I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 124: Completely wipe out the white flag

The terrain that Chongzhen chose was quite unique. In front of it was the wide Fragrant River, high on the left and right sides. There was only a gap in the front of the towering dense forest, which was like a big pocket that surrounded Jiannu. .

At this time, the 10,000 new army blocked the only way of retreat, and even more, armed with fire systems, they would kill people when they saw them, shoot them when they saw them, and catch turtles in the urns.

Azige was so angry that he almost crushed the crown of his teeth, he suddenly pointed forward and roared: "Break through, break through! 39

"Catch Chongzhen alive, as long as Chongzhen is captured alive, we will win!

Under the command of Azige, the remaining 5,000-odd Jiannu iron cavalry immediately rode forward, straddling the corpses of unknown colleagues, and broke out in the direction of the Chongzhen tent.

When Chongzhen saw this, a sneer appeared on his face.

"I knew for a long time that you were going to break through, come and kill me!


Huang Degong and Cao Bianjiao laughed out loud, and commanded the army to step forward: "Brothers, kill, and leave none!"


The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty suddenly screamed with excitement. The Shenji Battalion and the new army soldiers formed a battle formation, holding up their shields and advancing forward. Even if he wanted to rush, he couldn't rush out, so he could only watch the grenade fall on his "610" head.

"No, you despicable Central Plains pigs.

"Why is this, why is this.

"I am invincible in the world with a white flag, how could I be defeated by a group of Central Plains pigs."

Azig couldn't accept his failure and roared in anger.

He couldn't understand why Daming's army became so powerful overnight.

Didn't they drive the Ming army to run away yesterday? Why didn't they even have a chance to escape today?

"Hahaha, the overall situation has been decided, Chongzhen brother did a beautiful job!

In the Daqin Palace, Ying Zheng was equally excited and kept praising him.

Watching this long gun and short guns wash the ground, he, a war madman, was simply excited.

No wonder Mr. said that guns and guns are the romance of men. As expected, if Daqin had such an army, it would be invincible in the world!

"Good job!" Ye Yu also praised with a smile on his face.

"This artillery bombardment is the trend of future wars. Lao Zhao, you have to learn from Lao Zhu. They are much more advanced than your Da Qin."

"The widow understands." Ying Zheng said immediately: "The widow has asked someone to record the Ming army's response to this war in detail, and when the war is over, he will immediately let Wang Ben and others review it again and again, and I will definitely see this kind of tactics learned. Go to the core. 55

Having said that, Ying Zheng looked at Chongzhen embarrassedly and said, "Brother Chongzhen, this firearm..."

"The First Emperor rest assured! Chongzhen said quickly: "Wait for this time to eliminate Jiannu, this fire gun grenade and mortar, immediately trade with the First Emperor!

"Good good! 99

Ying Zheng nodded excitedly again and again: "Do it well, and kill all these beasts with human face and beast heart, the few people are waiting for your good news!"

Ye Yu also smiled and said, "That's right, Lao Zhu, don't be merciless, this time I must kill all these Jian slaves, and I will celebrate for you when I go back!

"Yes, thank you sir.

Chongzhen's face was full of excitement, and then he turned off the communication with satisfaction, and surrendered to the battlefield again.

At this point, the battle was drawing to a close.

10,000 generals with white flags were completely wiped out, not a single one was left, and not even one escaped.

Azige was blown into two sections by a grenade, and when he found his body, only the upper body was left, and it was already cold.

The 40,000 Tatars and the army of Jiannu inlaid with white flags, under the means of Chongzhen's iron and blood, not even a single survivor, were all wiped out.

In the Ming army, less than 100 people were killed or wounded.

Most of these people were Cao Bianjiao's subordinates.

In the final analysis, this is still the case. The training time of the new army is too short, and they are not elite enough. In addition, they are selected from refugees, and they have not seen any big scenes. Facing this scene of bloodshed and drifting, they are still a little scared.

And these dozens of casualties also made Cao Bianjiao feel ashamed.

Huang Degong's subordinates faced 32,000 Tartars without any casualties. His subordinates faced one or two thousand Jiannu soldiers who broke through the encirclement, but dozens of people were killed and injured, leaving him speechless when facing Chongzhen.

"Your Majesty, the last will be incompetent, please punish the Holy One!"

Cao Bianjiao knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to apologize, Chongzhen smiled and stepped forward to help him up.

"Aiqing, please, this time, it is all due to the concerted efforts of the whole army to have such a brilliant victory, and the flaws do not hide the truth. Such flaws are nothing to worry about. After returning home, you will train well."35

"The new army has just been established, and it is not easy to face the breakout of the elites with white flags. The soldiers who went on the expedition this time will be rewarded with 50 taels of silver. The young and old in the family are supported by the imperial court!"5

Chongzhen's reward immediately made the whole army cheer.

Going into battle to kill the enemy, isn't the purpose of defending the family, defending the country, prosperity and wealth, Chongzhen's big money this time, so that everyone can make a small profit when they go back.

In particular, the comfort of the casualties touched the hearts of every soldier.

Many soldiers are serving convicts and military service, and they are the main labor force in their families.

Therefore, during the battle, many people couldn't help but tie their hands and feet, for fear of dying on the battlefield but also affecting their family members.

However, Chongzhen's great work completely dispelled the concerns of many soldiers and gave them more courage to fight.

After this splendid victory, the morale of the two major legions was bursting, and the invincible aura was condensed invisibly.

It is conceivable that as long as they go through several victories, they will surely become the vanguard of the Ming Dynasty to conquer the world, invincible and invincible in a hundred battles.

But seeing such a scene, the elders of the Beijing camp who were watching the battle in the mountains and forests on both sides were envious.

They naturally knew that neither the reward nor the pension had their share. After all, they were chased by Jiannu and fled in a hurry. It was good to say that the defeated army was a group of dogs.

Chongzhen did not punish them severely, even if they were smoke on the ancestral graves.

Yang Sichang, who was covered in dirt and embarrassed, looked gloomy and uncertain at this time.

He originally thought that Shenji Battalion would also lose in this battle, so that such a disastrous defeat would not look so ugly.

But who would have thought that the Shenji Battalion was so powerful that it eliminated 32,000 Tartars without a single soldier, and even joined forces with the new army to bury 10,000 soldiers with white flags on the banks of the Fragrant River.

Such a glorious victory, it seems that his defeat is so shameful, and he is so incompetent.

No wonder Chongzhen refused to surrender no matter what, with such a powerful army, destroying Jiannu is just a matter of turning over the hand. Surrender, then there is really a problem with the mind. . . .

Yang Sichang's face was full of bitterness, and he bravely stepped forward and kowtowed: "Your Majesty, this minister is incompetent, please punish Your Majesty.

"Humph!" Chongzhen smiled coldly: "Does Yang Qin still feel that I am incompetent and touch the stone with an egg?"

"I don't dare." Yang Sichang trembled and said in a panic, "I am blind, I don't know the power of my Ming Dynasty, and I ask Your Majesty to punish him severely. 99

Chongzhen flicked his sleeves and remained silent.

Although Yang Sichang was driven by Jiannu to run around, it was extremely embarrassing.

But he also knew that it was not Yang Sichang's responsibility for the defeat of the Beijing camp, and Yang Sichang's mission as a decoy was accomplished very well.

If he hadn't been chased and run away, he wouldn't have caught the turtle in the urn and wiped out the 40,000 slaves in one fell swoop.

Moreover, although Yang Sichang is a little timid, he is loyal to the Daming court, and even in the most critical time, he did not serve as a slave. This was also confirmed by Ye Yu. He is one of the few talents in Daming now, so Chongzhen will not deal with him for the time being.

Chongzhen was very dissatisfied with Yang Sichang's previous proposal to negotiate peace, but now seeing Yang Sichang's face full of remorse, he felt a sense of relief in his heart.

"Yang Qing, what do you think should be done with the Beijing soldiers who fled after the defeat?"

Chongzhen never mentioned Yang Sichang's improper command, but instead asked his opinion.

The deserters he was talking about were not the Beijing soldiers who had escaped from Yutian County to Beihe, but those who took the opportunity to run into the mountains and forests when Daming Jun and Jiannu faced off.

However, after the war, these people had already been captured by Cao Bianjiao's new army, a total of 2,000 people, and now they are kneeling outside the big tent.

Yang Sichang was stunned when he heard this, and after he figured it out, he was dripping with cold sweat.

The emperor's heart is unpredictable, Chongzhen is asking his opinion on the surface, but he is actually testing his attitude.

If he is still a woman's kindness, weak and unworthy, he will surely suffer a great sin.

"Your Majesty!" Yang Sichang gritted his teeth and said, "These are all defeated, weak and incompetent. They were killed by Jiannu and lost their helmets and armor, and even had the selfish intention of surrendering to Jiannu. Wei Chen suggested that they be put on death row and strictly guarded. There is a war charge ahead, and I am guilty and meritorious for my name." 0.6


Chongzhen nodded with satisfaction: "You will handle these people, Yang Qing, don't let me down.

"Yes, Wei Chen will definitely live up to His Majesty's trust!

Yang Sichang nodded again and again, secretly relieved in his heart.

He knew that he had made the right bet. Chongzhen was very dissatisfied with these second-generation Jingying people who were mixed up and waiting to die.

This time, these people just happened to be used as bait, not only to lure the slaves into the trap, but also to cut off this stubborn disease that was attached to Daming's body, and, with the help of his Yang Sichang, he could clean up these scum and let them serve Daming. In the end, it can be said to serve multiple purposes, and the means are extremely clever!

After resolving Yang Sichang's matter, Chongzhen immediately ordered.

"Yang Sichang escorted the deserters, took Azige's head, and immediately returned to the capital to spread the news of the victory of this battle to the world and inspire people's hearts."

"Jinyiwei, the East Factory immediately dispatched Fanzi to keep an eye on the movements of the remaining Jiannu, but if there is a chance, immediately notify the Shenji Camp and be ready for battle at all times. 66

"I ordered Lu Xiangsheng, Zuo Liangyu and other tribes to fight steadily and continue to prevent Jiannu from going south according to the established strategy. I want to find opportunities to fight Jiannu to the death!""


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