I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 144: My generation should be with the family and the country

Chongzhen held the binoculars, looked at the Jiannu barracks in the distance, frowned and said: "Everyone in Jiannu is good at riding and shooting, and they are very fast. If you want to seriously injure them, you must not have a bait hanging on them. I am this bait. ."

"The relationship between this war is a question of whether my Daming and Jiannu can continue in the future. Generals, are you willing to fight to the death?"

"My generation should be with the family and the country!"

Cao Bianjiao, Fang Zhenghua and the others roared with murderous intent, and everyone looked like they were not afraid of death.

"Okay! If there is a general like this, why can't I win a big victory!" Chongzhen's heart was also agitated, and he nodded with pride.

"Where are Zuo Liangyu and Lu Xiangsheng now?"

"Your Majesty, after they received the secret order, they have quietly led their troops north! 35 Cao Bianjiao Liu An hurriedly said: "The two soldiers and horses have entered Jizhou at this time, and according to your instructions, pretend to be afraid The posture of stepping forward is actually secretly accumulating strength, ready to send troops at any time!

"Okay." Chongzhenlin said with a smile: "Go on and let them continue dormant. Once Jiannu is defeated and flees, they will have to use troops to block Jiannu's retreat.


Cao Bianjiao nodded again and again.

Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu were the few fierce generals in the Ming Dynasty, and the soldiers under them were also elites with 26 to 10. Seventy to eighty thousand people resisted the defeated Jiannu, which was not a problem at all.

Cao Bianjiao thought for a while and then said: "Your Majesty, Hong Chengtao, who was poisoned in Jizhou, has performed many times, and asked to mobilize troops and horses to come to help, are you accommodating?

"Haha." Chongzhen sneered.

Hong Chengtao, the old fox, is really good at making good plans.

If he didn't know the true face of this melee before, he would definitely be moved in a mess, thinking that he was a loyal pillar of a country.

But now, how could he still not see the means of this old fox.

During this period of time, this old fellow has stationed all his troops and horses in the major cities of Jizhou, and there is no extra power to come to save people.

If you want to lie about the white wolf, show your loyalty without any effort? How is this possible.

Chongzhen could even think that if he sent troops to ask for help, the old fox would immediately push back and stop the four. Seeing that the situation was not right, he might even turn around and surrender to the establishment of slaves.

Wu Sangui and the others are the same.

Each of these old dogs supported their own troops and watched the tigers fight on the mountain. Whether it was Chongzhen or Jiannu, they were both good at each other, but once one of them showed weakness, they immediately turned into grass.

"Hmph, self-righteous old dog, when I eliminate Jiannu, I will take care of you!""

Chongzhen sneered and put Wu Sangui and the others on his must-kill list.


"Destroy the Ming army and capture the dog emperor alive! 35

In front of the battlefield, I don't know when, a large army of Wuyangyang appeared, the ground trembled, and Jiannu's roar came from a distance.

Cao Bianjiao picked up the binoculars and looked at it. Through the lens, he could clearly see the flags of the various Jiannu divisions, fluttering in the air, and it was true that everyone could clearly see the hideous faces on their faces.

"Your Majesty, Jiannu has launched a general attack!"

"Yeah! Chongzhen observed the Jiannu army on the opposite side through the binoculars, and did not see the figure of Huang Taiji, but saw an artillery camp that was being built.

"This bastard!" Chongzhen's face darkened immediately, and he cursed in a low voice.

This artillery battalion was bought from Europe at a high cost, but he did not expect that it would be used to beat him today. It was ridiculous.

"This battle has been fought for so long and it should come to an end. After I have eliminated Jiannu, I will kill these bastard traitors alive! Chongzhen sneered, and immediately said to Cao Bianjiao and the others: "Let's gather the generals, I must completely eradicate them today. Got these bastards!


Cao Bianjiao and others looked happy, and their waists were straight.

The previous war was nothing more than a petty fight, and even the long guns and short cannons had to be hidden, so that Jiannu could not be aware of the strangeness, and they would all feel embarrassed.

Today, I can finally have a good time!

A moment later, in the Daming Barracks, a thunderous drum sounded, as if a boulder fell from a calm lake, and the originally peaceful Daming Barracks suddenly became noisy.

"Quick, put on your gear and get ready to assemble!"

"Artillerymen, push all the mortars to Laozi. 35

"The Musketeers, where are the Musketeers?

"Assemble, the whole army gathers."

Under the command of Cao Bianjiao and others, 90,000 soldiers gathered in an orderly manner, wearing equipment, loaded and loaded, and many soldiers directly hid in the trenches dug beforehand, waiting quietly for Jiannu's arrival. near.

The two armies faced off, but the plain in the middle was unusually quiet, a gust of breeze blew through, and the bushes rustled.

In Jiannu's barracks, Huang Taiji was also observing the situation of Daming from a distance with a monocular.

However, his telescope was incomparable with the advanced military telescope in Chongzhen's hands, and the distance was too far, so he could only see some vague shadows.

Huang Taiji put down his telescope, frowned and said, "Why are there so many ditches in front of Daming's military camp, what is he trying to do? 35

"Whatever he wants to do, just kill him!"

"I guess the Chongzhen child is afraid that I will wait for the horse to rush to kill. These trenches should be used to trip the horse's legs."

"Is this Chongzhen a fool? He thinks this big trench can stop our war horses?"

"Hehe, Daming Pig must have been frightened by us. This place is a dead place. When we eliminate the main force of Daming 610 and capture Chongzhen's children alive, this land will be our world! 35

The flag owners of the Eight Banners of Jiannu sneered.

At this time, Dorgon was carefully observing the movements on Daming's side, frowning and said: "It's not that simple, this ditch is not wide, horses can jump over it, it is definitely not used to defend against war horses, but To hide from people, this Chongzhen wants to fight us to the death here!"

"That's exactly what I want!" Huang Taiji said with a wicked smile: "It happened to destroy the Chongzhen child here. I see what else the big Ming pigs can do to fight us. The generals, destroy Chongzhen and rob me of Peiping!"

"Hahahaha, my emperor Shengming!

"I heard that there are many beauties in the Daming Palace, we should enjoy it. 35

"It's a pity that Daming's territory is too vast, and we don't have enough troops and horses. Otherwise, why would we loot and simply destroy it."

"It's not a pity, as long as Chongzhen dies, Ming Dynasty will be our world sooner or later!

"Not bad!" Huang Taiji nodded with satisfaction, turned to look at Kong Youde, who was full of flattery, and said, "Kong Youde, what do you think?

"Your Majesty, don't you need to say more, just hit it directly!" Kong Youde said flatteringly: "Don't worry, there is an artillery battalion, how could Daming be our opponent, this time we will destroy all the Ming army, Your Majesty, you The real Son of Destiny!

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