Ying Zheng's eyes quickly swept across the faces of many people, and said indifferently: "The Immortal Master said that some of you want to assassinate the widow, right?"


"Are there assassins?

The people suddenly exploded the pot, and looked around vigilantly, worried that there were assassins hiding beside them.

Li Xin and the others turned pale with fright, and the sound of swords being drawn one after another—.

The soldiers are even more like facing the enemy, looking around with solemn faces.

As soon as there is a slight disturbance, they will immediately attack in groups.

The assassins in the crowd were all stiff at this time, and their minds were chaotic.

What's the situation, they were recognized?

How could anyone know that today they are going to assassinate Ying Zheng, could it be that he is really an immortal?

While these assassins were struggling to decide whether to continue the assassination, Ying Zheng's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations.

I saw him once again rejecting the crowd, and said loudly: "Retreat, few people have the protection of immortal masters, and mere mortals have nothing to fear.

Ying Zheng's face was full of a relaxed smile: "Listen to the rest of the Six Nations, if you know that you are not angry, then you should come out and try, and you will stand here, if you can hurt a single hair, then The widow in this world will give it to you!"

Ying Zheng's domineering arrogance was exposed, and an invisible aura of forcing the king instantly swept across the Eight Wastelands.

Wang Ben's mouth widened blankly upon seeing this.

I'm obedient, Your Majesty is too pretentious, pretending to be this big in front of hundreds of thousands of people, I can't compare to Pharaoh in my entire life.

The dead servants in the crowd below also grew their mouths in shock. This is Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng? Is this too pretentious?

Seeing that no one moved below, he sneered and said, "Don't you want to kill the widow? Come on, don't you even have the courage to shoot?"

"A group of rubbish, cowards, slaves of the subjugated country, the widow is standing here, do you dare to touch the widow's hair?"

Ying Zheng roared again, and his heart was so refreshing.

At the outermost part of the crowd, on the carriage, Xiang Yu was holding the hilt of the sword firmly in his palm, the blue veins on the back of his hand burst out, his teeth were clenched, and the muscles on his face were constantly shaking.

"Bastard, this bastard Ying Zheng is too arrogant, I will take his head and comfort the people of Chu who died in vain!

Xiang Yu drew his sword and was about to rush out, but Zhang Liang stubbornly blocked the door of the carriage.

"Idiot, you're crazy!" Zhang Liang roared in a low voice, "Ying Zheng obviously wants to go fishing, but you can't find death!"

"Brother Zhang Liang, let go, I must kill Ying Zheng today.

Zhang Liang stubbornly stopped Xiang Yu, but he looked in Ying Zheng's direction and sighed, "This is trouble..."


"Kill the tyrant!"

"kill him!

As soon as Zhang Liang finished speaking, he saw a low roar from the crowd.

The assassins moved quickly, like ghosts, and rushed up the steps.

Some people's long swords radiated cold light, some people raised their hands and raised a short crossbow, aimed at Ying Zheng and then pulled the trigger.


The crossbow arrows fired in succession, and hundreds of crossbow arrows full of poison shot at Ying Zheng.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye, and it wasn't until the arrows flew out that Wang Jian and the others reacted.

Meng Tian's eyes were splitting, and he roared sharply: "Quick, protect Your Majesty!

"Guards! Where are the guards, protect Your Majesty!"

Wang Jian, Meng Tian, ​​Li Xin, Tu Ju and many other guards all scared the commoners and rushed to Ying Zheng's side.

But just now, everyone had retreated too far, and their movements were half a beat slower, unable to keep up with the speed of the crossbow arrows.

"Hahahaha, tyrant, die!

The dead soldiers couldn't stop laughing, as if they saw the next moment when these arrows pierced Ying Zheng's body and blood flowed into a river.

Time seemed to have stagnated, everyone's eyes were on Ying Zheng's body, and the crossbow arrow with purple liquid stayed in front of Ying Zheng's, and it was about to pierce Ying Zheng's head.

But, at this critical moment!

On Ying Zheng's body, golden light suddenly shot in all directions, and a terrifying dragon roar sounded out of thin air.


In the golden light, I saw Ying Zheng's dragon robe, the golden dragon came alive in an instant, flew out from the dragon robe, enlarged in the wind in mid-air, and instantly turned into nine giant dragons.

At the same time, a glass-colored mask was also created out of thin air in front of Ying Zheng's body, protecting him firmly.

"Puff puff!

Hundreds of crossbow arrows shot on the mask, and the mask was shaken into powder on the spot, not even a single strand of Ying Zheng's hair was injured.

Everyone present opened their mouths in shock, watching this fabulous scene in disbelief.

Ying Zheng was also taken aback by the magic of the dragon robe, and turned excited.

This power, this special effect, don't be too handsome, it is indeed a fetish gift from Mr., this is too awesome!

Ying Zheng's face was full of excitement, he pointed at the dead soldiers who were stiff all over, and shouted loudly: "Kill! 99


The nine golden dragons roared fiercely, and rushed towards the dead men fiercely.


Seeing the mighty and ferocious golden dragon, the dead men were so frightened that their scalps numb, but no one had time to escape, and was instantly struck by the golden dragon.

As if they were hit by a shell, they were blown to pieces, and blood was sprayed out like a fountain, bloody, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・


Nine golden dragons surround Ying Zheng, and under the golden light, Ying Zheng is set off like a god.

At this moment, the civil and military officials of Da Qin were stunned, Zhang Liang and Xiang Yu were stunned, and all the people were stunned.

Hundreds of thousands of people, like wooden people, stood there dumbfounded, almost unable to believe their eyes.

What kind of method is this? Is it the magic of the fairy master?

The golden dragon smashed into the sky, shattering hundreds of killers with just one blow.

Has Your Majesty also become a fairy?

"Hahahaha!" Ying Zheng Zhentian, this forced pretence should not be too cool.

Ye Yu and Chongzhen were also shocked by the sight.

It really deserves to be an artifact with a price of 10,000 yuan, which is too powerful!

Chongzhen's eyes turned red when he saw it.

My god, this thing is not only powerful, but also the special effects are even more handsome. It is an artifact used to pretend to win people's hearts!


"No, no, I also want the princesses to prepare, it is best to let the gentleman also like two, the First Emperor can obtain such a powerful divine weapon, and the things that Lao Zhu and I can also obtain should not be bad!

Chongzhen secretly swore in his heart, seeing that the matter was almost resolved, he immediately turned off the communication and went to choose a princess for Ye Yu.

At this time, Ying Zheng was like drinking an ice-cold cola in the summer. He flew up and shouted wildly: "The widow has the protection of the immortal master, who would dare to hurt me?"

"Who else?"

"Who else!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

"Long live the fairy teacher! 39

Every citizen and minister present knelt down and shouted excitedly.

The scene just now made everyone's three views refreshed.

It turns out that there really are immortals in the world, it turns out that the methods of immortal masters are so powerful, Your Majesty is really the son of destiny!

"How could this be... how could this be. 99

On the carriage at the edge of the crowd, Xiang Yu was so frightened by the scene in front of him that his face turned pale, his legs trembled, and he sat in the carriage. He no longer had any thoughts of taking action against Ying Zheng.


It's so scary!

From childhood to adulthood, he had never seen such a terrifying sight. Hundreds of good players were smashed to pieces with a single blow. How could such a terrifying power exist in the world.

Zhang Liang also looked straight, and after a while, he regained his senses, looking at Ying Zheng who was standing on the steps, a wry smile appeared on his face.

He never thought that Ying Zheng still holds such terrifying power in his hands. If this scene spreads out today, who would dare to oppose Ying Zheng?

As long as Ying Zheng lives for one day, the world of Daqin will not be able to turn around.

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