
The breeze blew, and the flames danced on the battlefield. In the dead silence, only the wailing of the remaining soldiers of the Second Tartars could be heard.

All eyes in the audience were focused on this open space between the two armies.

Thousands of mortars and grenades were used to wash the ground, and this open space was riddled with holes and pits.

The broken arm of the candle was scattered all over the battlefield, blood mud and mourning were everywhere, and the smell of blood was accompanied by the scorched corpse, which was disgusting.

There was a dead silence on the battlefield.

However, after two breaths, a burst of cheers resounded from the sky to the ground in Daming's army formation.


"We wiped out this~ army!"

"Long Live Your Majesty, Long Live the Immortal Master!-"

Tens of thousands of soldiers were full of excitement, unable to control themselves with excitement, and the palms holding the spears and the cannons were trembling.

The 30,000-strong army is against the 30,000-strong army.

In the past, Da Ming's combat power, they did not dare to have such a scene in their dreams, but now, this miraculous victory has actually been created from their hands.

"here you go!"

Chongzhen was also full of excitement, and patted Huang Degong's shoulder vigorously.

"Immortals don't deceive me!" Chongzhen bowed to Ye Yu in the video excitedly.

At this stop, he followed the steps that Ye Yu gave him.

When the distance is far, there are mortar bombings to wash the ground, a little closer with a volley of fire guns, and finally another wave of bombardment with grenades.

The first time the new firearm appeared, it achieved an unexpected effect. The power was simply appalling.

"This, this... What kind of firearm is this, why is the firing speed so fast, and the attack distance is so far?"

"How did the Shenji Camp become so terrifying? Where did they get these firearms, did the Europeans sell them to them? This is impossible. 35

"I don't believe it, this is fake, I must be dreaming hahahaha.

The elders of the Beijing camp who were watching the battle in the nearby mountains and forests were already scared to pee.

Azige even grabbed his hair, unable to believe what he saw in front of him.

These firearms that can be called divine weapons are much stronger than the firearms of their artillery battalion. How could Daming have such powerful firearms.

I thought that the 30,002 Tatar army could easily wipe out the opposing Ming army and capture Chongzhen alive.

But I didn't expect that this person was killed without even touching the hair of the Daming people.

This, this dream is not so exaggerated.

Jiannu's cavalrymen were all frightened. Their legs were weak, and their horses retreated quietly, not daring to face the brutal army.

"Hey..." Ying Zheng also sucked in a breath of cold air when he saw this, and said dumbfounded: "Brother Chongzhen fought beautifully in this battle!

Wang Ben was also slightly stunned: "I didn't expect this guy Chongzhen to be silent on weekdays, but secretly trained this elite division, this army is face-to-face, even this army is not necessarily an opponent.

"The Marquis of Tongwu is exaggerating." Meng Tian smiled bitterly: "In the face of this kind of army, it is not bad to be able to save one's life, so why not fight.

"That's right, that's right, the old man just deduced a wave in his heart. Even if I, the Tu Family Army, faced this army, I would be killed to the point of losing my armor and armor."

"This... Under such intensive bombardment, who can guarantee that one's own life can be saved."

"The dimensionality reduction attack that Mr. said is just like this. 35

In the Daqin Imperial Palace, Ying Zheng and the other generals sighed and sighed, and the civil servants who saw the firearm bombing for the first time were even more stunned, and they didn't recover for a long time.

But after the shock, Ying Zheng and the others had their eyes lit up again. Daming's wave can be said to be showing them a textbook-like firearms battle policy. As long as Daqin's firearms level develops, they will also follow this mode of warfare. The world is not a problem!

"Good fight! 99

Ye Yu said with a faint smile, "Although it is incomparable with the modern army, the Shenji Battalion now has the shadow of some elite troops. I believe that as long as the quality of firearms is improved, and if things go on like this, this army will definitely become a Ming Dynasty. The strength to conquer the world.

Such as the Qian Qi in the hands of Xingtian, the god of war, it is easy to break up, and no one can match.

Ye Yu's admiration made Ji Chongzhen smile even more. He immediately struck while the iron was hot, drew out the saber from his waist and pointed in the direction of Azige and the others, shouting loudly: "The whole army has it, the Jiannu is still alive, continue to kill! "

Seeing this, Huang Degong hurriedly roared loudly: "Change! The sword and shield soldiers are in the front, the musketeers are in the back, and the wooden handle grenades greet them!"

"Brothers, kill slaves and leave none!

"Kill slaves!""

"Kill slaves!

"Kill slaves!"

The warriors run by gods changed quickly.

They are all elites selected from the Beijing battalion, and they have been trained by special forces, and they have already been reborn.

Although it hasn't gone through too many battles, the victory just now has filled the hearts of the warriors managed by gods with confidence.

A confident and vigorous iron army cannot be afraid of an enemy army that has been frightened.

The sword and shield soldiers were in the front, and the musketeers were in the back. All of them moved in unison, one step at a time.

Along the way, they met the soldiers of the Second Tartars who were not lucky enough to die, lying on the ground and wailing. These Ming soldiers showed no mercy, and stabbed them through their chests with a single sword.

These two Tartars helped Jiannu to oppress the citizens of their own country, cholera's own compatriots, in the eyes of the soldiers, they were even more shameless than Jiannu, and naturally they would not show mercy.

"Damn, damn it!"

Azige was so angry that his two Tartars were all killed and wounded, but Daming's army had zero casualties, which was a shame for him who had always been arrogant.

"Children, these Central Plains pigs are out of ammunition, kill with me!

"Blood the Central Plains and capture Chongzhen alive!

"Blood the Central Plains and capture Chongzhen alive!"

Being provoked like this by Azige, the ten thousand people's Jiannu soldiers had red eyes, and they threw themselves on it when they thought of Daming's quietness.

These prairie barbarians were arrogant and reckless in their actions, and now they are so humiliated that they are so angry that their hair counts down.

As for those two Tartars who died in action, they were not in the eyes of Azige at all. Anyway, they could still make efforts to supplement them.

Although there are not many soldiers of the Eight Banners, there are as many slaves and two Tartars as they want. Now they just want to run over these Central Plains people, which is a shame.

Moreover, Aziger is also a smart man. He can see that the Ming army on the opposite side has almost used the firearms in his hands. Otherwise, they will not let the army come forward for melee combat and bombard the same as just now. .

・・・・・Flowers 0・・

At this time, killing the past is the most appropriate, as long as this army can be eliminated, their long guns and short cannons are his trophies!

But what Azig never expected was that not only did his charge not make Daming's army flustered, but everyone could even see a contemptuous smile on their faces.

Chongzhen sneered again and again, every idea and strategy of these barbarians was within his budget.

Chongzhen gave a decisive order: "Order Cao Bianjiao to attack immediately, and leave no one behind!"



Cloud-piercing arrows have been flying into the air, and Cao Bianjiao, who was hiding in the mountains and forests on both sides, received the order and immediately screamed in excitement.

"Brothers, it's our turn to play!"

"Team 1, immediately block Jiannu's retreat, and troop 2, drive mortars and bombard me! 39

The elders of Jingying, who were also hiding in the mountains and forests, suddenly saw countless figures appearing beside them, in the bushes, under the grass, and even on the trees.

Ten thousand people urgently formed a phalanx to block Azig and others on the road.


The other 10,000 people were divided into two parts, left and right. In the mountains and forests on both sides, mortars were set up and began to bombard desperately.

The battle just now made the blood of the 20,000 new soldiers see the blood boil.

Seeing with their own eyes that the Shenji Battalion killed 30,000 opponents with zero casualties, everyone was eager to fight immediately.

"Boom boom~"


The guns roared, and the dense shells fell into the crowd, and the fire burst into the sky, screaming, and some people raised their guns to shoot.

Although it was free shooting, the marksmanship was not very accurate, but the darkness below was so thick that even a blind man could hit someone, and almost no one missed.

Under the hail of bullets, the battlefield below once again turned into a sea of ​​Asura blood.

Azig's troops were hit hard.

Countless artillery shells exploded in the cavalry camp, and for a while, people turned on their backs, and I don't know how many people were blown to pieces.

The densely packed bullets swept away from the mountains and forests on both sides like a scythe, making it unavoidable, and a large number of Jiannu cavalry fell like reaping wheat.

"Damn, there's an ambush, retreat, retreat!"

Azig hid in the crowd and yelled madly. At this time, he lost all his pride and ambition. Under the baptism of this wave of guns, he finally understood the despair of those two Tartars, and there were cannonballs every moment. Exploding next to him, bullets whizzed past his ears at every moment, and soldiers' blood splashed on him at every moment.

Death follows him like a shadow, and if he hadn't been hiding in the crowd, he probably wouldn't know how many times he'd been bombed to death.

Azige doesn't care about glory and wealth, he just wants to save a little life from the battlefield.

"General, behind, there are people behind!

A blood-stained, terrified soldier said in a trembling voice: "We are surrounded, surrounded!

"Damn!" Azig took the opportunity to look back.

10,000 new troops blocked their way back, each holding a long gun and firing excitedly.

The soldiers of Jiannu kept falling down like they were reaping wheat, and the blood dyed the land into a blood red, stepping on it was like stepping into a quagmire, and their feet were covered in blood and mud.

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