Early the next morning.

Outside the city of Xianyang is already crowded with people, and it is very lively.

Around Xianyang City, on a man-made hillside, a splendid temple shone with divine light in the sun, looking extremely magnificent.

A staircase made of white marble runs straight from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. On both sides of the staircase, countless soldiers dressed in black armor stand majestic.

The interweaving of black and white creates a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

At the foot of the mountain, many noble people gathered from all over Daqin were discussing at this time.

"What's going on today, why are there so many people?"

"Little brother, aren't you from Xianyang, you don't even know this?

"Ahem, I'm from Mobei, please ask the old gentleman to explain."

"Hey, the old man told you, have you seen this temple? This is a temple built by your majesty for the immortal master, and there are seventy-two statues of the sages. Today is the temple ceremony. I heard that the immortals The teacher will drop the immortal "610" trace today, so watch it carefully. 35

"That's not all, I heard that His Majesty will show you immortal food today. I heard that this is a good thing with a yield of 20 stone per mu. With this immortal food, my old Qin people will never be hungry again. ."

"No way, the yield is 20 shi per mu, you are not fooling me, old gentleman, are you?

"You know the shit, this is a gift from the Immortal Master. You know the decree that was issued before to reduce taxes and delay marriage and childbirth. This is all the guidance of the Immortal Master. You, a yellow-mouthed child, dare to question the Immortal Master, old student. Must kill you!


The people at the foot of the hillside talked a lot, especially the local people in Xianyang. Everyone had a smile on their faces. Once they saw a strange face, they would go up to introduce and praise Ye Yu's merits.

Obviously, the changes in Daqin during this period of time have made everyone feel the real favor.

Not only the local people in Xianyang are grateful to Ye Yu, but even the people from all over Daqin who heard Ye Yu's achievements, all of them grabbed the land with their heads and were grateful.

The people are not stupid. In this kind of society, whoever can make people full, whoever is the master of the sky, the people will support whoever!

Before the war in the Seven Kingdoms, the common people were struggling to survive, and it was an extravagant hope to have a bite to eat, but now, they can eat and wear warmly every day, these days are full of rushes, everyone hopes that the Qin Dynasty will become stronger and stronger, whoever wants to restore the country is stupid. force.

Not only the old Qin people, but even the remnants of the Six Kingdoms have now lost the idea of ​​​​returning the country, so those remnants of the nobles of the Six Kingdoms have suddenly lost their common people.

Without the help and response of the remnants of the Six Nations, they would have no chance even if they wanted to make trouble, making these chaotic ministers and thieves who wanted to restore the country so angry that they wanted to vomit blood.

About seven or eight hundred steps away from the hill, a carriage stopped quietly under a tree.

Zhang Liang pulled the curtain and looked at the lively scene in the distance. Hearing the people's praise for Ye Yu and Da Qin, he sighed silently in his heart.

He had guessed before that Daqin would rise with the guidance of the mysterious immortal master, but he did not expect the rise to be so fast.

In just half a year, the changes in Daqin were almost earth-shaking. Not only did they eliminate the ancient enemies of the Central Plains, the Huns, but they also promulgated a series of jaw-dropping policies.

The common people live and work in peace and contentment, and win the government and the people return to their hearts. Such a grand scene makes him, a remnant of the Six Nations, suddenly have no idea of ​​resistance.

Because, such a grand scene is exactly what he has been looking forward to!

Looking at the prosperous scene in front of him, Zhang Liang sighed and said softly, "Yan Dan, you were still too impulsive back then!"

"Brother Ovary, what are you talking about!

In the carriage, a valiant young man said dissatisfiedly: "Mr. Yan Dan died for me to destroy the tyrant Ying Zheng, how can you say that about him!

Zhang Liang turned his head and glanced at him without refuting, but said lightly, "Xiang Yu, what do you think about the life of the people in the world now?"

Xiang Yu was stunned for a moment, then silently said: "I eat well, dress warmly, and live a prosperous life.

"You think this is something a tyrant can do?"

Xiang Yu remained silent. After a while, he raised his head and said with red eyes, "How many people of our six kingdoms have been murdered by Ying Zheng? Countless people in our country of Chu died because of him. How can he not be a tyrant? I must avenge this revenge!"

"Alas!" Looking at Xiang Yu with a stubborn face, Zhang Liang sighed silently, thought about it, and said, "Xiang Yu, isn't Yan Dan's death bad enough, do you want to repeat Yan Dan's old path? Listen to my advice. , even if you want revenge, don't choose today!"5

"Why is this?"

"Ying Zheng never fights unprepared battles. He is so flamboyant, he must be holding on to it. You assassinated him today, and you are completely courting death!"


Xiang Yu was startled when he heard the sound, and his face suddenly became flustered: "But someone is already hiding in the crowd and ready to assassinate, this..."

Zhang Liang looked up at the grand dragon who came from a distance, was silent for a while, and then smiled bitterly: "It seems that Ying Zheng is going to kill again today!

At the same time, on the pipeline leading to the Immortal Temple in Xianyang City, a huge team slowly came.

Ying Zheng rode a huge dragon chariot, the army in front cleared the way, and hundreds of fully-armed soldiers followed.

"It's His Majesty's dragon carriage, His Majesty has come down!"

"Quick, pay homage to His Majesty the First Emperor!"

"The grass people pay their respects to His Majesty!"

Hundreds of thousands of people knelt down and worshipped excitedly, and the scene was a little chaotic for a while, but Ying Zheng didn't feel disgusted. Instead, there was a faint smile on his face, because he could see that these people were truly in awe of him.

At this time in the Qin Dynasty, the ritual of three kneeling and nine kowtows was not popular yet.

However, the various actions of his Lao Zhao during this period have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he has already won the love of the people, so he spontaneously knelt down after seeing Ying Zheng's dragon chariot.

This scene also saw the hearts of the surrounding ministers surging.

Feng Quji said excitedly: "Look, everyone, the people actually love Your Majesty so much, His Majesty is really the sage of the country! 35

Wang Jian also said with relief: "Yes, yes, Your Majesty is really popular with the people. If all the people are like this, I will have a long life expectancy in the Qin Dynasty!""

This old man who was killed from the battlefield has very sharp eyes. He can clearly see that the eyes of these people are full of respect and love for Ying Zheng!

But half a year ago, when the people saw Ying Zheng, some people were only afraid and panicked!

There can be such an earth-shaking change in half a year. On the one hand, it is Ye Yu's guidance, but it is also inseparable from Ying Zheng's diligence and love for the people!

Hearing the emotion of the two ministers, Ying Zheng suddenly laughed with satisfaction: "What the Grand Master said is very true, but all this is thanks to the guidance of the Immortal Master. If there is no Immortal Master, how can the few people get the support of the people! 0.6"

Wang Jian nodded, looked left and right, and said mysteriously: "Your Majesty, listen to Wang Ben, the bastard, that your Majesty wants to talk to the Immortal Master today?"

"Uh..." Ying Zheng twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Wang Jian speechlessly.

Wang Ben is a bastard, so what is your father? Old bastard?

Ying Zheng wanted to laugh, but it wasn't funny, so he turned his face away and said, "The Immortal Master has given him a treasure yesterday, and when the temple opening ceremony is over, the widow will let the Immortal Master witness such a grand event in my Daqin with his own eyes!

Saying that, Ying Zheng turned his head again and looked at a car on the side of him, all the princesses dressed in heavenly fragrance and national colors, as well as Wang Mushi, who stood among the princesses, who were extremely dazzling and heroic.

"This Wang Ben is tall and tall, and his daughter is so beautiful, but fortunately, the widow's daughter is not bad!

Ying Zheng looked at the weak girl standing next to Wang Mushi, nodded with satisfaction, and said decisively in his heart: "Enable the communication function!"

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