"Hahahaha, well said!"

Huang Taiji laughed with satisfaction. At this time, Jiannu had followed the example of Ming Dynasty to establish a country. Kong Youde was an emperor. Hearing that, Huang Taiji felt dark in his heart.

"Let the artillery battalion open fire freely and bombard it in an all-round way. After several rounds of bombardment, let the front army of the Eight Banners soldiers overrun, and I want to annihilate the entire Ming army!"

Huang Taiji gave an order, and all the Jian slaves moved instantly.

Kong Youde's artillery battalion was busy for a while.

This time, after traveling thousands of miles to loot Daming, many heavy artillery pieces could not be transported at all, most of them were small-caliber artillery pieces, and some red-clothed cannons looted from surrounding cities.

However, even if there is no heavy artillery in his hand, Kong Youde is very confident.

He came from Daming and knew how backward Daming's artillery was. Even these small-caliber cannons were enough to make Daming cry.

It's a pity he didn't know that Daming had already changed from what it used to be. After Ye Yu's guidance, Daming's current artillery level has already left him dozens of blocks!

This old man, Lao Zhu, is also a black-bellied black man. Except for the key battle, he is determined not to respond to the enemy with mortars and wooden-handled grenades. Even if these powerful firearms are used, all the Jian slaves will be killed. , Don't let any news get out, just waiting for a big surprise to Jiannu this time.

At this time, Kong Youde was still complacent. After this war, he would get what kind of reward from Huang Taiji. It was certain that he would honor the new emperor.

"Quick, the artillery battalion is ready, bombard Laozi!


"Bomb him!"

"Make meritorious deeds and destroy the Ming army!"

A group of soldiers from the artillery battalion screamed with excitement. Most of them were Han Chinese, but they were murderous and grim-faced in the face of their compatriots.

The soldiers quickly cleaned the muzzles of the artillery pieces, stuffed them in solid shells weighing more than ten kilograms, and fired them.

"Boom boom boom!"

After a loud roar, heavy artillery shells flew into the sky and flew towards Daming's camp.

"Hahaha, blow them up 99

"Blow up these Daming pigs!

Kong Youde danced with excitement, his eyes flashing with excitement, but the next moment, his complexion instantly stiffened.

Huang Taiji, who was holding the binoculars to observe the movement in the distance, also looked ugly, because he saw that these dozens of shells were useless.

In Daming's military camp, more than a dozen ditches were dug, large and small, and a large number of sandbags were stacked in front. At this time, Daming's soldiers were all hiding in the ditches. After the pit, not even the root hair of the Ming army was injured.

Seeing this situation, a loud jeering sound came from within Daming's army.

"Hahaha, brothers, look, is this Jiannu performing acrobatics for us?"

"What's the age of these idiots, they are still playing with iron balls, they can kill a Laozi and wash their hair upside down.

"Turtle turtle, you dare to come out and be embarrassed with this little thing, go back to your hometown in Shengjing."

Hearing the sarcastic voice over there, Kong Youde was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he immediately shouted loudly: "Boom, continue to boom! 35

"Boom boom boom!"

Another burst of artillery sounded, and large iron balls were continuously sent into the sky, and large earth pits were smashed into the ground.

But the Ming army still didn't hurt a single hair.

Even some soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were bored lying in the trenches, and took the opportunity to chat about their daily life, completely dismissing the artillery fire in their ears as a deaf ear.

Chongzhen yawned and looked boredly at the artillery battalion opposite.

This kind of result did not exceed his expectations at all. After all, in this era, except for the Ming Dynasty, other cannons completely smashed people to death with their heavy weights.

And the trench sandbags that he learned from Ye Yu can block even a burst of bullets, not to mention such a backward cannon.

"Boom boom boom!"

After three salvos, Kong Youde's artillery battalion went out.

It's not that they don't want to fight, but that the backward shells can only be fired three times in a row.

And if this situation continues, the Ming army will still not suffer any losses. On the contrary, the soldiers of the artillery battalion may suffer heavy casualties due to the bombing.

"Hey, is this the end of the fight? Go ahead, I haven't heard enough yet.

"Hahaha, Jiannu's artillery shells are too backward, not even a hair on us was hurt."

"Go home and drink milk.

Seeing that there was no movement over there, many people in the Daming army stuck their heads out of the trench and laughed loudly.

Especially those veteran soldiers in the Laojing Battalion, their fighting power is not good, but their fighting power is strong.

"tui, rubbish!" Cao Bianjiao shouted excitedly: "Brothers, these bastard traitors can't do it anymore, let them see how good we are!"

"Brothers of the artillery battalion, aim at the opposite artillery battalion, open fire freely, shoot me!"

"Yes! The artillery battalion is ready, fire!!!"

""Boom boom boom!"

The soldiers of the artillery battalion, who were concerned about their excitement, immediately operated the artillery and fired a salvo.

With a roaring sound, the shells flew out in an instant, aiming at the opposite Jiannu army, especially the direction of the artillery battalion.

In an instant, there was an earth-shattering explosion in Jiannu's barracks.

All the Jiannu and Second Tartar soldiers were frightened and stood on the spot with their legs weak, unable to believe their eyes.

The artillery battalion suffered even worse, suffering from heavy artillery fire.

Many artillery pieces were blown apart at that time, and countless dog traitors were blown up into the sky, and even blown into pieces.

"How can this be, what, what is going on?"

"Why do these shells explode, how is it possible, how can Daming have such advanced artillery?"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Kong Youde was lying in a bomb crater, surrounded by a burning corpse, his eyes widened, his face pale, and beads of sweat rolled down one by one, and his mouth (Wang Liaozhao) couldn't believe it. screamed.

He couldn't believe it, it was only three or five years after he surrendered to the slavery, and Daming's artillery had developed to such a level.

Once he was under the most advanced artillery unit, in front of the artillery army of Daming, it was simply a joke.

His artillery shells hit, and no one was injured, but Daming's artillery shells hit them, and they suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

This idiot can see the difference.

Although there has always been news that Daming's recent firearms have become very terrifying, Kong Youde has never taken it to heart, and there is still terror in the artillery battalion in his hands.

But today, Da Qing has taught him to do a ton of people with facts.

He only now knows that in the past few years since he left Daming, Daming has undergone earth-shaking changes!

"This... how about this?"

Kong Youde's face was as pale as paper, and he muttered.

The artillery battalion has not yet been successful, and was beaten so badly, he is about to finish.

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