On the Daqin side, Ying Zheng sat on the Diaoyutai Station and waited to watch the show.

In the Ming world, Chongzhen was anxiously scratching his head.

After he came back, he searched around for a long time, but did not find a beauty that could rival Yang Zi and Wang Mushi in appearance.

This blinded him at once.

Ying Zheng sent those two gorgeous beauties, if he almost sent them away, wouldn't that mean that he was not good at Lao Zhu?

But let's not send beauties, he couldn't be more anxious, it was the treasure that Ye Yu gave to Ying Zheng that made him jealous.

If the treasure with amazing power and special effects appeared in his hands, he would definitely pretend to be a big one. Force, let the world witness together, this convincing effect is absolutely awesome!

"This, what is this?

In the Daming military camp outside Jizhou City, Chongzhen jumped up and down anxiously.

"Your Majesty!" Suddenly, the army's "610" tent was opened, Li Yuanyin walked in, and reported to Chongzhen: "Report to Your Majesty, the march led by General Cao has returned, and our army has won a great victory and wiped out all the slaves. The army is more than 10,000 people.

"Oh, I see." Chongzhen waved his hand nonchalantly, still thinking about how to please Ye Yu.

If in the past, more than 10,000 Jian slaves were completely wiped out, this was an incomparably brilliant victory, and Lao Zhu would be ecstatic.

However, during this time, Daming and Jiannu fought several times, and each time they were victorious, and there were countless Jiannu eliminated, and Chongzhen had long been used to it.

Seeing that Chongzhen was not happy at all because of the victory, Li Yuanyin's eyes flashed a hint of doubt, and asked curiously: "Your Majesty, are you... on your mind?"

"Well, Yuan Yin, how should we repay the kindness of the immortal master? I am Daming, why is there no such a peerless beauty..."

Chongzhen responded subconsciously, looking at Li Yuanyin with a confused face, he quickly coughed, and was embarrassed to say that he was going to sell his daughter, so he could only smile and say: "The immortal master has been so kind to me as a mountain, I thought about what I should use for it. Return Mr.

Li Yuanyin thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, sir, don't like those mysterious things, but let Eunuch Cao collect them and present them to him. 99

"Hey, that's right, why did I forget about this!" Chongzhen patted his head and said suddenly, Ye Yu had mentioned before that he wanted those mysterious things, and he did ask Cao Huachun to collect them, but The war was busy, and he forgot about it all at once.

Chongzhen suddenly became excited, Ye Yu never asked them what they asked for, and it was the only time that he asked for a mysterious thing, indicating that this thing must be very important. If this can find what Ye Yu needs, it will definitely get a big deal. A reward!

"Yuanyin, how many of these mysterious things have been collected, next time we go to Immortal Realm, let's bring them all!" Chongzhen asked hurriedly.

Li Yuanyin said with a wry smile: "The two warehouses have already been filled, and the East Factory's fanzi is still being collected. This mysterious thing is accumulating more and more, and in a few days, the palace's warehouse will not be able to hold it. 35

"Okay haha, well done!

When Chongzhen heard this, he immediately smiled. There must be one of the treasures in the two warehouses that Ye Yu needs.

The old boy Chongzhen was snickering all over his face, and he was already imagining the scene where he was pretending to be forceful with an artifact.

After YY for a while, Chongzhen remembered that he was still in the military tent, and quickly coughed twice and said, "How is the situation of Jiannu now?"

Seeing Chongzhen pretending to be calm, Li Yuanyin smiled secretly in his heart and said: "Your Majesty, Jiannu has already displayed hundreds of thousands of troops outside, and now he is sharpening his knives and preparing to destroy us. 35

Previously, Daming had won many times, and Jiannu suffered heavy losses. Huang Taiji was furious because of this, and ordered the army scattered all over the country to surround Jizhou. The hundreds of thousands of troops blocked the water surrounding Jizhou.

In the end, Chongzhen's soldiers and horses were surrounded by this place.

This terrain is very peculiar, with a wide lake in the back, narrow and steep foothills on the left and right sides, and an open plain in front.

This terrain, a little familiar with the military can see that this is a dead place.

And when Huang Taiji knew that Chongzhen was also besieged here, he was even more excited.

If the Daming Emperor is eliminated here, then it will basically be effortless to eliminate Daming.

Therefore, during this period of time, there was a battle almost every day, and Jiannu's madness attacked the Daming military camp, turning the neighborhood into a tragic hell.

"How's the layout going?"

At the foot of the mountain, Chongzhen took a telescope to observe the enemy in the distance, and asked Cao Bianjiao, Fang Zhenghua and Huang Degong beside him......

At this time, the three of them exuded this chilling aura, and they could vaguely ask a faint smell of blood.

After this period of fighting, in addition to the 30,000 new troops, 20,000 Shenji battalion soldiers, and 8,000 forbidden troops, Chongzhen's command had more than 30,000 soldiers from the old Beijing battalion, adding up to nearly 90,000 horses.

Although the ammunition was consumed during this period of expedition, there were not many casualties. Coupled with the field medical technology taught by Ye Yu, the overall strength of Daming had almost no loss. Even the soldiers of the Laojing battalion are very different from the previous sparseness.

"Your Majesty!" Huang Degong immediately clasped his fists and said, "Our army has dug a total of twelve trenches on the three-mile-long defense line, which are crisscrossed and completely sufficient to resist the attack of Jiannu.

"Moreover, our ammunition is also very sufficient. The Artillery Bureau has once again improved the problem of mortar duds, and the firepower has been greatly increased, enough to allow us to face a major war!"

Huang Degong sneered on the side and said: "The last commander has also buried a lot of explosive bags on the plain in front of you according to your instructions. If these Jiannu go out on a large scale, it will definitely give them a big surprise!

Perhaps he was afraid of being beaten by Jiannu before, but now Chongzhen suffers from a phobia of insufficient firepower, so since the beginning of the war, the imperial court has let go of almost everything, and fully cooperated with the Artillery Bureau of the Military War Bureau to manufacture fire artillery.

Sun Dinghe also knew very well that this war was a key point in determining the fate of the Ming Dynasty. Let alone eliminating 100,000 Jiannu, even eliminating 300,000 Jiannu is more than enough.

"Good job!"

Hearing this, Chongzhen laughed with satisfaction.

Outsiders thought that he was surrounded by Jian slaves and must be dead.

But no one knows, in fact he did it on purpose!

This is a game, a big game of rebuilding slaves that he and Ye Yu and Yingzheng specially negotiated!

And his being surrounded is also the most important part of this plan!

According to the plan, Chongzhen pretended to retreat step by step, and constantly angered and ate away Jiannu, which is why we have today's situation.

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