Night falls.

Ye Yu hurriedly rushed back to the farm before Ying Zheng and the others left.

"Sir, long time no see. 39

"Mr. is finally back.

"Hahahaha, I haven't seen Mr. for half a month, I miss you so much!

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen looked at Ye Yu who walked into the door, and hurried up to greet Ye Yu and bowed to Ye Yu-.

Ye Yu was stunned for a while, and then he reacted.

Although he had only left for two days, for Ying Zheng and the others, fourteen days had passed. If he hadn't hurried back today, the next meeting would be seven days later.

"Come here, Lao Zhao, fortunately you haven't left yet, you have a good time today, but I specially brought you a lot of delicious food from Yanjing!

With a flash of light on Ye Yu's watch, a dozen roast ducks appeared on the ground.

This is the delicious food he specially bought from Quanjude on his way to the auction. It will not change its taste when it is placed in the storage space of the gate of the world, and it is even steaming now.

Smelling the seductive fragrance, Wang Ben, a foodie, was about to burst out.

However, Chongzhen noticed what Ye Yu had just said, and asked curiously, "Yanjing, did you mean Peiping, sir, and went to Peiping?"

"Of course not." Ye Yu was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "It's not your Yanjing in Daming, but my Yanjing here. Do you think this fairyland is only the size of my small farm?"

Ying Zheng and the others were taken aback for a moment: "Isn't it?"

The farm was covered with fog, and they had tried to walk before, but they couldn't get out. They always thought that Xianyu only had this large area.

"Of course not." Ye Yu rolled his eyes and said, "The scope of this fairyland is very large. You have seen the globe, how big the earth is, and how big this fairyland is. It's a pity that you can't go out now, so what are you waiting for? When you can go out, I will take you out for a walk.""

"Hey... the scope of the Immortal Realm is so large?

"Sir, you are really capable, and you can actually build such a vast immortal realm."

"In the future, the widow must go out and see!

When Ying Zheng heard the words, they first took a deep breath, and then cupped their hands one after another, their eyes full of scorching heat.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there will be opportunities in the future, come and come, and taste the Yanjing roast duck I brought back to you!" Ye Yu sliced ​​a few pieces of duck meat and handed them to Ying Zheng and the others, and said with a smile: "This Yanjing duck Roast duck, which is fat but not greasy, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, is a specialty of our Yanjing, and it is usually not eaten. You will have a good time today.66

"Pharaoh, please slow down, this roast duck is not like this!" Seeing Wang Ben taking the roast duck and stuffing it into his mouth, Ye Yu quickly stopped it, and explained while moving: "You must eat this Yanjing roast duck with this one. Onion and cucumber strips, smeared with sweet sauce, and then wrapped in lotus leaf cake, it is simply delicious!

Seeing Ye Yu's face full of satisfaction, Wang Ben, who was on the side, couldn't bear it any longer. He picked up two pieces of duck meat and wrapped it up like he did.

Ying Zheng and several others followed suit, and when they tasted this delicious food, they were full of praise.

"There is still so much deliciousness in this world!"

"It's delicious, the duck in your hands is even more delicious than what I ate in the palace!

"It's so delicious, Father, I'll give you another slice."

"Don't worry, don't worry, what's more, one person and two ducks are enough!" After two pieces of duck meat, Ye Yu nodded with satisfaction and looked at Chongzhen and said, "Old Zhu, how's the battle between you Daming and Jiannu?

Chongzhen quickly swallowed the duck meat in his mouth, hammered his chest and said: "The method taught by Mr. really works, you have also seen that battle, the 40,000-strong army with white flags was completely wiped out by my Ming Dynasty, and there was not a single one. escape. 55

"After the news spread, the whole country was boiling, especially Wu Sangui and others. They were all shocked by this brilliant victory. In one day, they went to seven questions to confirm the truth and falsehood.""

Chongzhen's face was full of smiles, especially when he remembered Wu Sangui and the others' notes, the cautious and tentative tone, and the smiling mouth grinned to the bottom of his ears.

When these bastards wrote a letter, their attitude was not extremely arrogant, and they threatened that if the court did not give money or food, they would never send troops.


But this time, it was a small minister and a subordinate each time. With this condescending attitude, it was very refreshing to see Chongzhen.

"Yeah, that's right! Ye Yu nodded, thought for a while, and then warned: "Old Zhu, you are so steady and steady, it's just a matter of time to eliminate Jian slaves, but you have to pay attention to this, people like Wu Sangui have always been On the surface, one thing behind the other, people seem to be bowing to their knees now, and they don't know what little things they are doing behind their backs.

"When you face Wu Sangui and others, don't be soft-hearted, or you will be stabbed in the back, and you won't have a place to cry."

"Thank you for your guidance, Mr. Chongzhen!" Chongzhen nodded again and again, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Even if Ye Yu didn't remind him, he wouldn't let Wu Sangui and others go.

He is not the weak king of the country in the past. Now he has eliminated the army with the white flag. It was when Chongzhen was at his most high-spirited. Wu Sangui et al.

......・・ Flowers 0.....

Seeing Chongzhen's expression, Ye Yu nodded secretly.

It seems that his educational achievements during this period of time have been outstanding, and Chongzhen is indeed the blood of the old Zhu family. In the past, the situation was not good, and he could only be a coward. Awakened.

As long as this wave of Ming Dynasty completely eliminated Jiannu, from then on, we can enter a period of peaceful and prosperous development. At that time, we will vigorously develop the military industry, and then use long guns and short guns to open the doors of Western countries. It is exciting to think of it.

The more Ye Yu thought about it, the happier he became. He turned to look at Ying Zheng and said with a smile, "Old Zhao, how is Daqin's situation during this time?"

"The situation in Daqin is stable!" Ying Zheng raised his glass and said with a smile: "The widow convened a group of ministers and selected seventy-two my Tianxia sages, and then built the fairy temple with the statue of the immortal master as the main body, and received the blood and food of the people. In three days, the temple will be completed, and the rice is about to mature. The widow will prepare the sacrifice to the sky at that time, and please witness it."


"You..." Ye Yu shook his head helplessly, Ying Zheng said earlier that he was going to build a temple for him, but he thought he was just talking, but he didn't expect this guy to move so fast.

However, since the immortal temple was almost completed, he didn't say anything more.

"Brother Ying Zheng, move fast!" Chongzhen said with a wry smile: "I have been busy with the military during this period of time, and I have no time to deal with these matters. The establishment of the fairy temple will have to wait until the slaves are eliminated. 99

Ying Zheng shook his head and said with a smile, "Brother Chongzhen, what are you talking about, the battle between you and Jiannu is a major event to protect your family and the country. When Daming destroys Jiannu in one go, he will use the head of Huang Taiji as a sacrifice to build a fairy temple. , Pray to God, the results are not even more remarkable!

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that!

Chongzhen was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed, clapped his palms and said cheerfully: "I have always been struggling with what to do after catching this Huang Taiji, the first emperor reminded me, and I will wait until I catch this Huang Taiji. , I must use his head to comfort the people of Limin who died in vain in Tianxia."

"The First Emperor is worthy of being the first emperor through the ages, tall, really tall!"

"Cough, brother Chongzhen is also very beautiful in this battle..."

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen crossed their shoulders, flattering each other, and the atmosphere suddenly came alive.

This group of people have been with Ye Yu for a long time. They know that Ye Yu doesn't care about this. He is even a master who knows this. Slave, conquer Europe tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow the whole world will surrender to the iron cavalry of the Ming Dynasty.

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