry, glared at the generals in the barracks, and cursed angrily, "A bunch of trash!"

These generals all looked ugly, and some even subconsciously held the sword around their waists. If it weren't for Yang Sichang's status as governor, they would have slashed it with a single sword.

Corruption in the Daming army has long been a practice, and the Beijing camp can still be considered a good one, at least a hundred thousand cannon fodder can be collected.

Wanting to defeat Jiannu with these soldiers is simply wishful thinking.

One of the generals tentatively said: "Master Yang, what should we do now, should we fight? 35'

"Welcome!" Yang Sichang rolled his eyes and said, "I immediately ordered the entire army to repair in place, build fortifications, and stick to natural dangers. If they are lost, retreat immediately.

"Send someone to report the battle situation immediately, remember, this Governor defeated the Jiannu army of 30,000 people with 5,000 people.


Imperial City, Imperial Study.

Chongzhen put his hands on his back and silently watched a sand table in contemplation.

This sand table simulates the terrain from Shanhaiguan to the capital. It is filled with small flags at this time. Under the joint spying of Jinyiwei and Dongchang, Jiannu's every move is updated in real time.

"Damn, these road builders are so fast!"

"It was killed so quickly in Qian'an, and if you continue to fight, you have to hit the capital, Wang Chengen, and Yang Sichang's battle situation?

Wang Chengen said quickly on the side: "Reporting to the sage, the capital led by Yang Sichang encountered Jiannu and white flags in the Qian'an generation. Thirty thousand soldiers were killed by the five thousand soldiers on the opposite side, losing their helmets and armor, and fled in embarrassment."

"Yang Sichang sent a good news, saying that they were the ones who broke the Jiannu and asked His Majesty to send a large army to destroy the Jiannu in one fell swoop. 99

"This bastard! 33 Chongzhen was furious: "Even dare to lie about the battle situation, Yang Sichang is so big and bold, does he think my Dongchang and Jinyiwei are eating dry rice?"

"Your Majesty, calm down. Wang Chengen hurriedly persuaded: "Master Yang is not a fool, he must have done this in order to let the imperial court send a large army to expedition, and the old capital of the capital could not resist the attack of Jiannu.

"Of course I know. Chongzhen smiled coldly: "Yang Sichang played a good wishful thinking. As long as our army attacked and eliminated Jiannu, he would also take the opportunity to pick up the leaks. After the war, the merits and demerits would be offset, and he could even leave a resistance. The fame of the enemy hero is really a good strategy.

"But unfortunately, now is not the time for my army to dispatch. 99

Chongzhen did not forget the strategy that Ying Zheng set for himself.

First lure the enemy to go deep, then find a way to destroy the enemy once, adopt the hair removal policy, and eliminate the Eight Banners of Jiannu step by step, and finally the battle will be settled.

Although Yang Sichang was a waste, in Jiannu's eyes, he was a piece of fat and must be taken seriously.

"Haha." Chongzhen suddenly smiled coldly: "The order was sent to Yang Sichang, and he said that the imperial court congratulated him on this great victory, and asked him to immediately send his troops to Yutian to garrison, and do everything possible to block the way of Jiannu's southward journey. To annihilate the enemy army, I will personally welcome him back to the DPRK!"9


Wang Chengen rubbed his teeth and Hanako, His Majesty is really ruthless!

Yang Sichang falsely reported that he had won a big victory, and Chongzhen saw the move and asked Yang Sichang to resist the main force of Jiannu.

Aren't you awesome, so it shouldn't be a problem for you to resist the main force of Jiannu?

If Yang Sichang didn't go, he would be taking advantage of the military exploits and making people in the world despise him. If he went, his little trash army would not be enough for Jiannu to rush to kill, it was simply too cruel!


Chongzhen smiled coldly and continued to ask: "What's going on with Wu Sangui, Zu Dashou and Hong Chengtao now?"

"Wu Sangui has always insisted on guarding Ningyuan City, and has repeatedly told Zhezi that he wants money and food, otherwise he will never send troops.

"Zu Dashou went out and fought against Jiannu several times and won several victories."

"Hong Chengtao is trying his best to mobilize the troops and horses from the two places in Liaodong, and he is also strictly guarding the major cities, posing as if he is fighting Jiannu to the death.

Wang Chengen answered honestly, but Chongzhen sneered again and again.

If it was before, he thought that these three people were loyal and patriotic people who were loyal and patriotic, and they must be the pillars of the country, but now, with the immortal master's reminder, looking at the actions of these three people, what seemed wrong was wrong.

Wu Sangui has plenty of food and grass, but his army is strong and strong, but he can't stay in Ningyuan City.

Zu Dashou is a good actor, he has the courage to fight against Jiannu, and he wears a mask of loyalty and patriotism.

But the problem is that Jiannu rushed to the inside of the pass, and he ran outside the pass to fight Jiannu. Could it be that he can still fight in Shengjing?

This made it clear that he still didn't want to fight with Jiannu and let Jiannu kill Tianxia people.

Hong Chengtao is the most shrewd. On the surface, he is actively organizing defense and vowing not to surrender, but the problem is that the situation in various places is still chaotic, and only his forces under Hong Chengtao are still well preserved. After fighting a lose-lose situation, I am looking for the master to take effect.

"These three damn bastards!" Chongzhen scolded secretly.

They obviously knew that he wanted to move them because of the Shan business affairs, but not only were they not afraid, but they also put on such a gesture, privately let Jian slave enter the customs, waited for him to fight against Jian slave, they were too busy to take care of themselves, and finally let him lick It is extremely treacherous to go to them for help with a face!

"You bastard, I will take care of you after I have cleaned up Jiannu! Chongzhen is not angry, or in other words, he has already anticipated the actions of the three Wu Sangui, as long as these three bastards don't interfere with him when he resists Jianu. Putting a knife in the back is the best result.

When the Jian slaves were wiped out, there was time to clean them up.

Chongzhen sneered a few times and asked again: "Where are Lu XX and Zuo Liangyu? When will they arrive in the capital?"

"Go back to the sage!" Wang Chengen said quickly: "After Lu and XX received the secret order, they rushed to the capital with their horses and whips. Now Lu XX has led 10,000 Tianxiong troops and 20,000 soldiers to the Fangshan area, and Zuo Liangyu is this Lead 50,000 elite soldiers to go directly north, and will reach Jinmen in a few days!

"it is good!

There was a hint of joy on Chongzhen's face, and he planted the flags representing Lu XX and Zuo Liangyu in the sand table.

After confirming the positions of the two soldiers and horses, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the originally chaotic battle situation gradually became clear in his eyes.

"I ordered Lu XX to mobilize his troops to station in Shunyi and Changping area, and fight and advance, to eradicate Jianzuo Jian slaves little by little."

"Zuo Liangyu was ordered to mobilize troops to open up the peace and eradicate Jiannu on the right. At the same time, he ordered the entire Jinyiwei East Factory to be dispatched to collect the enemy's movements. If there is an opportunity, he can carry out assassination and infiltration, and use all means to eliminate Jiannu!


Wang Chengen nodded again and again.

The order of Chongzhen, which is strictly in line with Ying Zheng's hair removal strategy, can be said to be very clever.

First, let Yang Sichang lead the main army of slaves in the old capital of the capital, distract them, show the enemy's weakness, and disarm them.

Then let Lu XX and Zuo Liangyu combine their swords, and under the leadership of Jin Yiwei and Dongchang, cut off the left and right wings of Jiannu at all costs.

The art of war was strange, when Jiannu reacted, their left and right arms had been removed by Lu XX's people, leaving a huge and bloated body, and it was not far from death.

The only flaw in this plan was the old Beijing camp led by Yang Sichang. After they defeated the army of waste firewood led by Yang Sichang, they would inevitably go south to loot, and the people might suffer disaster.

Chongzhen squeezed his palms with firmness in his eyes.

There is a huge gap between the Ming army and Jiannu. If you want to eliminate Jiannu, this is the best way!

You can only use the large fertile soil in the south as a bait to lure Jian slaves into taking the bait. Once they are hooked, what awaits them is a thunder blow!

If you give up, you will gain. Now I can only hope that Yang Sichang is not so useless, and can't even resist a wave of the Jiannu people. Buying a little more time for the actions of Lu XX and others can minimize the loss of the common people. .

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