Several rounds of mortar shelling.

Jiannu's artillery battalion was almost completely maimed. The soldiers suffered heavy casualties. There were broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, and the screams of pain could be heard everywhere.

After this wave of artillery, Jiannu's aura almost dropped to freezing point, and everyone panicked.

On the other hand, the Ming army was all imposing like a rainbow. If it wasn't for Cao Bianjiao's pulling, it is estimated that they would have rushed over now.

In this scene, Huang Taiji was so angry that his nose was almost crooked.

"Kong Youde, get over here!"

"What's going on, what's going on here?

"Didn't you say that the Daming artillery unit is backward, you blinded your dog's eyes! 35

Huang Taiji growled hysterically, like a furious jackal.

Kong Youde was so frightened that he was sweating coldly, and quickly explained: "Your Majesty calm down, your Majesty calm down!"

"The slaves don't know what's going on. The development of artillery in the Ming Dynasty has been so rapid. This must be the latest developed bullet that they have developed. This kind of cannonball has never been invented by Europeans!"

"You don't need to tell me, I can see it!" Huang Taiji roared angrily: "Then tell me, what should we do now, kill us if we turn our necks off? Waiting for Daming to bomb us?

"No... No, the slave doesn't have one."

Kong Youde said quickly: "This... this artillery must have just been developed, so Chongzhen's children have the courage to face our army head-on. Your Majesty, if you let Daming develop for a few more years, our holy country will be in danger."

Kong Youde gritted his teeth, and 627 said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, it's very difficult to manufacture the explosive bombs, just after a wave of bombing, Daming must have run out of stock now, we must do whatever it takes to eliminate them here, and then move our army north. , looting!"

"As long as this army is eliminated, the minions will be sure to reproduce their research results and build a more powerful artillery battalion for you! 39

Kong Youde was a smart man, he knew that Huang Taiji was in a fit of rage and would kill if he disagreed.

So he deliberately exaggerated Daming's crisis for Jiannu, diverted Huang Taiji's attention, and then continued to emphasize his importance.

Only if he is alive can he create greater value for Jiannu!

Sure enough, after what he said, Huang Taiji's mind was suddenly lifted.

What Kong Youde said makes sense!

Now it seems that Daming invented advanced firearms, which is not only a bad thing, but a great thing!

Anyway, no matter how advanced Daming's firearms are, they will eventually be picked by him.

Looking at the bombed-out ground around him, Huang Taiji was hot in his heart. If he also had such a powerful artillery piece, what would Daming be, he couldn't even knock down Europe!

The main flag of the Eight Banners is also fascinated.

"Yes, this dog slave is right!

"Kill the past, and then take all these artillery!

"The good things are all ours. If we have these artillery pieces, we will be willing to lead troops to attack Europe."

"Don't worry, let's destroy the Jiannu army in front of us first! 35

"But, what should we do next?" Listening to the noisy words in his ear, Dorgon's face was solemn: "Da Ming's artillery bombardment is so terrifying, if it is hard, we will surely suffer heavy casualties!

"Your Majesty can rest assured!~" Kong Youde responded quickly: "Da Ming's shells are definitely running out, we just need to let the Second Tartar army attract firepower, and then let the soldiers of the Eight Banners disperse the attack. 35

"It makes sense, let the two Tartars attract firepower, anyway, there are so many two Tartars, and their lives are not worth much.

"Hahahaha, no matter how fierce the artillery of the famous pigs is, when their cannonballs are exhausted, they will be lambs to be slaughtered. 99

"Today, we must eliminate these Daming pigs!"

Kong Youde's method is not very high, it is simply to take human life to fill, but this strategy is the most suitable.

In the Jiannu army, apart from the native Jiannu people, most of the rest are people who have been plundered from various places. Using these people as cannon fodder, everyone really does not feel distressed at all.

"I want to see, this Chongzhen child has more cannonballs, or more cannon fodder! Dorgon, send the order, and attack immediately!


Huang Taiji gave an order, and the two Tartar army immediately pushed their heads up.

Every time there is a war, they are the cannon fodders who go first, and when they are almost killed, Jiannu's iron cavalry will finally reap the harvest. These two Tartars are now used to it.

What's more, on the battlefield, as long as you take a sassy and showy position, you may save a small life. If you resist the decree and disrespect, you will be beheaded by those vicious road builders on the spot, and these two Tartars have no choice but to. from.

But what they don't know is (cgag), the cruelty of this war is far beyond their imagination.

"Boom boom boom!

On the position of the Ming army, the sound of artillery fire continued to sound, and each shell was like the scythe of the god of death, constantly reaping the fragile life.

In an instant, it caused huge casualties to the two Tartars.

Huang Taiji was short of breath, his eyes fixed on the distant Ming army position, and he muttered to himself: "Shoot, shoot, when your shells are exhausted, I will definitely kill you all! 99


The two Tartars cheered and cheered for themselves, rushing forward like wild horses.

They held simple shields in their hands. Although these shields could not withstand the damage of regional explosions, they could at least resist some flying shrapnel and steel balls, which somewhat comforted these two Tartar soldiers.

Cannon fire.

However, in just one stick of incense, more than half of the fifty-two Tartar soldiers were injured, but the remaining soldiers had already rushed to the front of the Ming army's camp.

Cao Bianjiao in the trenches immediately drew his sword and pointed at the sky, roaring furiously: "The musket team, load the bullets, wait for the enemy to approach, and shoot freely!

"Brothers, fire!"

Seeing that the two Tartar soldiers entered the effective shooting distance, the soldiers in the trench immediately got up and shot while aiming.

"Bang bang bang!"

Bullets roared, and the two Tartars suffered heavy casualties.

After a burst of rushing over, under the bombardment of artillery fire, many people's shields were already broken, and they couldn't resist the fire of muskets, and they fell to the ground with a scream.

After the first round of salvo, these two Tartar soldiers had not yet reacted, and another row of musketeers appeared in the second trench.

"Bang bang bang!

There was another round of fierce gunshots, and the red and hot bullets burst out, and these soldiers were easily beaten into a sieve.

After a long battle, the marksmanship of the soldiers in the Shenji Battalion has improved greatly. Many of them are sharpshooters who can penetrate Yang at a hundred paces. Killing these two Tartars at a distance of dozens of paces is as easy as playing.

The bombardment of the mortars did not stop for a moment. There were flames everywhere, smoke and dust filled the sky, screams, killings, and explosions one after another, interweaving into a gorgeous symphony on the battlefield.

The three-mile-long defense line was full of blood and flesh splattered everywhere. One after another corpses fell into the pool of blood, and then they were trampled into blood mud by the latecomers.

Many of the Second Tartar soldiers were frightened and foolish. Under the urging of the Jiannu people, they could only run forward mechanically, and then turned into a fresh corpse and lay down.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion were extraordinarily relaxed and freehand. They were protected by trenches and sandbags. The shells could not fall on their heads at all. They only needed to stand up and shoot. It's like playing a game.

The crushing of this kind of equipment and the blow of lowering the dimension made all the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty excited.

"Hehe, fight, fight, I want to see how much ammo you have left!

"Wait until all of you are killed, all your equipment is mine!"

In the artillery battalion, Kong Youde observed the movement over there through the binoculars, his face twitched slightly, and his face was full of hideous smiles.

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