I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 120: The shock of Daqin Baiguan

Chongzhen's mind moved, and a divine light flashed on his watch.

At the same time, Ying Zheng, who was far away in Daqin, and Ye Yu, who had just arrived at the Yanjing Hotel, were also shining brightly on their wristwatches.

"Hey, is this the spectator function that Mr.

"Not bad, old Zhu, this old boy is finally going to fight, open the spectator mode!

Ye Yu and Ying Zheng decisively answered the request from Chongzhen to watch the battle.

The next moment, there was a mirrored surface of the gate of crossing the world around them, and there was a scene of two armies fighting on it.

Moreover, this mirror also has two parts, the upper part is the battle scene, and the lower part is the big faces of Ying Zheng and Chongzhen.

"This thing is a bit similar to chat videos.

Ye Yu lay on the hotel bed, lit a cigarette, and looked leisurely.

The auction was at night anyway, so he still had time.

Moreover, he wanted to see, after his transformation, how powerful Daming is now, and whether he can defeat Jiannu.

"Hahaha, sir, Shi Huangdi, have you seen it?" Seeing the faces of Ye Yu and Ying Zheng appearing on the mirror, Chongzhen said excitedly, as if a child had found a novel toy.

"Well, I see, Lao Zhu, your army looks quite good!" Ye Yu said with a faint smile.

"Hahahaha, brother Chongzhen, the widow knew that you were going to start fighting, and now people are ready."

Above the main hall, Ying Zheng was overjoyed, the picture of the gate of crossing the world appeared beside him, and the ministers in the main hall exclaimed.

"Hi... Your Majesty, what is this?"

"Your Majesty, why is there a picture here?"

"Da Ming? What kind of army is this? It looks really good!

"Is this also a blessing from an immortal?"

Meng Tian and the others exclaimed in surprise, the light and shadow in this mirror looked so lifelike, it was almost like being there.

The army in the mirror is even more well-equipped, and the firearms in their hands are something they have never seen before. At first glance, it is an invincible heroic army!

Ying Zheng said cheerfully: "Zhu Qing, this is the new function of the gate of crossing the world, which can connect with other worlds. The army you see now is the firearm army of the Ming Dynasty two thousand years later. They are preparing to fight with an elite. of alien armies.

"Da Ming's army is equipped with the most advanced firearms. The fire guns and wooden handle grenades that I used to conquer the Xiongnu before Daqin came from their hands. They are preparing to use this army to fight. War will have a huge impact!"

"Qings, especially the generals, be sure to watch the battle carefully. I want the whole army to be equipped with firearms to fight in the future, and this war in Daming will definitely become the benchmark for my Daqin!""

"It turns out that the immortal is really an immortal method!"

"It is so terrifying to be able to travel through more than 2,000 years for us to see such wars!

"Everyone, please see, this army is facing the cavalry on the opposite side, but it can't hide, and has been standing honestly. Isn't this courting death?"

"You know a hammer. The Immortal Master can show us this war scene. Daming must have something. You didn't listen to your majesty. Daming's firearms are more advanced than my Daqin."

"So that's the case, I have to take a good look at this time, how on earth is this Ming going to resist this elite army on the opposite side! 35

Meng Tian, ​​Li Xin and others subconsciously commented on the image in the mirror.

They are all gods of war who fought from countless battlefields, and are very sensitive to the situation of the war. From their point of view, Daming's current methods of dealing with the enemy are very stupid. , and there is no reaction at all, which is a big no-no on the battlefield!

But when they thought of the amazingly powerful firearms in Daming's hands, the generals fell silent.

Those firearms were not unused by them. With these firearms, they easily eliminated the Xiongnu. If the firearms of Daming were more advanced than those of Qin, it would not be difficult for them to eliminate the enemy army.

"Everyone, keep quiet!" Ying Zheng waved his hand and said lightly, "Look quietly, if Daming wins this war, I, Daqin, will fight like this in the future!"

"Come here, bring melon cigarettes to the ministers, and let's see how the Chongzhen boy destroys this army of slaves!

Immediately, a group of maids stepped forward with trays in hand, and distributed the melon seeds, cigarettes and other items in the trays to many ministers.

"Hahahaha Lingya Huazi, the smoke has been broken for a long time, this bag of Huazi laughed."

"That's right. I've been smoking for five days now. Your Majesty is really generous. 55

"I don't know why, recently, the old man always feels that his lungs are not breathing well. Luo

"Fang Xiang, there must be a problem with your smoking posture, you should be like this Hou, take half a cigarette in one puff, and after this pack of cigarettes is finished, maybe you will also be able to attain enlightenment.

"General Wang's words are reasonable, this old man will try it."

For a while, the clouds in the hall were smoky, and it was like a fairyland in a trance, making the surrounding maids and eunuchs envious.

And on the screen of the gate of crossing the world, it can be clearly seen that the frontal confrontation is about to start.

The army led by Azige slaughtered in a mighty manner, and 30,000 cavalrymen lined up neatly in a square formation to confront the Ming army in the distance.

Seeing this, Yang Sichang, who was caught between the two armies, breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to boundless anger in his heart.

How could he not understand now, Chongzhen took him as bait, he was sure that he would be killed by Jiannu and fled, just waiting for Jiannu to come to the door,

But even in anger, he is now helpless, caught between the two armies, it would be good to save his old life, if he really wants to point at Chongzhen, that is the real death.

Yang Sichang glanced at the holy dragon flag floating in the Daming military camp, and swore fiercely in his heart: "Hmph, how dare you let me, Yang Sichang, wait for the bait, and after this war, my old man must take a good look at your book! 55

"All troops retreat!

"Come on, the war is about to start, if you don't want to die, quickly retreat to both sides!"

Yang Sichang gave an order, and the defeated generals around him breathed a sigh of relief and ran towards the mountains and forests on both sides.

What they were most afraid of was that Yang Sichang ordered them to resist the enemy army head-on again. This time, with the elites of Daming behind them, they would never be soft-hearted in the face of deserters.

In less than three breaths, more than 50,000 old members of the capital all hid in the mountains and forests on both sides. At that speed, Azige and Huang Degong were stunned for a while. An army of more than ten miles.

At this time, Daming Shenji Ying and Jiannu's army saw nothing but an open space, and the swords and armors left by the old capital of the capital in the open space flickered with a cold light in the sun.

In the face of this powerful force of the Ming Dynasty, the 597 generals in the Jiannu camp burst into laughter.

"Da Ming Shen Ji Ying looks well-equipped, but it's just a paper tiger, how can it be our opponent.

"That's right, look at the holy dragon flag floating in the capital, the Emperor Daming is here too!"

"I've heard that the emperor's bones in Daming are hard, and today it's true, it's just that these bones are hard, what's the use of them, the brain is not easy to use!

"Hahaha, brothers, kill me, whoever wants to capture Chongzhen alive, this king himself will write to Huang Taiji, and honor him as a prince! 35


One by one Jiannu soldiers and the two Tartars were excited with red eyes and shouted hoarsely, just like primitive people, frightened the faces of the surrounding capital soldiers, and many people ran deeper into the mountains and forests.

If the imperial army could not resist Jiannu's attack in this battle, and Chongzhen was captured alive, they would not be able to live for long, and it would be too late to run now.


Huang Degong sneered disdainfully. He is also a battle-hardened veteran, a soldier under his command, and an elite carefully selected from the capital. He has been trained by special forces for a long time. How can he be afraid of these savages? .

"Brothers, prepare to fight!" Huang Degong immediately drew his sword to the sky and roared.

The drums rang out, and the former soldiers lined up neatly.



Accompanied by the beat of drums, these soldiers stepped forward neatly, posing a fighting posture.

Each voice stepped on the same rhythm, as if it was made by a single person, but it was this gesture that made this army even more powerful.

Such a uniform, forbidden army, even if it is not equipped, its combat effectiveness is no trivial matter.

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