"I immediately sent an order to Huang Degong, Cao Bianjiao was dispatched all night, day and night, and went to the Xianghe area to set up an ambush in secret. At the same time, an elite team was sent with mortars to fight guerrillas near Jiannu, so as to maximize their losses.""

"After the enemy defeats Yang Sichang, they will surely pursue them frantically. Then let's entertain them in the Xianghe area!"

Thinking of those people who died tragically at the hands of Jiannu, Chongzhen took on a grim look and said sternly: "This battle is related to the fate of my Ming Dynasty, and I must not lose it. I ordered Fang Zhenghua to count the 5,000 forbidden troops.

"What?" Wang Chengen was taken aback and said in a terrified manner: "Your Majesty, the son of a thousand gold doesn't sit in the hall, the battlefield is extremely dangerous, how can you risk yourself.

"My ancestor of the Ming Dynasty taught that the emperor guarded the country's gate, the king died, and the ancestors were still able to guard the country's gate and foreign enemies. Why can't I!

Chongzhen's face was serious, not only because the military expedition could boost morale to the greatest extent and improve the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, but also because he had promised Ye Yu and Ying Zheng that he would transmit the battle scenes to them at that time.

When Ying Zheng eliminated the Xiongnu, the Immortal Master was overjoyed and bestowed countless advanced knowledge treasures. If he eradicated Jiannu, the rewards he would receive would certainly not be too bad.

Thinking of this, Chongzhen immediately felt his heart beat, and said anxiously: "Hurry up and do it, remember that this trip must be kept strictly confidential, and ordered the Jinyiwei of the East Factory to closely monitor the capital's every move, if anyone dares to reveal my battle plan, Beheading on the spot, never let go! 35


Fifteen miles away from the Xianghe River is the garrison of the capital army led by Yang Sichang.

At this time, a strict military area has been constructed on the edge of the Xianghe River, with five steps, one post, ten steps and one post.

These are the soldiers of the capital. He has changed his lazy and slack style, and is always paying attention to the movements of Jiannu.

If you don't pay attention to it, you can't do it. If Jiannu suddenly kills them, it will be them who will die, so they can only monitor closely, in order to retreat before Jiannu arrives.


Before this, it was not that no one thought of taking the opportunity to surrender to the slaves, but as long as anyone who had this idea and put it into practice, was cut off by Jin Yiwei who jumped out of nowhere, since then, everyone knew Chongzhen's determination.

Swear not to surrender, fight to the death.

At this time, in the middle of the camp, inside a huge military tent, Yang Sichang's terrified voice came out.

"What did you say? Let me take someone to fight Jiannu to the death? Eunuch Liu, are you sure you're right?

Yang Sichang's eyes widened, and he looked at the old eunuch in disbelief, doubting whether he heard it wrong.

The old eunuch Liu Qiming said sternly: "How can I have the courage to deceive Lord Yang, this is an order from the emperor himself, asking you to resist Jiannu's southward journey, and swear to the death of Jiannu's road to the south! 99

As he spoke, a smile suddenly appeared on the old eunuch's face, and he bowed his hands to Yang Sichang and said, "Master Yang won the first battle, and five thousand troops wiped out the army of 30,000 Jiannu, and now the capital is extolling your achievements. "

"The rest of Jiannu is only 150,000. Lord Yang still has 150,000 soldiers who can fight. If we face off head-to-head, we will definitely be able to eliminate Jiannu. We will wait for Lord Yang to triumph in the capital!"

After saying that, Liu Qiming handed over his hands and left gracefully. Yang Sichang, who remained where he was, seemed to be petrified. He stared at Liu Qiming's back with his mouth open, but he couldn't say a word.

Yang Sichang never thought that Chongzhen would use this method to deal with him.

He ordered to report good news to the capital, on the one hand, he wanted Chongzhen to send troops to expedition, and on the other hand, he wanted to put down a good name in the court who could fight well.

And now, the good name is indeed left, but the life is dying!

Resisting the Jiannu army with all one's strength is simple to say.

What kind of stuff is in his hands, can Yang Sichang still not know, just this group of crooked melons and jujubes under his hands are not enough to charge the army of 100,000 slaves, and they are about to go to the battlefield. Finished playing.

"A sin!"

Yang Sichang fell to the ground with a decadent look on his face, this time he really shot himself in the foot.

In such a situation, if he did not go to fight, he would definitely be criticized by hundreds of officials, and he would end up with a reputation that he did not dare to fight, and would be criticized by thousands of people.

If you go, you are really courting death.

The general who had been standing beside him was also stunned, and he hesitated for a long time before he said, "Lord Governor, shall we go or not?

"What are you going to do?" Yang Sichang said with a wry smile: "You have also seen that these bastards in the Beijing camp are first-class in oppressing the people. When they encounter Jiannu, they can run faster than rabbits. This battle should be How to fight? Is it possible to compete with Jiannu who can run faster?

The adjutant's mouth twitched when he heard the words, and he also didn't have any hope for this battle in his heart, but if he didn't go, it would be a dead end to go back to the capital and get the name of rebellion and disrespect.

The adjutant thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Sir, the emperor is pressing hard, even if we don't have a decisive battle with Jiannu, we have to show some appearances!

"According to the report from the spies, there are a thousand Jiannu and a thousand and two Tatars looting in Yutian County at this time. Why don't we send troops to destroy them, and then immediately report to the court that we have won the victory and killed countless enemies. You can also make a difference, right?

"You mean, we lied about military intelligence again?"

The adjutant's words suddenly made Yang Sichang hesitate. He was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of the rope. The last time he lied about the military situation, he almost killed himself. This time, he will try again. !

Seeing Yang Sichang's hesitation, the adjutant hurriedly said while the iron was hot: "Sir, it's possible that you really want to fight Jiannu to the death. This is simply sending him to the door to find death. Only in this way will I have a chance of survival."

Yang Sichang gritted his teeth and finally nodded.

This method is indeed the only method now. There are still 100,000 soldiers in the barracks, and all the raging soldiers in Yutian County are Jiannu soldiers and the Second Tartar Corps who took refuge in Jiannu. These people's combat effectiveness Not strong, he does not believe that 100,000 people against 2,000 people is not an opponent.

As long as you can win once, you will have the opportunity to take the opportunity to repair. As for what to do next, you can only take a step by step.

Anyway, at this stage, as long as you can save your own life, it's fine.

Yang Sichang was sure in his heart, and immediately ordered: "Immediately order the commanders of the battalions to come to discuss this matter immediately! 95


The lieutenant breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly went down to give orders.

A moment later, more than 20 generals from the Beijing camp came in a row.

These people are all nobles of the capital, and some are the sons of the princes. Everyone has a great background, and most people do not dare to provoke them.

Regardless of the fact that these people are all fully armored and majestic, in fact, most of them are paper tigers.

On weekdays, these people in Yurou Township are good at bullying men and women, but when they are about to go to the battlefield, they are all things that deliver vegetables to Jiannu.

...... Ask for flowers......

With Yang Sichang's status, there is nothing to be in awe of these princes and nobles, let alone give them a good face.

When these people came together, he waved his hand and said casually: "Sit down, now that His Majesty has ordered to urge us to send troops to fight Jiannu to the death, what are your strategies?

The generals in the military tent were shocked when they heard the words, and they fought Jiannu to the death. Isn't this a joke?

They were in the Beijing camp, and to put it bluntly, it was just a piece of gold, who would like to die on the battlefield.

The second son of Duke Chengguo, Zhu Senli, immediately stood up and said: "Master Yang, we can't fight anymore, if we fight again, we will be beaten.

"Yes, Lord Yang, think twice." Duke Dingguo's youngest son Zhu Wenshuang said with a bitter face: "Now almost everyone in this camp is injured, and there are no firearms, so we have absolutely no strength to fight. "

"Jian slave is powerful, aren't we courting death when we go up?"

"If we don't fight, we absolutely can't fight!

These second generation ancestors timidly opened their mouths to avoid the battle.

It was not surprising for Yang Sichang to see this. He had never held out any hope for these scumbags. If they were really good at fighting, they wouldn't have been beaten so badly before.


Yang Sichang said lightly: "Everyone, this Governor knows that it's not easy for everyone, and I don't want to offend everyone in the family, but the decree is urgent, so I can't do anything about it."

"Well, there are a thousand Jiannu warriors and a thousand and two Tatars in this Yutian County who are looting, how can we, the same people in the world, stand on the sidelines, the general is willing to send troops to destroy them, the governor will definitely write a letter The imperial court, in front of Your Majesty, what do you think?"

Hearing this, the eyes of these second ancestors suddenly lit up.

The hundreds of thousands of Jiannu army and they are not opponents, but these two thousand Jiannu army and two Tartars, this is completely edible!

Destroyed this small army, and then wrote to the court saying that it was a victory over 20,000 enemy troops, and this is a lot of credit for it!

When Zhu Senli was excited, he quickly stood up and said: "Sir, the last general is willing to lead the army to fight, destroy Jiannu, and recover Yutian!"

"Zhu Senli, all your subordinates are remnant soldiers and defeated generals, how can you be the opponent of Jiannu?" Zhu Wenshuang said with his head raised: "Sir, all of the last generals are elite soldiers and strong generals, please send the last generals to fight, if you can't eliminate Jiannu, the last general See you soon!

"You fart!" Zhu Senli panicked, blushing and said: "Who said that this general's men are remnants of defeated generals, let me tell you, all of this general's men are fighters who fight with one against ten!

"Hehe, Zhu Senli, if you want to take credit, do you deserve it?"

"There is a kind of pulling people out to fight a wave!"

"The battle is the battle, whoever is afraid. 35

Listening to the quarrel between the two, Yang Sichang's head was full of black lines.

Just because they still want to eliminate two thousand Jiannu soldiers, they are afraid that they will be beaten and lose their armor and flee. They really have no self-knowledge.

Seeing that the two men rolled up their sleeves about a duel between men, Yang Sichang hurriedly stood up to stop it.

"Don't get excited about the two generals. Since you all have such a heart to serve the country, then the governor will be the one who will be ready to cook dinner immediately. After lunch, the whole army will be dispatched to destroy the Yutian enemy!""


The crowd immediately clasped their fists in excitement and agreed.

Zhu Senli and Zhu Wenshuang also glared at each other, patted their sleeves staggeringly and bowed to Yang Sichang before going down to prepare.

In a short while, various sounds of whistling and drinking sounded in the barracks.

A war is about to begin.

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