I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 136: The rice is ripe, the people are shocked

"Lao Zhao, these two bastards, I treat you as brothers, but you actually want to be my father-in-law."

"Am I to choose, or to choose, or to choose?"

Ye Yu was a little tangled for a while, he was a normal man, and even a man who was single with his mother and child.

The reason why I haven't found a girlfriend over the years is because of family reasons, and because women in society are too impetuous, and the three views are not suitable.

What female boxing is supreme, if you love me, you should pay me money!

There are more and more women who would rather sit in a BMW and cry than laugh on a bicycle. As a result, high-quality men like Ye Yu who coexist with both appearance and strength are reluctant to find a partner.

But now Lao Zhao and Lao Wang's actions made him interested.

Women in ancient times are different from those women who have been brainwashed by short videos and public accounts in modern times. They are all gentle like water birds and depend on people. It is common for women to marry and husbands, and even their husbands are buried with them after they die.

Even if some of the characters are more unruly, they are gentle enough to explode compared to those modern women who are female boxing supremacy?

If there is such a girl as a daughter-in-law, a man will not refuse, okay?

"emmmm, this kind of girl is really good, but can they pass through the door of light?" Ye Yu couldn't help but ask in his heart: "System, is there any way? 35

"The host level is too low, please improve your skill proficiency as soon as possible. When the master skill reaches ten items, the light gate will be upgraded.

"I'm going to upgrade again..."

Ye Yu shook his head helplessly and looked at his attribute panel.

He has only three master-level skills now, and there is still a considerable gap from ten.

The problem is to upgrade skills, in addition to years of training, there is only one way to rely on positive values!

It's just that he is not enough now, it seems a bit too wasteful to use it to upgrade skills.

But looking at the charming girls in front of the camera, Ye Yu felt like a kitten was scratching his head.

"Why don't you upgrade first? Anyway, after Lao Zhu has eliminated Jiannu, there will be a lot of positive income, and it's good to deal with other things at that time."*" Ye Yu murmured to himself.

"And it's not bad to find two girls to play and develop. When Lao Zhao and Lao Zhu come over, I can't let me do everything. It's too outrageous. It's time to find two people to serve tea and water. .

The more Ye Yu thought about it, the more he felt that his decision was right.

He is an Immortal Master now, this force must be erected!

Although Lao Zhao and the others are used to it, there will definitely be other emperors coming over in the future. If these emperors see their own Immortal Master and have to cook in person, this is too outrageous.

So, finding two maids is time to put it on the agenda!

"Cough, cough, I'm definitely not good at this. Sex, it's for the establishment of a person, a person to be established!

Ye Yu recited a few times in his heart, and suddenly felt a sense of relief, and immediately said to Ying Zheng: "Lao Zhao, I have accepted your wishes, let's start the temple opening ceremony first, I'm thinking about it, if there is a suitable income A few maids are not bad.

"Hahaha, thank you sir!"

"Great, the widow must let Yang Zi and others perform well!"

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben immediately flushed with excitement, and the old boy Ying Zheng was even thinking about how he could give all his daughters to Ye Yu.

Several princesses serving one husband together is certainly not worthy of ordinary people, but Ye Yu, Ying Zheng even thought that this was his old Zhao family.

Even Chongzhen, who had been listening silently by the side, couldn't help but get excited!

Ye Yu agreed to accept a daughter, which means that he also has the opportunity to further his relationship with Ye Yu. He Lao Zhu also has many princesses who have not left the cabinet. Thinking of his beautiful daughters, Chongzhen's mind suddenly changes. come alive...

"Hahahaha! Ying Zheng was in a good mood, and he said directly, "Where is the Zhu family? Immediately let him transport the immortal grains, and the few people want the world to share!


The people below responded with a sound, and after a while, more than a dozen carriages came from the other side of Xianyang City.

The Zhu family, a farmer, sat on the front of a car and drove by himself, with a look of excitement on his face.

Behind him, adults with waist-thick linen pockets were bulging and piled up on the carriage to form a hill.

"Weichen Zhu's family, join Your Majesty!" The carriage stopped in front of Ying Zheng, and the Zhu family immediately jumped off the racecourse, knelt down in front of Ying Zheng, and said excitedly, "Report to Your Majesty, Wei Chen has already sent Xiandao to Xiandao. All harvesting is completed, please taste it!

"Okay, Zhu Qing has worked hard! 33 Ying Zheng stepped forward to help the Zhu family up, and shouted loudly: "Come on, open these bags, let the ministers and the people see!"


A dozen guards immediately stepped forward, carefully removed the burlap pocket from the carriage, opened the pocket, and the golden rice immediately flowed out of the belt like a waterfall, and each grain was full, the size of a baby's finger, very A small hill was piled up on the open space just before the hillside.

"Hey...Is this immortal food? It looks so beautiful with Jin Cancan!"

"This grain is so huge, it's much bigger than the corn we eat!

""This is the rice seed given by the immortal master. Can it be the same as corn, but I don't know how the immortal rice tastes?""

"Don't worry, old man, His Majesty said, in the future, everyone in Daqin will be able to eat this kind of immortal rice!

"I heard that the yield of this immortal grain can reach more than 20 stone per mu. I don't know if it is true?"

Hundreds of thousands of people were talking about it. Everyone whispered and pointed. Everyone couldn't help but wonder. The grains of this fairy rice are so full that it is not ordinary at first glance, but the yield per mu can really reach 20. How many stones?

Ying Zheng looked at the rice that the baby was laughing with, and his face was full of surprise.

It's not that he has never seen rice, and he even ate a lot of rice in Ye Yu's place, but the rice is not so big!

Seeing the expression on Ying Zheng's face, the Zhu family immediately explained: "Your Majesty, the reason why this rice can grow so big is thanks to the natural spring given by the immortal master. It grows fast, and it grows very huge, and the particles are full.""

"It turns out that (Wang De) is like this!" Ying Zheng nodded: "As expected of a divine artifact given by Mr., it is indeed miraculous!"

"The Zhu family, since the people are curious about the per-mu yield of this immortal rice, you should tell everyone out loud, what is the per-mu yield of this rice?"


The Zhu family responded, walked up the steps, and lowered their hands slightly. Seeing this scene, hundreds of thousands of people gradually became quiet, and hundreds of thousands of eyes stared at the Zhu family.

The Zhu family took a deep breath and roared loudly: "Thank you for the immortal grains given by the emperor. After two months of planting, the immortal rice is ripe and harvested today, with a yield of 32 stones per mu!

"What, thirty-two stones?

"Zhu family, is what you said true?"

"My God, the yield per mu is thirty-two stones! 39

The Zhu family turned back excitedly, knelt down in front of Ying Zheng, and said in a deep voice, "Wei Chen will never dare to deceive Your Majesty, when the immortal rice was harvested, there were hundreds of soldiers who had witnessed that Wei Chen dared to guarantee his life to guarantee the yield of immortal rice per mu. Thirty-two stones, no false words!"

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