I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 119: I predicted that you have to predict

Yutian County.

There was chaos at this time, and the low city gate could not resist Jiannu's attack.


"Jiannu is here, run!

"Hahaha, brothers, kill!"

The soldiers defending the city died and fled. Facing the brutal Jiannu, there was no resistance at all. Jiannu was even more excited. One thousand Jiannu soldiers and one thousand and two Tartars rushed into Yutian County. Burn and loot.

Anyone who dares to resist, regardless of gender, age, or age, will be hacked and killed.

The good-looking woman was defiled on the spot, and the remaining boys and girls were all forcibly driven together, then tied their hands with long ropes, and took them out of the gate like beasts as slaves.

"Help, who will save us."

"Wuwuwu, I want my mother, my mother..."

"Shut up, you bloody little bastards, hurry up for me!

The children cried out hoarsely, and the Jiannu soldiers and the Second Tartars laughed and roared with excitement. Whenever the "Five Eight Zeros" saw anyone who was not pleasing to the eye, they would slap the whip fiercely.

Some young children are only four or five years old, how can they bear such a whipping, and they will be beaten to death with a single whip. The surrounding Tianxia people all have red eyes, gnashing their teeth, but they dare not speak out.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, there was a sound like a dull thunder in the distance, and the gravel on the ground began to jump up and down.

Everyone raised their heads at the same time, only to see a howling sound in the distance, and the mighty army rushed in like a tide. !

Seeing this scene, the people of Yutian County cheered.

"Hahaha, the army is here, the army is finally here!

"We are saved!"

"Damn Jiansla, I'm here to rescue us, you all wait to die hahahaha."

Many people struggled frantically, and pointed at the second Tartar of Jiannu beside them and yelled.

However, instead of the slightest panic, the gang of Jian slaves were not surprised but happy, and they quickly assembled one by one.

"Quick, let the arrows inform Lord Aziger that the fish has taken the bait." A Jiannu said excitedly with a happy face.

After a while, a cloud-piercing arrow shot straight into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the people were horrified to see that in the northern part of Yutian County, 10,000 white-flag Jiannu and 32,000 Tartar troops suddenly emerged.

"Hahaha, a group of Central Plains pigs, finally waiting for you.

"Brothers, kill with me!"

"Destroy these Central Plains pigs!""

Azige grinned and drew his sword forward, roaring: "Charge with me! 35


The excited Jiannu army went up the mountain, with a total of 40,000 cavalry, and they killed it overwhelmingly, with a momentum that was more than the capital's 100,000 army.

Seeing the army of Jian slaves flashing towards him with a fierce momentum, Yang Sichang and the others were immediately dumbfounded.

They were originally two or three thousand people, but they didn't expect so many people to pop up all of a sudden. This is a trick.

Zhu Senli and Zhu Wenshuang, who rushed to the front, looked even more stiff, and quickly restrained the reins, their faces full of fear, and they shouted frantically.

"Quick, hit the count, run! 99

"The army in the back is the army in the front, run! 35

"Trap, this is Jiannu's trap, run away."

They flicked the reins and ignored the soldiers behind them. They clamped their horses and turned around and rushed out. They didn't care how many two Beijing soldiers were trampled to death during the process.

The soldiers turned pale with fright, and one by one they dropped their weapons and ran away.

If they faced two or three thousand Jiannu soldiers, they would still be able to fight, but in the face of this army of 30,000 people, going up would be giving people their heads, and they would not even have the courage to fight.

Yang Sichang was so angry that he vomited blood and yelled anxiously.

"Don't run away, don't run away, come back to fight!

"The deserters will be beheaded immediately and come back to fight!

However, now everyone was so scared that no one paid attention to Yang Sichang's words, and even the supervisors who were in charge of dealing with deserters were so frightened that they fled in a panic, and no longer had any idea of ​​fighting.

The people of Yutian County looked sluggish, staring blankly at the 100,000 Ming soldiers, who were killed by the three Jiannu soldiers and fled all over the mountains and fields.

"It's over..." A fat man wearing a staff hat muttered, and fell to the ground in a daze, his face full of despair: "No way, we can't save..."

"Hahaha, the people of the Central Plains are all rats, brothers, kill me!

"Kill them all!

The army of Jiannu twitched the reins in excitement, and the tens of thousands of troops came roaring like thunder and lightning.

Horses' hooves were flying, and the knife's light saw blood. Countless Beijing soldiers who ran slowly were like cutting leeks. They were trampled into blood mud or their heads were cut off by crazy Jiannu people.

Yang Sichang was also running for his life, and his bowels of regret were turning green.

He shouldn't be so careless!

If he carefully hid in the barracks, relying on the natural dangers of Xianghe, the 100,000-strong army would be able to fight against 40,000 troops.

But now, all the soldiers in the capital were so scared that they lost their armor and armor. The old capital of the capital, who didn't have much combat power, couldn't even get a thousand people who could fight now. They were killed so badly before the official battle. This is a shame!

"Master Yang, Master Yang, there are too many enemies, hurry up and run!" Zhu Senli ran over on a fast horse, his face was bloody, and he shouted in fear: "Returning to the Beijing Camp, there is only one chance of life when you return to the Beijing Camp.

"If you can't go back to the military camp, you will die if you go back!" Yang Sichang said in a panic, "Go to Beihe, there is Huang Degong's magic camp in Beihe, go to Beihe!

"Yes, yes, go to Beihe!

"Brothers, run!"

In the chaos, the army turned again and fled in the direction of Beihe...

When it comes to fighting and killing, the gang of wine bags and rice bags in the capital are weak chickens, but when it comes to escaping for their lives, they are indeed first-class formidable.

Along the way, I ran on terrain with high mountains and dense forests and ravines, so that the Jiannu soldiers on horseback almost couldn't catch up.

Yutian County was less than thirty miles away from Beihe. The capital was killing and fleeing. After leaving nearly half of the corpses, he finally approached Beihe.

Seeing the black army lined up along the Beihe River, all the soldiers in the capital burst into tears with excitement.

"It is the army, the army of the court! 35

"Brothers, run fast, the imperial army is ahead, we are saved!

"Hurry up and run!"

A group of people hurriedly fled to the location of the army.

As for this army by the North River, it had already prepared its troops for battle. Countless soldiers armed with spears and artillery looked coldly at the old soldiers of the capital who had fled in a hurry.

This soldier and horse is naturally the God Machine Battalion led by Huang Depower, and behind him, there are five thousand forbidden regiments protecting Chongzhen.

In the surrounding mountains and forests, there are 30,000 new troops led by Cao Bianjiao in ambush, ready to attack at any time.

"Your Majesty, Jiannu has fallen into the trap!"

Standing in front of Chongzhen, Huang Degong said excitedly.

Chongzhen also nodded excitedly, the first emperor was right, Jiannu absolutely could not give up Yang Sichang, a fat sheep.

Jiannu thought that he had set a trap to lure Yang Sichang's army into taking the bait, but they didn't know that Yang Sichang was also a bait, and Chongzhen, who was fishing, was also waiting for Jiannu to take the bait.

0.6 Jiannu thought that Daming was on the first floor and they were on the second floor, but in fact Chongzhen had been watching them coldly on the fifth floor.

Chongzhen waved his hand and said solemnly, "Huang Degong, I'll leave this battle to you, no problem?"

"Yes!" Huang Degong said excitedly: "Please ask Your Majesty for direction, and I will not disgrace my mission. After dispersing these defeated troops, I will immediately respond to the enemy head-on!"

"Okay!" Chongzhen nodded in satisfaction.

He raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist, and when his mind moved, the gate of crossing the world appeared in front of him.

Chongzhen thought silently in his heart: "Turn on the spectator mode!

I saw the rough water on the gate of crossing the world, and after a while, it became as smooth as a mirror, and the image of the confrontation between the two armies also appeared on this mirror like a movie.

"The method of the immortal master is really amazing!

Huang Degong exclaimed when he saw this.

Chongzhen smiled: "This battle is not to be missed, I will immediately invite the Immortal Master and the First Emperor to watch the battle!

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