
in the hotel.

Ye Yu dispelled the gate of crossing the world in front of him, and fell into contemplation.

Now Chongzhen has wiped out Azige with the white flag, not only showing the terrifying dominance of firearms on the ancient battlefield, but also achieving a brilliant victory, and raising the morale of the Ming army to the top.

It can be seen that as long as Chongzhen plays steadily, it will not be a problem to erode the Jiannu army step by step.

As long as this fateful enemy is resolved, Daming will be able to free up his hands to attack other countries in the future.

And Daqin is now recuperating and developing vigorously. Perhaps after Chongzhen eliminates Jiannu, both empires can start the road of attack at the same time.

At that time, they can use their hands to explore the hidden secrets of this world.

Looking at the time, Ye Yu took out a suit and put it on, and took a taxi to the location of Xuanjing Auction House.

The auction was held at eight o'clock in the evening, and it was only seven o'clock now, just in the past.

Sitting in the car, Ye Yu's attention gradually drifted away as he looked at the brightly lit Yanjing City outside.

This Xuanjing Auction House is full of weirdness. If they are really related to the legendary Immortal 26, it must not be as simple as it looks on the surface.

Most importantly, in this auction, his goal was the mysterious Jade Que, and he didn't know if anyone would compete with him.

In fact, he really hopes that someone will compete with him, so that he can find clues and explore the truth of this world!

Time, seven forty.

Ye Yu stood at the entrance of an alley opposite Xuanjing Auction House, observing the auction house opposite.

This is a small three-story building, with an unremarkable appearance, not even comparable to Yun Dian Auction House, but the spiritual power fluctuating in Ye Yu's dantian told him that this Xuanjing Auction House was not what it looked like on the surface. Simple.

At the entrance of the auction house, cars stopped from time to time, and a well-dressed old man or a young man walked down.

"This is……"

When the time reached the last ten minutes, Ye Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at the door of the auction house.

I saw a young man wearing a Taoist robe, with a face like a crown of jade and a hair crown getting out of a low-key black car, a middle-aged man with a big heart and a fat body immediately came out of the auction house, and flattered him. .

Ye Yu was not mistaken, that middle-aged man was clearly the one in the documentation, the manager of the Xuanjing Auction House, and he was considered the number one person in this Yanjing City.

To treat a little Taoist so flatteringly?


The moment the thin and handsome Taoist priest entered the auction house, he seemed to have sensed something. He glanced at the entrance of the alley where Ye Yu was standing unintentionally. When he saw Ye Yu who was well-dressed, a strange color flashed in his eyes. But he didn't pay much attention to it, he turned around and walked away.

"What a keen sense!"

Ye Yu was startled. When the young man looked at him just now, the spiritual energy in his dantian swayed indistinctly. Even if this Taoist priest was not a cultivator, he was still connected to the cultivator.

Ye Yu was excited for a while, this trip to Yanjing was indeed right.

However, he did not go up to find out, but continued to stand here and observe.

In the last ten minutes, almost a minute later, people dressed in strange clothes got out of the car and walked into the auction house surrounded by the stewards of the auction house.

Among them, some were handsome old Taoist priests, some were beautiful women with proud stature but cold expressions, and there were even peasants dressed in coarse clothes and dressed like peasants.

But these people all have one thing in common, they all have extremely low spiritual energy fluctuations.

At the last minute, Ye Yu adjusted his clothes and strode towards the door of the auction house.

Looking at Ye Yu's unfamiliar face, the security guards standing at the door suddenly became nervous.

A security guard touched the bulge on his waist and said vigilantly, "Sir, this is a private auction, do you have an invitation letter?

"Invitation card……"

Ye Yu glanced at the bulging shape on the security guard's waist, a gleam of divine light flashed in his eyes, and took out a piece of white paper and handed it over.

"Look, is this an invitation letter?"

The security guard was confused for a moment, carefully took the white paper and glanced at it, and suddenly his face changed greatly: "It turned out to be Mr. Ye, please come in. 99

The two guards immediately surrounded Ye Yu and walked in.

A mysterious smile appeared on Ye Yu's face.

Of course he couldn't have the mysterious invitation letter, it was just the most basic use of aura.

Although he is just a scum who has just entered the cultivation world, the Tai Void spiritual power is all-encompassing, and it is not only attacking.

Interfering with the senses through spiritual power could not be easier for him.

After entering the Xuanjing Auction House, Ye Yu's eyes suddenly lit up.

This Xuanjing Auction House is really unique. The space inside is much larger than the outside, and the hall is full of precious pictures from the past dynasties.

The swords and armors of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the paintings and calligraphy of the Tang and Song dynasties, and even a giant bronze cauldron from the Xia and Shang dynasties in the center of the hall, show how profound the Xuanjing auction house is.

Ye Yu walked into a small box under the guidance of a waitress in dress.

On the front of the box is a huge single-sided mirror. Through the mirror, if you look down, you can see the outside scene.

Below is a huge and empty hall. In the hall, some seats are neatly placed, and it is already full of people at this time.

Ye Yu took a casual glance at 610 and saw a lot of characters who often appeared on TV, some were excellent entrepreneurs, financial giants, and some were big names in the entertainment industry.

But now, these big people who can stir up the situation outside, are sitting on the chairs honestly, and staring at the high platform in front of them.

As for the strangely dressed people Ye Yu saw at the door, they could not be found. They should be sitting in the box just like him.


There was a trace of unpredictability on Ye Yu's face.

He only got such a position by relying on the effect of the Spiritual Power of the Void, and why are these people? Because they are all cultivators?

It seems that at high levels, the existence of cultivators is a well-known secret, and some people may think that this is a fraud, but the status of cultivators is noble and has become an indisputable fact.

"Cough cough..."

A cough sounded on the high platform in front.

Ye Yu looked up and saw an old man with gray hair and a fitted tunic standing straight on the high platform. His warm eyes looked around the auction hall, especially when he stopped for a while above the boxes on the second floor. A smile appeared on his face.

"Welcome to Xuanjing, everyone knows the rules, the auction is now officially starting!

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