"Sir!" A few people sat in the yard for a while, and talked about family and country affairs. Fusu seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but said, "Boy has a question, I don't know if I should ask it or not."

"You want to ask when will paper and printing be used on a large scale?" Ye Yu put down the wine glass and asked back with a smile.


Fusu was stunned for a moment, his face stunned, he didn't say it yet, how did Mr. know? Could it be that Mr. can also read minds?

"I don't know how to read minds, it's just simple reasoning." As if he knew what Fusu was thinking, Ye Yu waved his hand and smiled mysteriously.

This sentence made Fusu even more stunned.

Ye Yu smiled lightly. The current Da Qin had already wiped out most of the remnants of the Six Nations. Without Yan Dan taking the lead, the rest were nothing to worry about. Externally, the Xiongnu "June 10" has been eliminated, there will be no military disasters, the country is peaceful and the people are prosperous everywhere, and there is nothing wrong with it.

As for this kid Fusu, he has always been in charge of the production of paper and the response letter. Apart from the use of this paper, he really couldn't think of any problems he would have.

Fusu scratched his head and looked at Ye Yu as if asking for help.

Mr. is right, he is also worried about the printing technology of papermaking.

After Ye Yu's last guidance, he has already mastered the crafts of papermaking and printing. The workshop under his hand has been producing large-scale production. Except for a very small amount of paper that was sent to the ministers of the DPRK and China, all the others were piled up in the warehouse. Among them, it has already piled up like a mountain.

Wang Ben stuffed the last piece of roast duck into his mouth, and said in a loud voice: "Sir, you have always asked artisans to actively produce paper, but you have not allowed it to be used on a large scale, why is this?

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen also stopped bragging and turned to look at Ye Yu with puzzled eyes.

Ye Yu smiled dumbly and said: "I haven't allowed you to use it on a large scale, because the time has not yet come, this white paper and printing technique are another great tool to enhance the national strength of Qin, and they must be used properly, but now the time is almost up, too. It's time to use it."


Hearing this, several people suddenly became interested, quietly straightening their waists and waiting for Ye Yu's explanation.

Papermaking and printing are powerful weapons for a country? Could it be that these things are more powerful than spears and cannons?

Mr. has been holding back his big move, what is he planning?

"Keep these white papers for publishing newspapers and printing textbooks!" Ye Yu didn't hide it, and said generously: "Old Zhu should know something, this newspaper is similar to Di Bao. , is to print some major national events, the latest news, new national regulations, and some interesting entertainment on a piece of white paper, and finally distribute it to the whole world.99


"Di Bao? 55

Several people exclaimed, and Chongzhen's face showed a hint of surprise, but Ying Zheng and several people who heard this new term for the first time were a little confused.

But Ying Zheng knew very well that this thing must be very important to Da Qin, otherwise Ye Yu would not have been holding back until now.

"Well, just telling you you don't know much about it. Wait, I still have old newspapers at home and I'll bring them over to show you! You'll know!"

Ye Yu thought about it, turned around and went to the warehouse to rummage through the cabinets to find a stack of old newspapers, turned around and handed it to Ying Zheng and the others.

Ying Zheng and several people took a newspaper and studied it carefully.

After a while, Fusu suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is the case. With only this thin newspaper, all kinds of information about the country can be transmitted to all parts of the world, so that all the people will know, this thing is good!"

"That's right! Ye Yu said with a smile: "What is the biggest drawback of Da Qin right now, it is the lack of information!

"The Great Qin has a vast territory, some places are prosperous, and some places are very backward. In addition, the roads are blocked, and some places don't even know that you have eliminated the great cause of the Huns. In addition, the people generally have not received any education, and they are ignorant and barbaric. , very easily deceived.

"These are fundamental problems. To solve the problem, we must carry out drastic reforms. On the one hand, we can open schools all over the country to support children to go to school for free. On the other hand, we can create newspapers to control public opinion and let the people all over the world know about Daqin. If you are strong and prosperous, are you still afraid that someone will rebel?"

"Controlling public opinion?

Ying Zheng's eyes immediately lit up when he heard the words. As an emperor through the ages, he knew very well how terrifying the fishing reels were. The so-called "gold accumulation and destruction", even the greatest emperor, was afraid of being influenced by public opinion.

For example, King You of Zhou, as a generation of emperors, is it possible that he is really a fool of the lords of beacon fire? These are all rumors of later generations, they are all to smear the image of King You of Zhou, so that the rulers of later generations can sit more stably. on the throne..

From ancient times to the present, many emperors have been controlled by public opinion, so they had to bow their heads to those literati and literati and admit their mistakes to historians, for fear that they would end up with a bad reputation in a hundred years.

The most typical is Tang Taizong Li Shimin.

This old boy killed his brother and slept with his sister-in-law. What he did was extremely bad, but for the sake of his own reputation, he bowed his head to the ministers and confessed his mistakes. He has established a reputation for a generation of Ming Jun.

So, public opinion is definitely a big weapon!

If it is used well, it will benefit the country and the people; if it is not used well, it will be self-inflicted suffering.

"You know how terrifying the fishing boat is, Lao Zhao!" Ye Yu said solemnly: "Daqin is generally backward, the ignorant people are most easily deceived, and who controls public opinion? In the hands of hundreds of scholars, scholars in the world!

"Old Zhao, don't look at how hot you are with the people from all over the world. They all seem to surrender to you, but these scholars are the most ruthless. If you can give them benefits, they will naturally praise you, and wait for you to provoke them one day. , They control public opinion and smear you crazily among the people, and you will probably leave a name for burning books and slandering Confucians and being cruel and inhumane.

Ye Yu said earnestly, and Ying Zheng's complexion suddenly turned blue.

Obviously, over the years, he has also been aware of the harm of public opinion. For example, this book-burning and Confucianism, who originally killed dozens of jianghu warlocks and evil scriptures, was actually misinterpreted by these people to frame Zhongliang and burn the classics. He couldn't even explain it, not even a suffocated 0.6.

Chongzhen couldn't help sighing and said: "The first emperor is really miserable, he is clearly the one emperor who has pacified the world, but in history he was misinterpreted as a cruel and unkind tyrant. Must be turbulent.

"If it is in our hands, it can become a great weapon for a strong country, why is it that the country is not prosperous!

"That's right!" Ye Yu nodded and said, "Old Zhao, if the fishing reels can be controlled by you, imagine the recent changes in the Qin Dynasty, the destruction of the Xiongnu, the rice that is about to mature, and the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens. All the people in the world know, will the people be excited, will all the people return to their hearts, will they think that you Lao Zhao is the son of destiny, and will there be any turmoil in this Da Qin?"

"So, public opinion is a good thing, and it must be controlled by oneself.

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