The Daqin Immortal Temple was opened, Ying Zheng arrogantly eliminated the assassins, and the immortal master appeared.

Even after two days, the popularity of these news not only did not weaken, but intensified with the passage of time, spreading to the surrounding area of ​​Xianyang City.

As for Fusu, he has not been idle these few days, and has been instructed to deal with various matters concerning the establishment of the newspaper office.

On the largest street in Xianyang City, a three-storey small building was built in just two days. On the door of the small building, on the red signboard, seven golden characters of "Da Qin Imperial Publishing House" were written. Glittering in the sun.

"Mr. Zifang, the royal father has an order, you will be responsible for the operation of the Royal Publishing House and the printing and publishing of the newspaper from now on, please pay more attention!

In the office of the publishing house, Fusu stood in front of a young man and said with a smile.

The young man's face was like a crown of jade, and there was a literati temperament in his gestures, but the shock left on his face made him look a little stiff.

This young man was actually Zhang Liang who had appeared outside the Immortal Temple two days ago.

Zhang Liang said with a wry smile: "Eldest son, how is Xiang Yu now?"

Two days ago, seeing that the assassination attempt by the 610 assassins failed, he was about to leave with Xiang Yu. Unexpectedly, he ran into the iron cavalry of Daqin, and was finally 'please' returned by Wang Ben, the Marquis of Tongwu. .

After being locked up for two days, Zhang Liang originally thought that he would never be able to get out of Daqin's Heavenly Prison in his entire life. Unexpectedly, the eldest son Fusu released him with an imperial order, and inexplicably became the deputy editor of the Royal Publishing House. long?

"Mr. Zifang, please rest assured, Xiang Yu has his own place, and there will be no danger to his life." Fusu smiled faintly: "Sir, you have also seen papermaking and printing, you are a talented person, you should Knowing the importance of newspapers to my Daqin, please do your best! 35

"Don't worry, eldest son, your majesty trusts you so much, you will definitely do your best!"

Zhang Liang cupped his hands towards Fusu, remembering the piles of white paper he had just seen in the backyard, and the amazing advanced technology, the last trace of resistance to Da Qin in his heart also quietly dissipated.

With the protection of immortal masters on the top, the support of the people on the bottom, and these magical technologies can make the country stronger, it is simply unacceptable that Daqin is not strong. overlord.

Zhang Liang had a good sense of Daqin, and he was led by Tianxia people. Joining Daqin at this time was not a difficult choice for him.

Seeing Zhang Liang's attitude, Fusu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Daqin had no shortage of generals, but Zhang Liang was the only one who was lacking in internal affairs.

If Zhang Liang can sincerely surrender, with his talent, he will definitely become the right-hand man of Da Qin in the future.

Zhang Liang deserves to be a figure who can assist Liu Bang to ascend to the throne, and he does things resolutely. It only took two days to recruit the staff of the newspaper, design the layout, and write the content. On the third day, the first A Daqin newspaper was produced.

This newspaper bragged about the attack on the old Zhaoxian Temple, the protection of the body by the golden dragon, and the blessing of the immortal master. The most wonderful thing is that Zhang Liang didn't know where to find a talent with extremely high painting skills to direct Ying Zheng to the golden dragon. The scene was drawn, and then printed on the newspaper with golden pigments, and the first color newspaper was made without a teacher.

Ying Zheng was very excited when he saw it, and he immediately applauded. After the order was given, the newspaper office worked overtime and frantically printed 50,000 copies of the newspaper, which were then distributed throughout Xianyang City.

Xianyang City, in an alley.

Several local people in Xianyang were bragging about the spectacular scene of the Immortal Master appearing a few days ago to outsiders, causing these outsiders to exclaim repeatedly, their eyes full of shock.

Suddenly, a crisp cry rang out.

"Newspapers are sold, newspapers are sold, freshly-baked newspapers, one piece for one dollar, limited quantity, first come, first served!

"Sold the newspaper, sold the newspaper..."

These people were stunned for a moment, then turned their heads quickly, only to see a child with a small cloth bag jumping in and running in.

"Newspaper? 35

Several people looked at each other, what kind of thing is a newspaper, I have never heard of it.

An old man grabbed the boy who was selling the newspaper, and asked curiously, "Little guy, what is the newspaper in your mouth? 35

The newsboy was held back, blinked his dark eyes, glanced at a few people, and quickly took out a few newspapers from the small cloth bag and said: "This is called "Da Qin News", which is published by the Royal Publishing House and designed by the immortal master. Yes, it is printed with..."

The old man only heard the words 'Xianshi', and suddenly asked excitedly: "Little brother, do you think this thing is made by the immortal... the immortal teacher?

"Is this true?"

"Of course it is! 95

The newsboy nodded and said, "Mr. Zhang, the vice president, said that this newspaper was produced under the guidance of the immortal master, and the immortal master also gave us a song called "Song of Selling Newspapers", and I will sing it for you! "5

"Okay, we believe it!" The old man said again and again: "Since it is a newspaper designed by the immortal master, then give me a copy!

The people around also said: "The newspaper designed by the immortal master must be extraordinary, come and come, and give me a copy."9

"Give me two copies, and I'll take them back to my wife.""

"One piece of money, don't be in a hurry, don't grab it!

The child received the money, and the smile on his face brightened. He took out the newspaper and handed it to these people. Then, he ran towards the other street with his short legs. He could still hear the crisp singing.

"La la la! La la la! I'm a little connoisseur of newspaper sales. I don't wait for the paper to be dispatched in the morning. As I walk, I call. Today's news is really good..."

This magical scene also appeared in the streets and alleys of Xianyang City.

In every street, children selling newspapers can be seen hawking along the street, and in every tavern and restaurant, scholars can be seen repeating explanations for the people.

There are also many artists in the store who have transformed themselves into storytellers. They are full of high-spirited, scolding Fang Qiu, and let them explain for a whole day with a pot of wine and a plate of fried rice.

"Speaking of which, the first emperor, since he was appraised as the ruler of the world, he was protected by the immortal master. One night in the city of Xianyang, there was a cloud of mist, and the immortal gate came into the world. Only then did I have the grand scene of Daqin today! 35

"His Majesty the First Emperor, in order to thank the immortals, built a temple to worship him. On that day, outside the temple, millions of people watched, and auspicious clouds descended from the sky. The scene was extremely spectacular! 99

"It's a shame that the remnants of the Six Nations dared to shoot assassins to assassinate His Majesty the First Emperor. That day, I was so scared that my whole body went weak!"

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