
in the hotel.

Ye Yu's eyes were fixed on the scene of the fire on the screen, and his brows were furrowed.

Unlike Ying Zheng and other bastards who had never seen the scene, he was not shocked by the power of the mortar, on the contrary, he discovered many of its shortcomings.

After the mortars landed, many of them did not explode!

And, this frequency even reached an astonishing one-tenth!

Ye Yu frowned and pondered, he is a person who pursues perfection, this mortar was given to Chongzhen by him, but it did not achieve his expected goal.

In fact, it can be understood that Daming's technology is not enough, and there is a flaw in the fuze made.

Although the probability of failure is only 1/10, it will also cause a great waste. A large shell will not kill many people.

Most importantly, these duds scattered on the battlefield pose a great risk.

If after the war, the soldiers who cleaned the battlefield unintentionally detonated these shells, there would be heavy casualties, and even if they were taken away by the fleeing soldiers for research, it was possible to reverse the mortar shells.

Don't think this is impossible, the principle of the mortar is very simple, he simply said that the Ming Dynasty can make a mortar, and other countries can't make it.

If there are other countries that restore mortars, and then use them to hurt the people of Tianxia...

Ye Yu didn't want to see that happen.

"It seems that this time I have to get Lao Zhu and the others to get the mine pump fuze out. They keep igniting and detonating, which will cause endless troubles. 35

Ye Yu scratched his head, temporarily keeping this matter in his mind.

It is estimated that after he returns, Chongzhen has almost wiped out Jiannu, but in addition to Jiannu, there are countless more powerful enemies waiting for the now weak and weak Daming.

Ye Yu has never forgotten those Western powers who were eyeing them. When Chongzhen blasted their gates with the most advanced artillery, the expressions on their faces must be very beautiful.

But what he did not notice was that even in his eyes, the artillery, which was so backward, was a weapon of divine punishment in the era of the Ming Dynasty.

In just a dozen or so breaths, more than a thousand shells washed the ground, completely blowing the battlefield upside down.

More than 20,000 two Tartars were bombed, disarmed and disarmed, and corpses were scattered on the ground. Numerous amputated limbs were scattered on the battlefield, and the strong smell of blood wafted out, making the slaves behind them feel weak and sick.

In the face of such a terrifying scene as Shura Purgatory, these Jian slaves no longer had the arrogance they had before, and they all wanted to run away immediately, for fear that the cannonball would fall on their heads.

They have seen artillery, but they are all red-clothed cannons, and they all rely on heavy artillery shells to smash people to death, like mortars, which explode as soon as they land, and such powerful artillery shells have never been used before. Haven't seen it.

Chongzhen's wave of tactical bombing completely scared these Jiannu soldiers.

Azige was also so scared that his hands and feet were cold, and he couldn't understand where Daming got so many powerful firearms, even the Europeans couldn't compare.

But he knew very well that the morale of the army had already been wiped out by this round of tragic artillery bombardment.

Azig immediately roared: "(cgag) rush over, hurry up and rush over for me!"

"Their shells are running out. Once they get close, they are lambs to be slaughtered. They will charge me!"

"Those who fall back will be killed! Those who bravely kill the enemy will be rewarded with three Han female slaves, and they will all charge for me!


Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

These two Tartars can attack their compatriots because they are greedy for money. They are desperados who are lustful. Everyone has already put their life and death aside. For them, gold, silver and beauty are the kingly way.

Even if he was a little timid, he turned his head to look at the blade of the white flag soldier Hanguang Hunting, and he could only grit his teeth and bury his head forward.

Retreat is death, but bravely forward is a ray of life.

Amidst the roar of anger, these two Tartars clamped the horse's belly, and drove the already frightened warhorse toward the battle formation of Daming.

They knew that once they got into the Daming army, they would win, because no infantry had ever been able to defeat them on horseback.

At this time, in the eyes of these two Tartars, each of the former compatriots has now become a moving feat. As long as they are killed, there will be gold and silver treasures, and countless beauties will be brought home.

The distance between the two men and horses narrowed little by little.

When he was about two hundred paces away, he could already see the hideous faces of these two Tartars.

"Bah, a bunch of bastards who sell for glory!

Huang Degong scolded, with a smirk on his face, and shouted loudly: "Brothers, these two Tartars joined slaves and killed our compatriots, what do you say?"



"Kill!" 5

Tens of thousands of soldiers and soldiers shouted, killing intent and camping, and the sound shook the sky.

"it is good!"

Huang Degong nodded with satisfaction, and said with a grim smile: "The mortar gunners step back, and the musket team comes forward! 35


The gunners quickly retreated into the formation with mortars, while three thousand musketeers stepped forward at the same time.

They lined up neatly in three rows, with a one-meter interval in each row. Everyone looked solemn, but there was a blazing fire in their eyes.

Under the command of the flag bearer, the musketeers in the first row immediately raised their guns and aimed.


"Boom! 35

A thousand muskets were fired at the same time, and the sound was uniform.

The scorching bullets were like an unstoppable sharp blade, and they flew in unison, hitting the two Tartars who were rushing on horseback in an instant.


There was a scream of screams, and hundreds of second Tartars immediately fell off their horses. Some were hit on the spot and died on the spot. Even if they didn't hit the vital point, they were trampled into a bloody mud by the horse's hooves that came from behind.

These two Tartar soldiers were in darkness, and without any rules, they knew that they were burying their heads and rushing forward. The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty hardly needed to aim. As long as they aimed at the general direction, a bullet would hit an enemy.

After the first group of musketeers finished firing, they immediately retreated and reloaded rapidly, while the second platoon of soldiers stepped forward immediately.

Neat and uniform movements, every step on the same drum beat, this kind of strict military discipline that is forbidden, makes people look cold.


"Bang bang bang!

It was another round of neat salvos, and the two Tartars who had reached a distance of about a hundred paces fell again.

The third round stepped forward and fired again.

Then it was the first round.

In this back and forth, only the sound of gunshots sounded non-stop, and countless soldiers of the two Tartars fell from their horses.

The improved new fire system, the effective attack distance can reach an astonishing 200 paces. After using the paper shell bullet, it can be fired three times per minute. Two Tartars could hardly find any respite.

When they rushed to more than 20 steps in front of the Daming army formation, there were only less than 3,000 soldiers of the two Tartars left, and the corpses behind them were full of blood and blood.

Looking at the Daming Barracks nearby, the leader of the two Tartars gritted his teeth and roared: "Brothers, rush into the battle, they are not our opponents, kill! 99


Every second Tartar soldier was red-eyed, ignoring that the number of Daming troops in front was ten times theirs, and he only thought about the countless gold and silver wealth rolling toward him.

"Humph!" Huang Degong sneered when he saw it, and immediately ordered: "Everyone has it, use the grenade! 35

"Yes! 35

The three thousand musketeers took off the grenades from their waists, ignited them, and threw them out.

I saw the grenades draw beautiful arcs in the air, like raindrops falling on the road of the two Tartars charging.

Then, there was an earth-shattering roar.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom! 35

It was like a thunderous roar, and like an earth dragon turned over.

The scorching fire exploded in the camp of these two Tartars.

The sky shook, and the air waves stirred up a cloud of smoke. The hair of the Ming soldiers standing at the front were all blown away, but no one took a step back.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the smoke, and a hoarse scream could be heard clearly in their ears.

In the Daqin world, everyone held their breath and the atmosphere was tense.

Meng Tian and others, who had already experienced the power of the wooden handle Lei, could naturally guess the result, but they couldn't help but want to witness this miracle with their own eyes.

After a while, the smoke cleared.

Everyone's eyes widened.

I saw that in the open space in front, there was no one able to stand, the ground was scorched black, covered with large and small potholes, corpses everywhere, and limbs scattered everywhere.

There were also some soldiers of the Second Tartars who were lucky not to be killed by the bombing, lying on the ground and wailing faintly.

Three thousand grenades, bombed three thousand Er Tartar soldiers, and all Er Tartars were wiped out!

Thirty-two Tatar soldiers fought against the Ming army, and there was no one casualty in the Ming Dynasty.

Two Tartars, all destroyed!

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