
There was a flash of divine light on the watch, and the gate of crossing the world suddenly appeared in front of Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng looked around and saw that no one noticed the movement here, and he was relieved.

This is a new function that he has figured out during this period of time. Under the communication mode, only he can see the gate of crossing the world, and others cannot.

In order to create a sensational effect and consolidate his majesty by the way, Ying Zheng didn't want to be seen by the ministers when he was chatting with Ye Yu, it would be a shame.

Next to Ying Zheng, with a flash of light, Ye Yu and Chongzhen's big faces suddenly appeared on the mirror surface of the gate of crossing the world.

Ye Yu said excitedly: "Lao Zhao, is it finally going to start? 35

Ying Zheng nodded immediately, and said cheerfully: "Sir, the temple opening ceremony is about to start, please witness and guide!

On one side, Chongzhen looked confused. Ying Zheng and Ye Yu communicated with Ye Yu last night about the beginning of the Fairy Temple Conference.

"Sir, First Emperor, what kind of riddle are you two playing?

Ying Zheng laughed and said: "Yesterday, I forgot to inform you, brother Chongzhen. Today is the day when my Daqin rice matures and it is also the time of the fairy temple celebration. Brother Chongzhen, let's watch the ceremony together!"

"Ah? Rice has matured so quickly?" Chongzhen was stunned for a moment, then he quickly fixed his eyes and said with admiration: "Brother Shi Huang, hundreds of thousands of people are kneeling in the mountains and tsunamis, brother, your place in the hearts of the people. Very high!


Although after making several big moves, the people of the capital are also grateful to Chongzhen, but they have never experienced such support for him, which makes Chongzhen, the old lemon who has been an emperor all his life, a little sour.

"Hahaha, don't worry, Chongzhen brother, when you eliminate Jiannu, you will definitely be supported by the people!"

Looking at Chongzhen's face full of envy, Ying Zheng is like eating a watermelon in the summer, it's a really cool batch!

He said happily: "Sir, since you took time out to watch the ceremony, why not let me introduce you to my courtiers in Daqin?"

"Ah? Okay.

Ye Yu was stunned and responded in surprise, but he always felt that the old boy Ying Zheng was a little malicious.

If you introduce the minister, let me introduce you. What's the matter with you laughing like a pimp?

"Sir, please see, this is my grand master of Qin, the old general Wang Jian. 35

"This is Right Prime Minister Feng Quji.

"This is Shangqing Meng Tian, ​​this is Tu Ju..."

Ying Zheng briefly introduced the confidants around him.

The ministers were all stunned when they heard him babbling in the air. Is Your Majesty talking to the Immortal Master? Is the Immortal Master coming?

"Your Majesty, Immortal Master...Is the Immortal Master near us earlier?

"Can the Immortal Master show his true face and let us worship?"

"Is the Immortal Master looking at me now? Old Master Wang Jian, I have seen the Immortal Master."

Wang Jian, Feng Quji and others were nervous and excited, and saluted the air. Although they didn't know where Ye Yu was, it was impossible for Ying Zheng to aimlessly.

It is said that there are gods who raise their heads three feet, maybe Ye Yu is standing beside them watching them.

Everyone has made up a lot of pictures in their minds, especially when they think that if the immortal master takes a look at him, he will also be qualified to enter the immortal realm. , his face is full of excitement.

"Come on, sir, look here!

Ying Zheng, however, ignored these actors. As soon as he turned the camera, he immediately aimed at his daughters, and the fox's tail was immediately exposed.

If this guy Lao Zhao is in the new era, he must be punished for ruining his family. There are dozens of sons and daughters combined!

Apart from some who have already left the cabinet and those who are too young, there are as many as ten people between the ages of sixteen and twenty!

And each of these princesses is quite good-looking.

They were gorgeously dressed, smiling and smiling, some plump, some tall, some charming, some pure, and two young girls, who were even more outstanding in appearance, which surprised the emperor Chongzhen, who was used to seeing beautiful women.

"Sir, please see, this is my daughter!" Ying Zheng said to Ye Yu like a pimp, "This is Ying Shiman, this is Ying Liman, this is Ying Huiman, this is Ying Huiman, this is Ying Shiman, this is Ying Huiman, this is Ying Huiman Yes……"

"And this, this is the widow's favorite little daughter who wins Yin Man, the title of Yang Zi, the skin is snowy, she is innocent, and she admires her husband even more. If she can serve around him, it must be my old Zhao family. fortune!

Under the guidance of Ying Zheng, the princesses were either shy or expected, and all the beautiful ones showed their most beautiful appearance.

Obviously, these princesses have heard about Ying Zhengsong's deeds of Ye Yu countless times, and have long admired this great and handsome immortal master.

They also know very well that their identity as a princess is not worth mentioning at all in front of Ye Yu. If they can be recognized by the immortal master, even if they are a maid, it will be a blessing that they have cultivated throughout their lives, living in the immortal realm all the year round. , that is much better than being a princess in Daqin and finally marrying a common man.

The other ministers were stunned when they saw this, and then reacted after a while.

No wonder His Majesty brought so many princesses out today, this special mother is selling her daughter!

"Sir!" The old boy Wang Ben was unwilling to be compared by the black-bellied guy Ying Zheng, and said quickly: "Sir, please see, this is the poem of the little queen, who has read poetry and books since childhood and is reasonable, not only looks beautiful and beautiful , the one-handed sword dance is even more unique in Xianyang City, please ask the gentleman to take her as a maid,"

Wang Jian also said in a snarl, "Sir, since I heard about Mr.'s deeds, I, Sun Mushi, don't think about Mr.'s tea and don't want to eat. I also asked Mr.

"Okay, Marquis Tongwu, you shameless bastard, it turns out that you knew about today's event, so you brought Wang Mushi here, you bastard, you are not a human being!

"Teacher, I have always respected you as a senior at a loss, so you are hiding the news and don't share it with me, you are a thief if you are old and don't die!

"Why didn't you father and son say it sooner, I also have several daughters who are going to leave the cabinet!"

"That's right, how can you and Your Majesty eat alone!"

Feng Quji and Meng Tian were so popular that they thumped their chests and feet, and they couldn't help but glared at Wang Ben.

This bastard is really ruthless, no news comes out, he secretly brought his daughter to the draft, extremely shameless!

If they had gotten the news earlier, they would have to bring all their daughters and nieces, big and small, Loli of Onee-san, whatever Ye Yu liked, they could bring them over.

"Humph!" Wang Ben snorted coldly, his nostrils turned to the sky, and said with disdain: "How can those short winter melons and rotten cabbage in your family be compared with my family screen poems, and they are not a match for my house screen poems."

When Meng Tian and the others heard this, their noses were crooked with anger: "Ah, ah, ah, Wang Ben, you old non-cultivator, you are so arrogant, and you have to punch! 35

"General Meng, wait for us to come together!

"Looking at Wang Ben, this bastard is not pleasing to the eye, today I have no him, and he has no me!"

Li Xin was so popular that he shouted out loud, but it was only limited to shouting. No one really took action, and all of them stood on the car you dark 610 honestly.

On the one hand, the Immortal Master was in front of him, and on the other hand, there were hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes staring at their every move.

"A bunch of cowards!" Wang Ben murmured in a low voice, then looked up at Ye Yu, and said expectantly, "Sir, I am satisfied with the poems of my family, you are really deserted in this fairyland, it is better to have one or two maids. Bar?

"Yes, sir, if you see that the princess speaks up even if she speaks, the daughters of the widow are very obedient, and you will never disobey the gentleman. 35

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben persuaded each other, this was actually their test of Ye Yu.

One of them is an emperor and the other is a prince. They have been in high positions all the year round, and they are all elites. They know that there is never a benefit for no reason.

Ye Yu's help to Da Qin was too great, and they always wanted to return it, but gold and silver jewelry was too vulgar, and the value of the crane and monkey was not enough, and only top beauties could get it.

If your daughter becomes Ye Yu's maid or even a daughter, then everyone will be a family in the future, and it will be better to speak up when encountering difficulties in the future.

This is human nature, Lao Zhao and Lao Wang's mind Ye Yu is also clear, but in fact these two guys misunderstood.

How can he help them for free? Every time he gives them advice, he can get a lot of positive values ​​later. Just know.

Of course, Ye Yu is not a saint without desires, and Lao Zhao will not refuse when these two guys send their daughters.

Especially seeing these charming princesses being chosen by him, Ye Yu felt a sense of participating in If You Are the One.

However, these princesses are much better looking than the girls above If You Are the One, which made Ye Yu feel a little warmer.

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