The old man held the auction hammer. Although the voice was light, it could clearly reach everyone's ears.

"Recently, I have unearthed a lot of ancient tombs in Tianxia. A few days ago, the tomb of Feng Quji, the right minister of the Qin Dynasty, was unearthed, once again letting us know the secrets that existed in the pre-Qin period."

"Before the auction starts, I would like to share with you the news that the remains of Mancheng in Shangdutou have been unearthed, and a large number of skeletons of people from the Central Plains during the Qin Dynasty have been found, as well as... a stone tablet showing the achievements of the Immortal Master!

A fiery look flashed in the old man's eyes: "Everyone, the truth of the world is slowly unfolding in front of me, whether there really is a fairy, and whether the fairy still exists, I will definitely explore it!

"Now, here's the first lot!

As soon as the hammer fell, there was a sudden noise in the auction hall. Ye Yu could clearly see that many people below stood up excitedly. It seemed that these people had no doubts about Xian.


Ye Yu coughed in embarrassment. If these people knew that the Immortal Master they were looking for was sitting on top of their heads, I wonder how wonderful these people's expressions would be.


Several powerful men moved a huge object covered with black silk onto the stage, making a dull sound.

Sun Qinghe lifted the black silk, revealing the bronze color underneath.

At this moment, in the venue below, I don't know how many people stood up in shock, they have seen this thing!

Sun Qinghe said slowly: "Everyone has a good view, this is the giant bronze cauldron unearthed from Feng Quji's tomb, and it is the first time that there is actual evidence that there are immortals in this world. Do you want to follow in the footsteps of immortals? , Bid, this bronze immortal cauldron, the starting price is 100 million!"

"I'll pay 300 million!"

"Five million!"

"Six hundred million!"

"Nine billion!

As soon as Sun Qinghe finished speaking, a price call came from the next door.

Many well-dressed bigwigs, without even caring about their image at this time, made crazy bids, vowing to take this bronze immortal cauldron into their pockets.

Evidence of the existence of immortals, is it possible to find the opportunity to become a cultivator after obtaining this bronze cauldron?

The news of cultivators is not a secret at the upper levels, but they are too mysterious, and their power is deeply rooted, and they are not accessible to ordinary people.

Ye Yu stared blankly at the wildly soaring price. Before he could react, it had already soared to 2 billion.

Covering his face with his hands, Ye Yu's head was covered in black lines, and he couldn't bear to look directly at the bronze cauldron on the stage.

What kind of immortal cauldron, this is what Lao Zhao used to record. The book "Postpartum Care of a Sow" that he gave is still brightly engraved on the cauldron. Are these people crazy? What can I do with this tripod? , learning to raise pigs?

After a while, the range of the asking price slowly decreased, and finally, this bronze cauldron was taken into the bag by the fat man with oil head and powder face at a high price of 3.2 billion.

Seeing this fat man happily and thanking the people around him, he didn't seem to feel that he was at a loss at all, but instead, it was as if he had picked up some huge bargain.

Ye Yu's mouth twitched.

Buying back a copy of "Postpartum Care of Sows" with more than 3 billion is not treating money as money.

The most important thing is that the old man Zhao of this bronze cauldron has made nine of them. If each one is so valuable, he is afraid that he will be able to reward the Tianxia Rich List as quickly as possible.

With such a comparison, the 100 million in his bank card suddenly felt unpleasant.

Shaking his head, he threw all the things out of his mind. Ye Yu turned his attention to the auction. The purpose of his visit this time was to find traces of immortals, money, how much he wanted, and how much he wanted. Compared with the secrets of the world, it is really worthless.

Compared with the bronze cauldrons, the latter items are much lower in value.

Ancient jade rings, strange-shaped stones, strange-looking trees, and even the legendary Gu worms, although not as intimidating as the bronze immortal cauldron, also attracted the big people below to buy them.

Even the mysterious guys in the private room above made a few shots, which attracted Ye Yu's attention.

But he didn't know these things, so he didn't fight with them.

What's even more embarrassing is that even if he wants to rob them, he can't rob them. When these people make a move, they are in units of 100 million. The money in his hand is not enough for a fraction of the others.

Finally, two hours later, there were only two lots left on the stage.

Everyone's attention was focused on the two jade plates, as if they could see what was inside through the red silk.

Sun Qinghe personally held a jade plate and lifted the red silk to reveal the contents.

This is a stone with a head laughing. It is covered with this layer of quaint stone skin, and a small window is cut on the front, revealing the crystal blue texture inside.

The people below don't know what this is, but in the private room above, I don't know how many people stood up in shock, their eyes burning.

Ye Yu also stood up suddenly, his eyes fixed on the 'stone' in Sun Qinghe's hand



Although it was very light, he felt the presence of spiritual energy from it.

This was the first time he felt aura on something else!

But how is this possible, isn't there almost no spiritual energy in this world?

Sun Qinghe smiled and swept over the private room above, and said lightly: "It seems that everyone has already guessed it, yes, this is a spiritual stone.

"This is also the only piece of spirit stone that I have found in Xuanjing in the past 120 years, and the starting price is 200 million.

"500 million!" As soon as the voice fell, a clear male voice came from the private room next to Ye Yu: "I will pay 500 million!"

Almost at the same time, a cold female voice came from the other private room: "I will pay 700 million! 35

Almost instantly, Ye Yu thought of the frosty-faced woman he saw at the door of the auction house.

"Cough, this spirit stone is not bad, the old man gave 1.5 billion.

"Two billion!"

"Twenty-two billion!"

The price continued to climb, and it soon broke through the three billion mark, which made the big figures below look bewildered.

The male voice in the private room next to Ye Yu asked to increase the price several times, but was suppressed by the others, which made his tone become anxious.

"Five billion!" The male voice shouted again, and while the others had not yet increased the price, he said in a very fast tone: "Seniors, the spiritual stones in my Jinghua Cave Heaven Gathering Array have been exhausted, and there is an urgent need for spiritual stones to be replenished. , I also ask you to raise your hands."

The scene suddenly fell silent.

After a while, a faint voice sounded: "Hey, Jinghua Cave is almost gone, that's all, I can last for decades when I move the mountain, so this spiritual stone will be given to you first."5

The cold female voice also followed: "I have no opinion on Shuiyuedongtian."

"Hey, there are fewer and fewer guys in my hometown still alive now, and this old man won't fight with you anymore.

"The spiritual energy is exhausted, I can't wait for Dongtian for long, can save one is one.

"Thank you seniors!"

Seeing that no one was competing with him again, Xu Changming immediately clenched his fists and thanked these people with joy: "I have written down this kindness, and if there is a chance, we will definitely repay it!"9

In the private room, listening to the voices of these people outside, Ye Yu raised his eyebrows, his eyes showing the color of thought.

Dongtian, a cultivator, the spiritual energy is exhausted...

Although these people do not communicate much, the amount of information among them is very large!

Each item deserves Ye Yu to think deeply.

Finally, he glanced at the spirit stone on the stage, Ye Yu asked secretly in his heart: "System, what exactly is this spirit stone? 99

"Ding, the spirit stone is the gathering of the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth. With the help of the spirit stone, it can be used to assist in cultivation. After the earth has reached the limit of the sky, the number of spirit stones has been decreasing day by day, and it is almost extinct! 35

"Well, can you help with training?"

Hearing the sound, Ye Yu's eyes suddenly lit up.

If this small stone can assist in cultivation, doesn't it mean that he will no longer need to correct and make breakthroughs in the future, which can leave a large sum of money!

Ye Yu hurriedly asked: """ Check the price of spirit stones!

The light screen of the system suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Low-level spirit stone: 50 positive value]

[Intermediate spirit stone: 500 positive value]

[Advanced spirit stone: 5000 positive value]

"So expensive!"9

Ye Yu frowned and was slightly speechless.

Five thousand is worth a straight-level high-level spiritual stone, which is higher than the positive value he consumes for one breakthrough, which is too terrifying!

Temporarily pressing the idea of ​​exchanging spiritual stones for cultivation to the bottom of his heart, Ye Yu turned to look at the last jade plate on the stage.

On this jade plate, is the purpose of his visit this time, the jade tower related to the Taixu Jade Order.

Sun Qinghe lifted the red silk, pointed at the jade tower and said with a smile: "The legendary jade tower related to immortals, the reserve price is now one yuan, and the auction is now on!""

The voice fell, but there was silence in the venue.

The big people sitting in the audience looked at each other in dismay. It was not the first time for them to participate in Xuanjing's auction. Similar jade ques would appear every three or five times. At least there were more than five fingers. No one found anything special about these things.

After a while, in one of the private rooms on the second floor, an old voice sounded: "Since no one is shooting, then this jade tower will be handed over to me, the old man happens to have two similar jade towers in his hand, and I don't know how to collect them. Will you be able to discover the mysteries of immortals later?"

"The old man is worth 200 million!"

As soon as the voice fell, the cold (Wang De's) female voice sounded again: "Three hundred million, this palace also has a lot of jade towers, old man Bai, how about handing this jade tower to me?"

The old Baitou smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Since you want Ye Yatou, then I won't argue with you.

Ye Yu listened to the voice outside, the corners of his mouth twitched.

These big dog owners are really inhumane.

As soon as the shot is made, the unit is 100 million, and his more than 100 million in this auction is really nothing.

Looking at the price of spirit stones in the system, Ye Yu gritted his teeth and said, "I want this jade tower for one spirit stone!

Ye Yu's voice echoed in Nuoda's auction venue.

The arena was quiet for a moment, and then instantly boiled.

"What? Lingshi, fellow Daoist, do you still have a Lingshi?"

"You, you... You actually exchanged the spirit stone for this jade tower, and you ruined the heavenly things. It's really a waste of heavenly things!"

"How many spiritual stones do you have in your hand, you can exchange the jade tower in Ben Gong's hand with you!

Old male voices, cold female voices, all kinds of voices echoed in the auction hall, and each voice was filled with anxiety and disbelief.

Today, when spiritual qi is exhausted and spiritual stones are hard to find, there are still people who exchange spiritual stones for jade towers that have no use. Isn't this wrong?

If it wasn't for the sound coming from the private room, everyone would think he was joking.

"Cough cough, this gentleman, please give the spirit stone to our staff, this jade tower is yours!

"it is good!"

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