Ye Yu nodded, exchanged a low-level spirit stone and handed it to the maid standing at the door, picked up the jade on the jade plate, turned around and left.

"This fellow Daoist, please stay!"

Just as he walked to the door of Xuanjing Auction House, a voice sounded in Ye Yu's ear.

Ye Yu turned back and silently watched the group of people behind him, all of them were cultivators who had just sat in the private room!

Xu Changming was stunned when he looked at Ye Yu, then quickly bowed his hands anxiously, and said, "This fellow Taoist, I don't know which cave came from, if you still have a spiritual stone in your hand, I can use Yuque to exchange it with your fellow Taoist!

Saying that, Xu Changming flipped his hand, and a jade tower engraved with a mysterious rune appeared in his hand.

Ye Binglan stared at Ye Yu calmly with her beautiful eyes, three jade towers also appeared in her hand, and said in a flat tone: "I will give you one spiritual stone!

Ye Yu looked at the jade tower in the hands of the two, and his pupils shrank slightly.

At the moment when these jade towers appeared, the Taixu jade order in his sea of ​​consciousness trembled slightly.

These people don't know the function of these jade towers, but he knows it clearly!

This jade tower has an extraordinary connection with the legendary immortal!

After pondering for a while, Ye Yu exchanged two low-level spirit stones from the system again, and said indifferently: "I am not the person from the cave as you say, this spirit stone was only learned by chance, and the last two are left. A, since you need it, make an exchange!

"Okay!" Bai Nanchuan stood up and nodded and said, "This spirit stone is worth far more than the jade tower in my hands. Since you are willing to exchange it, 610, I will not let you suffer. The old man still has three jade towers in his hand. I'll give it to you too!"

"Thank you!" Ye Yu glanced at Bai Nanchuan in surprise, took the jade tower from the three of them, threw the spirit stone into Xu Changming's arms, and turned to leave.

"Senior White, this..."

Xu Changming held two spiritual stones, feeling the abundant spiritual energy in them, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

The spiritual energy in these two spirit stones is even more abundant than what he bought from the auction house!

Bai Nanchuan stared at Ye Yu's back without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ye Binglan noticed something strange, and Liu Mei frowned and asked, "Old Baitou, is there something wrong?"

Bai Nanchuan nodded slowly, and said solemnly: "This kid is at the peak of Qi training, and I have never seen him!


Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Bai Nanchuan was already the strongest among them, but he was only able to break through the middle stage of Qi training.

Peak practice?

Now that the spiritual energy is exhausted, it has not appeared for hundreds of years!

"Could it be that he found the spirit stone ore vein?" Xu Changming held two spirit stones, his eyes widened suddenly, and he said in disbelief: "He has so many spirit stones in his hand, if he uses these spirit stones to cultivate to the point of qi peak……

"Impossible!" Ye Binglan said coldly: "After the ancient earth was completely connected to the sky, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has long been exhausted, and we are only able to break through the Qi refining period by relying on the only spiritual energy left in the cave, how can there be spiritual energy in the outside world? exists, unless...

"Unless he has something to do with the legendary immortal master!" A flash of divine light flashed in Bai Nanchuan's eyes, and the wrinkles on his face trembled slightly.

"There has always been a legend that the First Emperor Chongzhen was brought back to life with the help of the Immortal Master. I have always thought it was a rumor in the market, but now the bronze tripod and the stone tablet in Shangdu all prove this.

"Perhaps, not all cultivators have escaped into the cave after the Earth's Absolute Heaven, and some people have stayed outside and found a way to cultivate. This Immortal Master is one of them, and the one who just made a deal with us may be one of them. !


Such a guess immediately caused the others to take a deep breath.

After the heavens and the earth are destroyed, the spiritual qi is exhausted, and even the outside world is about to collapse because of the lack of spiritual qi. If someone can cultivate in the outside world, doesn't it mean that they can also get rid of the shackles of the cave?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but get excited.

Behind Bai Nanchuan, a burly and majestic man said, "Senior Bai, I'll go look for clues about that person just now! 35

"Wait a minute!" Bai Nanchuan hurriedly stopped and said solemnly: "If this person is really related to the Immortal Master, the power in his hands must be beyond our imagination, and we must not offend at will, just form a good relationship today!

"Seeing that he needs these immortal jade very much, I just need to help him find it, if there is a fate, I will meet you! 99

"...Well, I'll go find Xianyu now."

The strong man and a few others bowed their hands to Bai Nanchuan and drove away in a hurry.

They must return to their respective caves as soon as possible and report today's news to the cave owner.

Bai Nanchuan, Ye Binglan and Xu Changming stood at the door of Xuanjing Auction House, silently watching the direction Ye Yu left, and fell into deep thought.

Who is this person who may be related to the legendary immortal master?

Ye Yu ran all the way back to the hotel.

As soon as he entered the door, Taixu Yuling flew out of his sea of ​​consciousness impatiently.

Above the jade decree, a cgag-like light flickered, Ye Yu spread out his hands, and from Bai Nanchuan and the others, the jade towers that had been traded flew up at the same time, revolving around the Taixu jade decree constantly, during which the faint Electric light flickers.

After a while, these jade towers turned into jade liquid and melted into the Taixu Jade Token. After the Taixu Jade Token conveyed a cheerful and satisfied mood to Lu Ming, it turned into a divine light and rushed into him. sea ​​of ​​knowledge.

Ye Yu hurriedly sat down with his heart turned upside down and entered a state of cultivation.

Half an hour later, Ye Yu opened his eyes again, a ray of starlight flashed in his eyes, and his face was solemn.

I see!

After being supplemented by these jade towers, the Taixu Jade Ling once again passed on a piece of knowledge to Ye Yu.

After Emperor Shun's earth was completely connected to heaven, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth was increasingly exhausted.

In order to survive, some cultivators resorted to the means of reaching the sky and the earth. On the basis of the main world, they opened up a different space and moved their dojo into the different space, forming the current cave.

The cave is closed, and the spiritual energy disappears far less quickly than the main world, so Xu Changming and others can continue to cultivate.

However, with the passage of time, coupled with the fact that people only use it for cultivation, the spiritual energy in the cave has gradually been exhausted, and the cultivation base of the cultivator has been regressing. Now, the Qi refining stage has become a top master.

A hint of understanding flashed in Ye Yu's eyes.

No wonder there are few practitioners walking in the world, because here, they are all hidden in the cave.

No wonder Xu Changming and the others needed the spirit stone so much. According to the information of Taixu Yuling, within three years at most, the small worlds of caves around the world will collapse, and at that time, any kind of cultivation will come out.

There are not only cultivators in the caves of this world, but also the demons who were once in trouble, and even the dark wizards and vampires in the West. At that time, these demons who were once in the dark will reappear without the shelter of the caves. world.

Three years!

Ye Yu's palm clenched quietly.

After three years, the world will inevitably be in chaos, leaving him with three more years!

In these three years, he must become stronger at the fastest speed, in order to protect one side in the turmoil ten years later!

And if you want to be strong, you can only improve your own strength!

But now that the spiritual energy is exhausted, the only way for him to improve his strength is to use the right value to cultivate.

"It seems that Lao Zhao and Lao Zhu have to speed up. Fortunately, their time ratio is seven to one here. In three years, it should not be a problem for them to occupy the world!

"But this cave..."

Ye Yu touched his chin and muttered to himself.

Since there are caves in his world, the possibility of existence of caves in the worlds of Daqin and Daming is not small, especially in Daqin, it is not far from the time to reach the earth and the sky, the spiritual energy in the caves is still very sufficient, practitioners. must be quite a few.

Ying Zheng has not encountered any cultivators now, just because their movements are not big enough.

If dragon flags are planted all over the world, it will inevitably affect the interests of other countries and even cultivators of races, and there will be wars.

Ye Yu knew very well how powerful the cultivators' combat power was, and the mortal body couldn't stand their attacks at all.

"This time, when I go back, let Lao Qin build the Ordnance Bureau first, and do all he can to develop the military industry. No matter how strong practitioners are, as long as they are not immortals, they will still be cold in the face of justice from the sky. I want to see who dares to stop them. Difficult Da Qin's road to hegemony!

Secretly clenched his fists, a playful look flashed in Ye Yu's eyes.

The greater the historical bias caused, the more positive the harvest.

If all these behind-the-scenes gangsters that have been hidden behind the dynasties and dynasties are all cleaned up, then the positive value of the harvest must be beyond imagination!

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