Speaking of this, the voice suddenly stopped, and there was no more text, causing the people who were waiting to hear the development of the following plot to scratch their heads in a hurry.

The storyteller picked up a few grains of fried rice and chewed it, then drank another glass of wine, and sat slouching on the chair, Mei's eyes narrowed into slits.

Seeing his attitude, the audience scratched their ears even more anxiously.

"Sir, what happened next, go ahead!""

"How is your majesty, has the assassin succeeded?"

"Sir, keep talking!"

"Someone, chop off the old man's head to cheer up Mr.! 99

There were also some people who were a little excited. When they saw the few fried rice left on the storyteller's plate, they shouted loudly: "I will give you another pot of soju and two dishes of fried rice. Today's consumption will be paid for by my prince.

Seeing that this man was so insightful, the storyteller nodded with satisfaction, and no longer was rude, he immediately stood up and said: "If you want to say that the remnants of the six kingdoms really don't know whether to live or die, what kind of person your Majesty is, he is the real Son of Destiny, The emperor under the protection of the Immortal Master, these assassins tried to assassinate His Majesty, how could it be possible!"

"It's too late to talk about it. At that time, I saw that His Majesty was not afraid of danger, and there were nine golden dragons protecting his body. Hundreds of arrows were shattered on the spot, and hundreds of assassins were all crushed into pieces."

"At that time, the king was surrounded by nine golden dragons, the sky and the earth changed color, and the assassins vanished into ashes in the wave of his hand. It was like a god who was alive, and he was extremely powerful and domineering!"

"Afterwards, above the Immortal Temple, a statue of Immortal Master Wanzhang appeared, standing on the ground, the situation changed with the wave of the hand, not only personally crowned His Majesty, but also granted me good weather within five years of Daqin, and hundreds of thousands of people witnessed it. It's like a fairy tale!

The storyteller became more and more excited as he spoke, as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes.

The surrounding audiences all clapped their hands and applauded, fascinated, and regretted that they could not see such a grand scene.

"Okay, well said, my Daqin has the protection of an immortal master, who else in the world is my Daqin's opponent!"

"His Majesty wiped out hundreds of assassins with just a wave of his hand. It's really overbearing!"

"No wonder I feel that my body has relaxed a lot these days, it turns out to be a gift from the Immortal Master! 66

"Sir, let's talk about the scene of the Immortal Master's appearance, well said, the old man will be rewarded!

In the restaurants, cheers erupted one after another.

Lao Zhao took Fusu, Wang Ben and the others dressed in casual clothes and made a private visit around the restaurant. Hearing the people's praises, he immediately became elated.

"Okay, this storyteller is of a good level, and he has given seven points to the widow's heroism. It should be rewarded!" Ying Zheng exhorted cheerfully, and then said, "Sir, this strategy is really good, if there are storytellers around every day. Everywhere in Daqin talks about the merits of the widow, then my Daqin will be in long-term peace!""

Fusu nodded again and again: "And Mr. Zhang Liang, this newspaper was written by him, if it wasn't for Mr. Zhang Liang, he wouldn't be able to write such a good article.

"Not bad, Zhang Liang is indeed a talent and deserves a reward!" Ying Zheng nodded, but he was pleasantly surprised. Fortunately, Zhang Liang was not killed in a fit of rage.

This article shows his image vividly and vividly, which shows how excellent this piece of writing is, if he loses such a talent, this is the loss of his Yingzheng!"

"Your Majesty!" Feng Quji said with a livid face: "Your Majesty thinks this good person should not be rewarded, but should be severely punished!"


Ying Zheng immediately became interested and asked curiously, "Why did Feng Qing say this?"

"Your Majesty, this piece of good writing is really good, but what is it written in this section where a hundred schools of thought contend! All the articles are bragging about Confucianism, full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, and they don't help me, Daqin. It's really Damn it!" "

When Ying Zheng and Fusu heard the words, they immediately looked at each other and smiled.

Zhang Liang was originally a Confucian, and now he controls the Royal Publishing House, so he doesn't take the opportunity to tout Confucianism. Could it be that he also touted your Legalism?

Fusu coughed dryly and said: "The right minister's views are a bit extreme. I have read Mr. Zhang Liang's article, and there are still many merits in it. The great scholars from all over the country even applauded, proving that this article was really written. Not bad! 99

"Hmph, people of Confucianism are all the same raccoon dog!" Feng Quji said angrily: "He is Zhang Liang, how virtuous, and how capable, and I, Da Qin, established the country with the study of law, yet he dares to belittle Legalism and promote Confucianism. what!

"Ha ha ha ha."

When Ying Zheng and Fu Su saw this, they burst into laughter.

Feng Quji's reaction was so intense, they were not surprised at all, because all this was expected by Ye Yu.

Even a fool can see how arrogant he is in such a thing as a newspaper, how can people from all over the world not see it?

........seeking flowers 0..

Zhang Liang was the first to speak out for Confucianism and to promote Confucianism in newspapers.

It's not just Feng Quji, it is estimated that all the universities around the country are cursing Zhang Liang secretly at this time!

This is also the genius of Ying Zheng. He asked Zhang Liang to be the vice president of the Royal Publishing House, specializing in the printing of newspapers.


As a Confucian boss, he will definitely be biased towards Confucianism, which will attract the hatred of other great schools.

In this way, Zhang Liang had all the pot on his back, but Ying Zheng had all the benefits, and he could take the opportunity to divide the various schools of thought, killing three birds with one stone!

Feng Quji was still in anger at this time, and said dissatisfiedly: "Your Majesty, Zhang Liang is so arrogant and domineering because of the convenience of controlling the Royal Publishing House, and also asks His Majesty to put Zhang Liang back into the Heavenly Prison, where he will be putting all the sons and daughters in the sky. The home plate is sealed, and these sour scholars must not be allowed to bring disaster to the country and the people again!


"Cough, cough, don't worry about Feng Xiang, you can't say that." Ying Zheng said with a smile: "How can such remarks be blocked. Killed can be blocked. Killed, Mr. said, freedom of speech, few people come. I feel that these views should not be blocked, but should be vigorously promoted."

"Yes, Prime Minister, if you are dissatisfied, you can criticize in the newspaper!" Fusu fanned the flames and said, "In this second issue of the newspaper, you can publish an article criticizing Mr. Zhang Liang. Just say that you attach great importance to the study of law, and go back! This newspaper has never said that only Confucian people can speak, and since a hundred schools of thought contend, other schools can also speak at will!"

"Is this still possible?" Feng Quji was stunned.

"That's right, old Feng." Wang Ben, fearing that the world would not be in chaos, winked at Feng Quji and said, "If Confucianism publishes an article, you will publish an article. Do you think your writing style is inferior to Zhang Liang?"

"How is that possible!" Feng Quji immediately said arrogantly, "How can Zhang Liang be compared to this old man."

"The old man will go back and write an article and post it, and criticize these sour and rotten Confucians!""

Ying Zheng and Fu Su looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

Well, even Feng Quji, a right-hand minister, couldn't help but publish an article to criticize it, and people from other schools would definitely not be able to bear it any longer.

Hundreds of schools of thought, and a hundred schools of thought are singing together, and then there will be a good show to watch six.

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