I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

1 hundred and 30 sheets: Strategies to gather Baijiade

Ye Yu's eloquent talk made Ying Zheng feel emotional.

Ying Zheng couldn't help standing up and said excitedly: "Sir is right, this fishing boat must be in his hands, with this newspaper, why do I worry about the capriciousness of these six countries' remnants!"

"If all the people of the world can know about the changes of my Great Qin, know the strength of my Great Qin, and if the world has education and knowledge, then even if the remnants of the six kingdoms spread rumors, why not!"5

"Not bad!" Fusu couldn't help but say: "The rumors stop at the wise, sir, this trick is really high!

"Sir, you are awesome, Old Wang, I admire so much!

The three Ying Zheng bowed to Ye Yu again and again and were very grateful.

"Cough cough, it's just a little gadget, you're welcome! 35 Ye Yu coughed a little embarrassedly, waved his hand to signal Ying Zheng and the three to sit down, and then said: "Fu Su, hurry up with this newspaper thing. , you can take these newspapers back, and follow the pattern of the clapper, which has been verified by the market, and it is very easy to use! 26

"Fusu understands!" Fusu carefully folded the newspapers, put them close to him, and then said with a grin, "My Daqin has already hoarded countless papers, and the printing technique has already matured. , I will start printing newspapers for the world to see..."

As he spoke, the smile on Fusu's face suddenly froze, as if he had remembered something, and hurriedly said: "Sir, this... most people in my Daqin are illiterate and can't even write their own names, sir, this newspaper If it is printed, who can understand it.”


"Yes, how could the widow forget this.

"This, this, this is indeed a little troublesome."

The question of Fu Su suddenly woke everyone up, and the expressions of Ying Zheng and the others became solemn.

That's right, no matter how well-printed this newspaper is and how hyped it is, the people can't understand if it's not playing the piano to the cow, and all the hard work will be in vain.

Ye Yu rolled his eyes and said, "The common people don't know how to read, isn't there anyone in Daqin who can read? 35

"They can't read it, so you have someone who can read to read it to them!""


Fusu said stunned: "Sir, do you mean to let the major states, counties and counties send people to read newspapers?"

"That's fine." Ye Yu thought about it and said, "But you'd better set up a special royal newspaper to publish all kinds of real-time news, and then let educated people set up Tingshuge in various states and counties, specially for the illiterate. The common people who interpret the newspapers, and Shi Ziji, can not only control the fishing reels, but also transmit knowledge to the common people, so wouldn’t it kill two birds with one stone!35

"Think about it, if every county and every village in Daqin had Tingshu Pavilion, and every day countless storytellers told the world about Daqin's power, and the world touted Lao Zhao's wiseness and martial arts, what kind of scene would this be? ? It is estimated that after the death of this guy Lao Zhao, he will be able to confer a god.

Ye Yu's remarks immediately made Ying Zheng's eyes brighten.

There were no storytellers in Daqin at this time, only the little servants who sang in the restaurant, and most of what they said were rumors, but the truth was the same. With a little training, these people can completely pass on knowledge to the people Storyteller, no problem at all.

When this old fellow, Ying Zheng, thought that every day there were storytellers bragging about his great achievements, his heart felt dark for a while.

It will take less than a year, it will take the storyteller to last for two months, and the people still don't regard him as an immortal!

How cool is that!

"Hahahaha, do it, you must do it!" The more Ying Zheng thought about it, the more excited he became, and he hurriedly urged: "Fu Su, after returning this time, immediately follow the instructions of Mr. Within a month, the widow Xianyang City first issued the newspaper, and a month later, the widow wanted all the people of Daqin to be able to see the fresh newspaper!

"No! 35

Fusu quickly agreed, with a hint of excitement on his face.

If you strictly follow Ye Yu's instructions, the role of the publishing house will be too great.

Controlling the fishing reels and letting the majesty of Ying Zheng spread all over the world is a great deed that has merit in the present and benefits in the future!

Ye Yu took a sip of clear tea to moisten his throat, and then said, "Wait for the newspapers to start, and then it will be your turn to control the hundred schools of thought!"

He looked at the excited Ying Zheng and said, "Before, I asked you, Lao Zhao, to subdue the various schools of thought for your own use, and to fulfill your responsibilities, how are you doing?

Ying Zheng thought for a while and said: "Now the people of the farm family have completely returned to their hearts, and the people of the medical family have been able to follow the orders of the widow because of the widow's proposal to attach importance to medicine and to open a medical center. The people of the Mo family's military family have a deep hatred with me, Da Qin, and they have not yet been able to subdue them.

"Yeah." Ye Yu nodded and said, "Similar to what I thought, Confucianism and Mohism are always proud of themselves, and it's normal to look down on you, Lao Zhao.

When Ying Zheng heard the sound, his face turned dark immediately, and he said with a wry smile: "How should the widow clean up the families of the sons, please ask Mr.

"It's very simple! Ye Yu grinned and said: "Actually, it only takes three steps to clean up the people of the hundreds of families!"

"These three steps are to win a group, divide a group, beat a group, and if there are any more disobedient people, they will be eliminated directly!

"Everyone has their own strengths, and no one obeys the other, so it is destined that they will not be able to share the same hatred, Lao Zhao, you have now attracted farmers and doctors, this first step has been completed, and now other schools are definitely in Secret observation, for these people, it is completely possible to continue to win over, as for the reward is even more simple, to say that 610 is white is to do whatever you want! 99

"Scholars are not greedy for money, not good for sex, but they value reputation very much. As long as they are allowed to publish their own theories in the newspaper, regardless of whether they have a good opinion of Da Qin or not, it is equivalent to being strangled by Da Qin's throat, whether they want it or not. Yes, their doctrines and their essence have been taken by Da Qin for his own use!

Ye Yu's remarks said that Ying Zheng's three people were brilliant again and again.

"Wonderful, sir, this trick is really a second, we don't need to take the initiative to win over, as long as this newspaper is made, the hundreds of families who want to gain fame will come to the door, and all the people in the world will become widows. Tool man, let the widow handle it, okay hahahaha!

Ying Zheng applauded excitedly, Chongzhen and Li Yuanyin looked at each other, and silently took Ye Yu's words into their hearts.

There is a newspaper in Daming, that is, the Dibao that Ye Yu said before, but the circulation of this kind of newspaper is very small, and most of the records on it are national events and folk anecdotes. Chongzhen has never thought of a small newspaper. It can still be used like this.

He secretly decided that after he eliminated Jiannu this time, he would also start to print a large number of newspapers, so that the newspapers would become his magic weapon to control the people of the world and the fishing reels.

In this way, not only will the people be more attentive, but his throne will certainly be more stable!

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