A forced fit.

Not only did the old man Zhao take the limelight, he was so cool that he flew up, but also made countless people return to their hearts, and even confirmed the rumors that Daqin was protected by an immortal master. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

"Hahahaha, thank you sir for giving the treasure, no one can repay it!"

Ying Zheng cheerfully bowed to the gate of crossing the world in the void, his smile narrowed into a slit.

"Old Zhao is not bad, this time you pretended to be three points of my level!" Ye Yu smiled and said: "With this mysterious golden robe, you will no longer have to be afraid of assassins in the future.

"Hey, I wish these assassins would come a few more times, and I would like to show my fairy deeds a few more times, so the world will be more attentive!"

Ying Zheng said with a smile, feeling quite unfulfilled.

"Okay, in the future, if you go to the expedition in person, there is a chance! Ye Yu laughed and scolded: "Let's continue the ceremony, it's getting late.

"Okay!" Ying Zheng nodded "610", his mind moved, and the golden dragon beside him turned into embroidery again, which was engraved on his dragon robe.

As for the culprit behind this assassination, he will continue to investigate and find out all the fish that slipped through the net.

After all, the skills of these dead soldiers are very extraordinary. Although he is protected by a divine robe now, Fusu, Feng Quji and the others did not have such divine weapons at the time.

If these remnants of the six kingdoms smashed the pots and smashed, and stumbled against Fusu and the others behind their backs, it would be impossible to prevent them, and Da Qin would suffer a great loss.

Ying Zheng didn't want this to happen, so there was only one dead end for the remnants of the Six Kingdoms.

There were thousands of twists and turns in his heart, but Ying Zheng's face was calm.

He continued to step up with the civil and military officials. After walking ninety-nine steps, he appeared in front of a huge palace.

This is a gorgeously decorated palace, with carved columns and painted buildings everywhere, and the exterior is carved with cranes, Bai Ze and other mythical beasts.

At the main entrance of the palace, there are three huge bronze cauldrons the size of five people hugging each other, and a few side halls can still be vaguely seen in the distance.

Entering the main entrance of the main hall, what catches your eye is a figure that is ten meters high and full of jade.

He was covered in a bronze-colored long gown, holding a scroll, wearing a high crown on his head and stepping on auspicious clouds, fluttering like an independent world, as if a fairy came into the world.

Thirty-six statues stood on the left and right sides of the immortal.

The height of these statues is only six meters, and the whole body is made of bronze. Although they are not as gorgeous as the white jade statues, they vividly show the characteristics of each sage.

"Oh, Lao Zhao, you did a good job of this statue. 35

Under the manipulation of Ye Yu, the mirror of the gate of crossing the world circled around the white jade statue. Ye Yu looked curiously at the statue that was halfway to himself, with a strange expression.

If you haven't died yet, you've been sacrificed by others?

"Hahaha, sir, to be honest, this statue is an image painted by Fusu himself. More than a thousand craftsmen worked day and night to make it. It is quite difficult to have a three-point charm of Mr. Ying Zheng! After a wave of Ye Yu's flattery, Taotao began to introduce it unconsciously.

"Because of the lack of time, the seventy-two statues of the sages around them can only be cast in bronze for the time being. After a while, they will all be carved with white jade, so that these statues will stand forever.

"Yes, yes, the statue carved from white jade is not afraid of rusting or something, Lao Zhao, you have a heart."

Ye Yu was talking when suddenly, the crisp sound of the system rang in his ears.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 50,000 corrections.""

'Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Good Weather Card*2.'

"Congratulations to the host, the faith channel is opened!


Hearing the system's voice, Ye Yu was instantly ecstatic.

The first is the 50,000 correction value, which is two or three times more than what he usually gains!

He guessed that it was because of the mysterious golden dragon robe he had just given to Lao Zhao, which made hundreds of thousands of people believe in the existence of immortals.

And in time, after the news spread all over the country, his Immortal Master's name will also resound throughout Da Qin.

In fact, Tianxia has never had any beliefs, and if he wants to believe, he only believes in his ancestors.

But this wave of Ye Yu is equivalent to directly establishing a belief for the Tianxia people of the Daqin world, which is much more awesome than destroying a country!

And this good weather card is also a great thing. After using it on a country, it can add a five-year good weather buff to it, increasing food production by 30%, reducing disasters by 30%, and increasing the birth rate by 30%. .

This is a good thing. With this thing, within five years, Daqin will definitely have a leap forward.

In the end, this channel of belief made Ye Yu a little confused.

Because he could clearly feel that a small and warm force, like a trickle, continuously radiated from the officials of the Qin Dynasty, as well as the people, and gathered on the statue, and then it was instilled across countless time and space. on him.

Ye Yu was keenly aware that because he didn't invest in a positive value, his cultivation in the middle stage of Qi practice, which had been inactive for a long time, was actually increasing bit by bit.

Although the growth rate is very slow, it is a real progress towards the later stage of Qi training.

"System, what's going on? Can't I only rely on spiritual energy and righteousness to cultivate?

"Ding, remind the system, the Taixu Qi Method is a supremely wonderful method, which can refine all Qi. Faith is the gathering of human spirit, energy and spirit, and it is also within the refining scope of the Taixu Qi Method!"

"So that's how it is!" Ye Yu nodded knowingly, and then became excited.

If he can use faith to cultivate, then he will no longer need to waste so many positive values.

The world of Daqin and Daming is so big, when they conquer the world and spread his beliefs all over the world, such a large population base, even if they are piled up, they can pile him up into a real immortal.

Good job, there is one more reason for Lao Zhu Lao Zhao's car to turn over the world.

"It's really unintentional, I wanted to have fun, but I didn't expect such a big harvest this time!"

Ye Yu thought happily, and a smile appeared on his face.

I originally wanted to let Ying Zheng pretend to be a coward, and by the way, repay this old man's act of sending a girl, but I didn't expect that in the end, he made a lot of money, and this million is worth the money.

"It seems that in the future, I will try to act in the world of Daqin Daming as much as possible. I am a little embarrassed to be a low-key person."

Ye Yu silently praised his shamelessness in his heart, and then smiled at Ying Zheng: "Old Zhao, you were just pretending, now it's my turn!

"Huh?" 0.6 Ying Zheng just finished worshiping and asked in surprise, "Why did you say this, sir?"

"It's nothing, you did a good job just now, I'll give you another big gift!"

Ye Yu smiled and didn't explain too much.

As soon as he thought about it, the power of faith he had just obtained exploded. Above the hall, the white jade statue instantly lit up with a thousand rays of light. The next moment, Ying Zheng and others were sent out of the hall by a gentle force.

"How is this going?

"My God, why is there light?"

"The Immortal Master is manifested, the Immortal Master is manifested!"

Everyone was wondering, but they saw a huge figure formed out of thin air above the fairy temple, just like the statue, but the phantom that was magnified dozens of times in the same proportion stood quietly on the main hall, looked up at the sky, and looked at everyone. Stunned, he grabbed the ground with his head.

Ying Zheng was also dumbfounded, stared blankly at Ye Yu's phantom, and murmured, "This, this is the real king of persecution!

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