I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 137: Get out of the way, I'm starting to pre10d

"it is good!"

Ying Zheng said excitedly: "My dear fellows, today the immortal rice is ripe and yields thirty-two stones per mu. This is a gift from the Immortal Master. It can bless my great Qin forever and ever. All the ministers, along with the widow, will thank the Immortal Master!"

"Thank you Immortal Master!"

"The Immortal is merciful!

"Long live Daqin, forever and ever!"

The whole Qianshou cheered and shouted excitedly, and the roar of the mountains and the sea was earth-shattering, and everyone present was unforgettable for the rest of their lives.

One can imagine how happy the countless poor people in the world would be when the news spread throughout the Tianxia Kyushu.

"With this immortal food, I will never starve to death in Daqin from now on. The immortal master's merit is boundless, and he protects Daqin. Today's immortal temple ceremony should be sacrificed with incense forever! 55

"Zhuqings, follow the widow to offer incense and pray for the Immortal Master!"

Ying Zheng bowed respectfully to the air, and Ye Yu nodded with satisfaction at the gate of crossing the world that ordinary people couldn't see. Although Lao Zhao liked to pretend and tried to be his father-in-law, his respect for him was right. But he was real, seeing so many people bowing their heads and praying to him, even with Ye Yu's heart, he felt a sigh of relief at this moment.

And the surrounding people, when they heard Ying Zheng's words, became even more excited.

"It turned out to be a temple dedicated to the Immortal Master, from now on I must come to worship every day, thank the Immortal Master for giving such immortal food!

"I heard that tens of thousands of laborers were used to build this fairy temple, and even His Majesty stopped building the Epang Palace610. It really is a big deal! 35

"Of course, if there were no immortal masters, how could the prosperity of my Daqin come to this day? I heard that there are not only immortal masters enshrined in this immortal temple, but also seventy-two sages of the Warring States Period, not only me in Daqin, but also in the state of Qi and Chu. Everyone has it."

"What, there are people from the country of Chu? Oh my god, Your Majesty actually agrees with me as a hero of the state of Chu. Thank you, Your Majesty, and Caomin thank Your Majesty!"

The people were talking.

Ying Zheng, on the other hand, led the civil and military officials to the top!

On both sides of the steps, the warriors in black armor did not look sideways, holding spears and standing solemnly, but from their eyes, they could see unparalleled excitement.

Ying Zheng was wearing a costumed dragon robe, followed by Fu Su, followed by Feng Quji and Wang Ben who were wearing official robes and armor.

"Yes, as expected of the emperor of the ages, this image is really domineering and extraordinary!

Ye Yu looked at the long dragon slowly going up and couldn't help but comment.

This old boy, Lao Zhao, looks like a jerk in front of him, but in Daqin, he is an emperor who holds the power of life and death, and he is very domineering.

The camera turned, Ye Yu's eyes fell on the crowd behind Ying Zheng, others couldn't see him, but he was able to see them clearly.

Most of the people's faces are full of excitement and worship, but there are also very few people with a ferocious coldness on their faces. What a deadly weapon.

"Hey, this guy Lao Zhao is right, this time someone really wants to assassinate. 35

Thinking of what Ying Zheng told himself quietly last night, Ye Yu's face showed a hint of mockery.

These remnants of the Six Kingdoms are really in a hurry, to assassinate Ying Zheng on such an occasion, this is not only a slap in the face of Ying Zheng, but also a slap in the face of Ye Yu!

"Damn, it's really courting death!" Ye Yu sneered and immediately said: "Old Zhao, be careful, it seems that there are quite a few assassins."

"Oh? Someone is going to assassinate the first emperor?"

Hearing this, Chongzhen suddenly became interested.

But instead of panicking, he smiled strangely.

How could it be so easy to be assassinated as a dignified emperor through the ages, do they treat everyone as Jing Ke?

Ying Zheng said confidently: "Please rest assured, sir, the widowers have long been prepared, there are countless elites of our Qin Dynasty hidden around here, as long as these assassins dare to jump out, the widowers will let them die without a burial!

"Yeah." Ye Yu nodded, and after thinking about it, he suddenly said, "Lao Zhao, do you want to pretend to be big?"

(cgag) "Oh?" Ying Zheng's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he continued to walk up without stopping, but his mouth was squirming gently: "Sir, what do you mean by this, can a widow be able to act force today?

On the road of pretending to be coercive, Ying Zheng is still a novice, but he has a deep obsession with pretending to be coercive. When he thinks that he can pretend to be coercive before hundreds of thousands of people, he immediately becomes excited.

"Wait, I'll send you something." Ye Yu said softly, and then rummaged through the system mall.

After two breaths, a black dragon robe embroidered with golden long dragons appeared in his hand.

[Mysterious Gold Robe]: The weapon of the emperor, can gather the world's luck, control the dragon veins of mountains, rivers, and those who wear the mysterious golden dragon cannon, all evils are difficult to enter, and swords are difficult to hurt.

With a thought in Ye Yu's mind, the mysterious golden robe disappeared from his hands.

"Old Zhao, I'll pass you a good thing, you put it on, and then keep the officials and soldiers away from you, creating opportunities for the killers and letting them assassinate.

"Don't worry, wearing this good thing, I guarantee that you won't be hurt by a single hair today, and you can still pretend to be big!"

"Oh? 35

A look of joy flashed across Ying Zheng's face when he heard the sound, and his thoughts were immersed in the storage space in the gate of the world. He saw a mighty and domineering dragon robe floating quietly. There is no difference between the dragon robes, but upon closer inspection, the golden dragon on the dragon robe seems to have come to life, and has been swimming slowly on the dragon robe.

"Good stuff!

Ying Zheng followed Ye Yu's instructions, and with a thought, the dragon robe instantly covered his body.

In just an instant, Ying Zheng had a feeling that he seemed to be one with Daqin, and he could control Daqin's mountains, rivers, and terrestrial veins with a flip of his hand.

"Good stuff!" Lao Zhao secretly rejoiced in his heart, I, Ying Zhengying, began to pretend to be coercive!

Ying Zheng tried his best to make his face serious, waved his hand and said, "Hundred officials step back!"

"All soldiers, take a hundred steps back!"


Hearing this, Baiguan was stunned for a moment.

"Why is this, Your Majesty? Are we not qualified to worship the Immortal Master?

"Does your Majesty want to worship alone?"

"Your Majesty, the people here are mixed, it is better to leave a few people to guard."5

All the officials talked about it, and Fusu and Wang Ben were even more puzzled.

There may be assassins coming to assassinate them today. This is what they had expected from the very beginning. Father Huang (His Majesty), where is the trouble?

Ying Zheng was too lazy to explain, but simply said: "This is all the Immortal Master's orders, you can just obey!"

After saying that, he waved his hand impatiently, and told these guys who influenced him to pretend to get out of the way.

When they heard the Immortal Master's instructions, the officials did not dare to say more, and immediately retreated obediently, even the guards on both sides of the steps also retreated.

Ying Zheng was standing on the twentieth step at this time, looking down at the surging crowd below, pressing his hands down slightly, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

The faces of the people were all confused, what's going on? Didn't they want to worship the Immortal Master, why did they stop?

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