I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 133: The black bellied Ying Zheng

As soon as he returned to the Daqin world, Ying Zheng made arrangements resolutely.

In the imperial study room, Feng Quji, Meng Tian and other loyal ministers of Ying Zheng's confidants were lined up neatly.

Ying Zheng sat behind the throne, and said in a deep voice: "Fu Su, according to the guidance of Mr., immediately organize the manpower to print the "Da Qin News", and at the same time search for literati who can speak and cultivate, and within a week, the few will be in the city of Xianyang. Every citizen can read the newspaper!"9

"No!" Fusu quickly bowed and replied.

"Feng Quji! Year

"I'm here!" Feng Quji hurriedly bowed.

Ying Zheng said solemnly: "Feng Qing, the widow wants you to gather insightful people all over the world and start studying these classics immediately.

With that said, Ying Zheng waved his hand, and a half-person-height pile of books instantly appeared on the ground.

Everyone has long since ignored such a scene, and they just stared at the pile of books on the ground in unison.

Feng Quji was even more excited. Trembling, he stretched out his hand to pick up a copy, and fixed his eyes on "Five Years of Simulation, Three Years of College Entrance Examination".

"Your Majesty, are these... are these the immortal scriptures that Mr. gave us?

Feng Quji asked in a trembling voice.

"Yes!" Ying Zheng nodded and smiled: "These are advanced knowledge, Feng Qing immediately began to organize people to learn, remember to start from the basics, don't be too ambitious, these are the cornerstones of my future strong Qin!

"Nuo, Wei Chen will definitely live up to the high hopes of the Immortal Master and His Majesty!"9

Feng Quji nodded immediately, feeling extremely excited.

There were only four immortal scriptures before, which made Daqin make a leap forward. Now that the immortal scriptures are piled up in front of him, Daqin is about to take off!

Ying Zheng continued: "Meng Tian, ​​immediately organize the manpower to establish primary schools all over the country. Time does not wait for me, and speed up the progress immediately! 39

"Establish a primary school?

Some Meng Tian, ​​who was confused about the situation, looked confused and asked suspiciously: "Your Majesty, are you trying to...?"

Ying Zheng said with a very serious expression: "The widow wants all the children in the world to go to school. This is a major event related to the fortune of the Qin Dynasty. I can't tolerate any negligence. Do it right away!"

"No! 55

Meng Tian's body tightened, and he nodded immediately.

Ying Zheng is usually very modest to their confidants and ministers, but when it comes to important matters involving the national fortune, he is very serious, and there is no room for sand in his eyes. Today, the seriousness of Ying Zheng's expression is only seen in his life. Pay attention.

After explaining these things, Ying Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Whether it was Feng Quji or Meng Tian, ​​he was very meticulous in his work. He was a minister who could entrust them. He was very relieved to entrust these two things to them.

When Feng Quji trains the teacher, Meng Tian's school is almost established. At that time, Daqin's road to rejuvenate the country through science and education will also be formalized, and Daqin will not be far away from taking off.

Ying Zheng imagined the future grand scene in his heart, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

He turned his head to look at Wang Ben, and asked softly, "Wang Qing, how is the establishment of the fairy temple?"

Wang Ben grinned and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, the immortal temple has been built and the rice has matured, will the immortal temple ceremony be held?35

"The rice is already ripe? So fast?" Ying Zheng exclaimed, sat up, and looked at Wang Ben in shock.

He has been busy with government affairs these days, but he didn't pay attention to the progress of the construction of the fairy temple, but if he remembered correctly, the rice should be mature for a month, how could it be so fast?

Feng Quji also frowned and said, "Marquis Tongwu, this rice is not ripe at the right time, could it be that you did something to help the rice grow, which can have a great impact on the yield of rice, Marquis Tongwu, don't lose the big because of the small. .

"Humph!" Wang Ben clasped his nose and said angrily, "Feng Xiang, do you think Ben Hou is someone who can do things that can help you grow?"

Several people in the imperial study nodded at the same time.

Rice is precious, and other people dare not mess with it, but Wang Ben is really not sure.

Wang Ben was so angry that he shouted: "You know a hammer, the reason why this rice matures so quickly is thanks to the natural spring bestowed by the immortal master. With such a divine artifact, the rice is like taking a stimulant. Not only do they grow fast, but their output is even more terrifying. Do you even question the Immortal Master?

"I see!"

"It turned out to be the method of the Immortal Master, and it really is amazing!"

"Even the laws of the sky can be reversed, awesome! 35

Feng Quji and others praised one after another, but no one paid any attention to Wang Ben, who was blowing his beard and staring at him.

Wang Ben said dissatisfiedly on the side: "Hey, hey, can you figure out the situation, if it weren't for this time, it would take another month for the rice to mature."

Feng Quji and the others glanced at him silently, then turned to Ying Zheng and bowed and said, "Your Majesty, now that the rice has matured, please invite Your Majesty to hold an immortal temple ceremony and announce it to the world!"

"Yes, let the whole world see the strength of our Daqin!

"I'm really looking forward to the reaction of the remnants of the Six Nations when they see those sage statues.

"Okay, since the ministers are so urgent, the temple ceremony will be held tomorrow!" Ying Zheng laughed loudly: "Fusu, let me know immediately, and invite Xianyang famous officials to go to the fairy temple tomorrow, and the few people will worship in public!"


Fusu and the others bowed to agree, and then retreated.

The immortal temple ceremony is related to the majesty of the immortal master and Da Qin, and there is no room for mistakes, and everyone must prepare well.

Only the reckless Wang Ben stayed in the imperial study room awkwardly and refused to leave.

"Huh?" Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, "Wang Qing, what else do you have?"

・・・・・Seeking flowers 0・・・

"Cough cough. Wang Qing coughed lightly, and said mysteriously: "Your Majesty, do you think the yard is a little deserted?

"Huh? Ying Zheng took a strange look at the reckless guy, didn't understand why the guy asked this, thought for a while and said, "Well, only the husband lives in such a big yard, it's a bit deserted.

"Hey hey." After listening to the thief, Wang Ben smiled and said immediately: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen has a request, and I dare to ask Your Majesty's permission."

"Say! 99

"Cough cough, Wei Chen sees that Mr. is alone, and there is no maid beside him to serve. It happens that Wei Chen's little queen, Mu Shifang, just turned eighteen. After hearing about the deeds of Mr. She is very arrogant and arrogant, and ordinary people are not as good as her eyes, so Wei Chen wants to let Mu Shi show her face in front of her husband tomorrow, if she likes it, hehehe..."


The more Wang Ben talked, the happier he was, like a weasel stealing chickens, he laughed geigeily.

Obviously, he has been planning this matter for a long time. If the husband takes a fancy to his daughter, then the old Wang family is not alone, and it will be prosperous from now on!

Ying Zheng was dumbfounded and shocked by Wang Ben's brazenness.

This old boy has always regarded his little daughter like a treasure. The matchmaker broke down the door of their house and never saw Wang Mushi get married. It turned out that he was waiting here!

After being shocked, Ying Zheng was furious and said sternly: "Well, you are so shameless, you are so shameless, how can you have such intentions!"

"It's a pity that you are still my Great Qin Tongwuhou. You are so spineless as a person, and you want to sell your daughter. I am ashamed to be in the company of someone like you!"

"Besides, Mr. is highly respected, how can you be a person who is greedy for beauty! How can I have a brazen person like you in Daqin, get out! I don't want to see you for a moment!

"Come here, drag the Marquis of Tongwu to the widow, um... By the way, I will announce the audience of the princesses who have not left the cabinet, the sooner the better!


Wang Ben was stunned by the two guards who asked him to go out.

No, your Majesty's reaction is so big, and my old king didn't do anything bad.

It wasn't until he saw the princesses who were beautiful and beautiful, like flowers and jade, walking past him, did the reckless Wang Ben react at once.

Damn it, Your Majesty is going to send the princess to Mr.

"I also said that my old king is shameless, I think Your Majesty, you are the most shameless person in Da Qin!"

Wang Ben gave the imperial study a vicious look, turned and left in a hurry.

He wants to go back immediately and let Wang Mushi prepare, tomorrow he can't let the princesses steal his limelight.


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