"I don't know the taste of pork raised by Emperor Gaozu of Han and the overlord of Western Chu."39

Ye Yu touched his chin, smiled secretly, raised his head and said to Ying Zheng: "Old Zhao, I've thought about it, when you come over next time, bring Yang Zi, Wang Mushi and Hu Hai with you. 55

When I was investigating everyone's reaction, in addition to Xiang Yu's hatred for him, there was another person who hated him, and that was Hu Hai.

This little fat man squatted in the corner, babbling in a low voice, and even blamed him all the reasons for his fall from favor. In Ye Yu's opinion, this kid is a lack of social beatings, and he decided to help Lao Zhao educate and educate him well. this kid.

When Ying Zheng heard this, he was first surprised that his daughter was chosen, but when he heard Hu Hai's name, his face was full of weirdness.

"Yang Zi and Wang Mushi are both supreme beauties, and there is nothing to say about their temperament. The immortal master chooses their old Zhao to understand, but why choose Hu Hai, the bastard?"

"Is it possible that Mr. still likes masculinity?"

Ying Zheng suddenly felt the chrysanthemum tighten, and his face turned pale with trembling.

Among the dignitaries in Daqin, he has also seen those who like masculine style, and even some who like to go through the back door. Is it possible that Mr. Cheng also likes it?

Mom, is this taste too heavy?

"Sir." Ying Zheng said tremblingly, "Hu Hai, this bastard, has been used to being arrogant and domineering since he was a child, and he is afraid that he will bump into Mr. It is better for him to prepare a few handsome little boys for you, and I will send it to you next time. .

Saying that, Ying Zheng looked up at Ye Yu in embarrassment. Seeing his strange expression, he immediately panicked, and quickly gritted his teeth and said, "Of course, if it is Mr. Hu Hai, the widow will let him go over immediately and pick whatever Mr. , the widow becomes an extra daughter!

"Damn it!" Ye Yu jumped up in fright, and said speechlessly, "Lao Zhao, why are you so imaginative, is I, Ye Yu, a man who likes men? If it spreads out, do I still want to mix? "

"I just want Hu Hai to come over and educate him well. This little bastard has a wicked behavior. I don't like this kind of arrogant child. I want to help Lao Zhao educate you well. What do you think!"

"That's right..." Ying Zheng smiled awkwardly, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, even Ye Yu said just now that he doesn't care.

Hu Hai is also his son, no matter how bastard, if this is an anal, he, the first emperor, will not be able to hang on his face.

"The widow treats the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, please forgive me, sir." Ying Zheng bowed his hands to Ye Yu gratefully: "This bastard Hu Hai has been spoiled by widows since he was a child, even if he is thrown into the army, he will teach him I'm really ashamed that I'm not good at him. 66

"That's because of your improper education methods. Ye Yu, who looked at me, glanced at the little fat man in the corner, and said maliciously: "Wait for me to show him, what is the social beating!

"Okay, thank you sir."

Ying Zheng readily agreed, and then closed the communication when he saw that there was nothing to do.

He turned his head to Yang Zi and Wang Mushi with a gentle smile: "Yang Zi, Mushi girl, Mr. has a crush on you, and is going to accept you as maids in the Immortal Realm, go back and prepare, and wait until Immortal Sect comes into the world. , the widow will take you to the Immortal Domain to meet the Immortal Master!"

"What? Someone was chosen?"

"Oh my god, this luck is too good, isn't this able to stay in the Immortal Realm?"

"Benhou hates it! I've already brought my daughter here, and it's all to blame for this Wang Ben!"

"It's all so strange to Wang Ben! 35

Hearing this, all the civil and military officials of the Qin Dynasty beat their chests and feet angrily, and glared at Wang Ben one after another, feeling that they had missed a hundred million.

Wang Jian and Wang Ben's father and son took everyone's reaction into their hearts, not only did they not care, but they were happy in their hearts!

"Hahahaha!" Wang Ben said sternly: "Li Xin, what do you think, you are big and three thick, and your daughter is not very good, and only the daughter born to this handsome and handsome man can be favored by the immortal master. !

"Not bad, my son's words are reasonable." Wang Jian agreed and said: "My old Wang family is full of handsome men and beautiful women. This time, the girl of the screen poem is favored by the immortal master.

"you you you……

Civil and military officials, especially Li Xin, who was named diss, pointed at Wang Jian and his son, who were complacent, and wanted to vomit blood.

The famous first handsome guy in Daqin is not as good as you two black-haired scumbags, blinding your dog's eyes.

Ying Zheng also had an odd look on his face. Wang Ben, an ugly man with muscles all over his body, could give birth to such a beautiful woman as Wang Mushi, and it was really green smoke on his ancestral grave.

But in any case, the immortal master is willing to accept two maids, which is definitely a great thing for Da Qin.

Ying Zheng said with a serious face: "Yang Zi, Mu Shi girl, when you serve the Immortal Master in the future, remember to be cautious, and never be arrogant and domineering, if you offend the Immortal Master, it will not only be in trouble for you, but also in Daqin. Misfortune is coming, remember?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, ministers and daughters will never dare to be presumptuous.

"Father, Yang Zi must be obedient."

It was only at this moment that the two women reacted from the great surprise, and nodded again and again to assure.

Ying Zheng felt relieved after seeing this.

This girl Yang Zi has grown up since she was a child. She has a calm and well-behaved personality, which is very reassuring. Although Wang Mushi is a little more lively, she is also the daughter of everyone, and she will never lose her manners.

"Hu Hai!" A cold light flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes as he looked at the little fat man in the corner of the fairy temple.

Hu Hai, the little fat man who was babbling and cursing Ye Yu, shuddered and raised his head quickly.

"Humph! 35 Ying Zheng got angry when he saw this bastard, and said coldly, "Sir said that you have a stubborn character, and if you don't discipline me, it will definitely cause a big disaster to my Daqin, so this time you will be with me too. Go and be a slave in Wonderland!"9

"Do whatever the Immortal Master asks you to do, if you contradict the Immortal Master and cause a catastrophe for me, Qin, the widow will be the first to let you go!

Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

Let your son be a slave to the immortal master, Your Majesty is still ruthless!

Everyone turned their heads at the same time and looked at the little fat man who was startled and dumbfounded.

The little fat man turned pale with fright, and said angrily: "If you don't go, I am the Prince of Daqin, why should you want to be a slave? I won't go, I won't go! 99

"You can't say no!" Ying Zheng was furious and slapped him when he went up: "If you dare to refuse in the slightest, the widowers will beat you to death first!"

"Come here, first tie Hu Hai to the widow, and let Fengchang teach the widow strictly. If there is a little mistake in etiquette, I will beat the widow.

"Back to the palace!""

After he finished speaking, Ying Zheng glared at Hu Hai and walked away immediately. The officials also turned around and left.

"Father, don't! 99

"I am your own son, Father, I don't want to be a slave, I don't want to go to Immortal Realm."

"You guys, don't come here, I'm Prince Daqin, I'm uuuuu..."

The little fat man Hu Hai shouted hoarsely, but no matter how much he cried, it was useless.

When Ying Zheng's holy car left the fairy temple, hundreds of thousands of people around him immediately boiled.

"Hurry up, your majesty is gone, we can go to incense!"

"Let's all let go, let's all let go, this is the magistrate Liu, let the magistrate Liu put the first incense stick!"

"Bah, Laozi is still the county governor, this first incense stick is mine!

The scene was very chaotic for a time, whether it was the poor commoners or some minor nobles and officials, they couldn't help but incarnate as the most devout believers and madly squeezed forward. (Wang De's)

If it weren't for the foresight of Lao Zhao, who left many soldiers to maintain order, and hundreds of thousands of people crowded together, there would have to be a stampede.

When the people walked up to the fairy temple and looked at the statue of Ye Yu, there was another commotion.

"This is the Immortal Master? It's exactly the same as the miracle that was manifested just now.""

"Look, this is Sun Bin, our former great advisor of Qi! 35

"And I am General Li Mu of Zhao State, am I right?

"And I, General Yan Guo Leyi!

"Wuwuwu, our six countries are defeated countries, and we can get the same treatment as the people of Daqin, and the sages of the six countries can also be included in the fairy temple. Your majesty is wise, and the fairy master is kind!"

"Wait, thank you, Your Majesty!

The people were extremely excited to bow down, especially those remnants of the Six Kingdoms, all of them were moved to tears.

At this moment, the previous grievances and grievances were completely wiped out, and the famous generals of the seven kingdoms were all seated in the Immortal Master, and everyone was a family.

From now on, there will be no distinction between Qi, Chu, Yan, and Han people. Everyone has only one identity, the people of Great Qin.

From now on, everyone will have only one name - Tianxiaren!

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