Ye Yu said solemnly: "The continuous emergence of various talents among the people can make Daqin have fresh blood and continue to revitalize."

"Old Zhao, you want Daqin to last for ten thousand years. This school should not only be established, but also bigger and better, the fastest. Every night, every day, there are countless students who will lose the opportunity to go to school, so you must hurry up!"

"Okay, do it, we must do it!" Ying Zheng gritted his teeth and said firmly: "Do what the teacher says you want to do, this school must be arranged! 99

Ying Zheng, this old fellow, has an extremely strong desire for Daqin to prolong his life for 10,000 years.

When he knew that quality education was the strong foundation of Daqin, he no longer hesitated and decided to open a school immediately.

"It's actually not difficult to run a school." Ye Yu was very satisfied with Ying Zheng's attitude, and immediately introduced: "Education must start from a child. First, you need to set up primary schools all over the country, that is, Enlightenment Academy, and then two years later. Set up middle schools in various counties and counties, and finally focus on opening a large university around Xianyang City, so that all the talents in the world will belong to you.

"Daqin children over the age of six must be forced to enter primary school and want to study for a period of four years. Those with excellent grades can enter middle school for three years, and the best ones can enter university. Once these children grow up, Daqin Hechou Lack of talent.""

"His 610..." Hearing Ye Yu's words, Fusu took a deep breath.

There are schools all over the country, and they are divided into three types: large, medium and small. He does not dare to calculate the cost, for fear of being frightened by the terrifying figure.

Ye Yu glanced at him and smiled lightly: "Actually, you don't have to pay the imperial court to start a school. I will teach you a way to let people from all over the world voluntarily set up primary schools for you."5

"Oh? Please make it clear, sir." Ying Zheng's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he hurriedly said.

Ye Yu said with a mysterious smile: "You can let people from all over the world spread their own school ideas in the primary school. The price is that they will help Daqin to build the primary school, and you can even charge them a fee. This is called attracting investment! 99

"This... how can this be done!" Fusu hurriedly said after hearing this: "Sir, if you let people from hundreds of families spread their ideas in elementary school, it doesn't mean that all the children in my Daqin will become masters. Are you a believer of Baijia?""

"Yeah, sir, how can you give my Daqin's children to hundreds of families? Isn't this a problem with raising tigers?"

"Sir, I also feel that this (cgag) method has yet to be discussed."

Ying Zheng and several people exclaimed in surprise, with worried expressions on their faces.

Ye Yu rolled his eyes and said impatiently, "I haven't finished my sentence yet, so hurry up with the hammer. 55

"It's just a strategy to have people from a hundred schools of thought teach children. Besides, the ideas of a hundred schools of thought are so obscure and incomprehensible, you think that a six-year-old child can become a leader of a hundred schools of thought in four years. A diehard fan?


Ying Zheng and the others were at a loss for words.

What Ye Yu said really makes sense. In less than ten years, most people really don't understand the ideological core of the hundreds of schools of thought, let alone those little brats who don't understand anything.

Seems like your worries are superfluous?

Ye Yu continued: "Of course, in addition to those who have lived in a hundred schools of thought, the imperial court can also send special teachers to establish loyalty and patriotism for the children in the school, so that they can lay the foundation for their contributions to Daqin in the future." "

"When you go to middle school, it is the most suitable time to shape the three views. At this time, you can't pretend to be a manpower. The court must contribute to your own efforts. At this time, you can appropriately carry out Chinese and mathematics as the main business, martial arts for children. , Physics, chemistry, medicine, military are electives, teach students according to their aptitude, and it is best to let some veterans from the battlefield go to school to give lectures to children, tell stories of the battlefield, and stimulate children's enthusiasm , cultivating the martial spirit of Da Qin.""

"University is to choose the subjects that they are good at and carry out in-depth study according to their own preferences. Those who like medicine study medicine, those who like the military let them go with the army, those who like firearms let them study in the Ordnance Bureau, and let Feng Quji, Wang Jian and others go. As a university lecturer, supplemented by the brainwashing of loyalty and patriotism, all industries in Daqin have blossomed, and within ten years, Daqin will be literate, and there will be no illiteracy anymore, and countless talents emerge every year!"

"The most important thing is that these children have accepted the idea of ​​being loyal and patriotic since childhood, and they will not betray Da Qin. Their role in Da Qin, Lao Zhao, you should understand! 35

"I understand, I understand, of course the widow understands hahahaha.

Ying Zheng's explanation immediately made Ying Zheng smile.

Of course he understands this truth, isn't this the way to train dead soldiers, he is familiar with this way!

If all the children in the world become his Ying Zheng's die-hard fans, and when these children grow up, throwing their blood for Da Qin's sake, as long as Ying Zheng doesn't die, who else will be his opponent?

With this power, sweeping the world is not a problem at all!

"Do it, this school must be done! 35 Ying Zheng said excitedly: "Fu Su, remember what Mr. said, and after returning, call Feng Quji and others to make a plan!


Fusu grimaced and reluctantly agreed.

He felt that he was a tool man, and he had to do everything to him, and he didn't think of him as a human being.

But Fusu is not disgusted, but is looking forward to it very much, because he knows that this is Ying Zheng's experience and attention to him!

Whether it is papermaking or printing, or the creation of a newspaper office, these are all important matters related to whether the Qin Dynasty is strong or not!

In particular, the establishment of schools in the whole country is a great cause that has merit in the present and benefits in the future. It is a major task that can continue the great Qin national movement for thousands of years. Controlling education is equivalent to controlling the future, and being able to personally take charge of this great cause , Ye Yu also felt lucky.

Chongzhen and Li Yuanyin looked at each other, and also remembered the various plans that Ye Yu said today.

Create a newspaper office and popularize education for the whole people. If Qin can do it, he can also do it in Ming!

When Jiannu was eliminated, he also prepared to publish newspapers all over the country to show his great achievements and stabilize the hearts of the people.

Moreover, after the eradication of the founding slaves, a large amount of money can be accumulated. With this money, schools can be established all over the country, so that children all over the world can go to school, and the talents of the world can be used for their own use!

Don't those wealthy aristocrats go crazy because they have mastered talents, and don't take him Chongzhen in their eyes?

This time, he will completely remove this hidden danger from the root, and he will firmly grasp Daming in his hands!

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