I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 147: Chongzhen pre10ds to be a pig and eats a tiger

On the battlefield, the bloody smell is more intense.

In just half an hour, Jiannu invested a total of 72,000 Tartar soldiers, and they attacked wave after wave, fell, attacked, and fell again.

On the small plain, there were stumps and broken feet everywhere, and some corpses that had been hit by shells and burned, exuding a strong stench.

Chongzhen observed the movement in the distance through the binoculars, and a sneer appeared on his face.

Huang Taiji thought that his ammunition reserves could be consumed through cannon fodder, but he thought it was too simple.

He didn't know that all of his plans were in Chongzhen's budget. The ammunition in the Daming barracks was piled up like a mountain, and it only consumed 30% of the ammunition. Even with twice as many troops, they could all be wiped out.

"It's almost time, the order goes on, let Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu get ready!

Chongzhen put down his binoculars and said with a sneer, "Let the soldiers reduce their shooting frequency, remember, you must pretend to be out of ammunition, it's time for Huang Taiji to take the bait!


The messenger quickly passed on his order.

After a while, Huang Taiji was pleasantly surprised to find that the frequency of gunshots in the opposite trenches suddenly dropped a lot.

He picked up the binoculars and looked at it, and suddenly found that in the trenches in front of Daming, all the musketeers had been removed, and replaced by some soldiers with long knives and shields, they were full of horror, watching with trepidation front.

"Hahaha, the Ming army is out of ammunition, send the order and let the soldiers of the Eight Banners charge!


The owner of the Eight Banners, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately smiled, and hurriedly went down to command the troops and prepare to launch a general attack.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Second Tartars on the battlefield also noticed the changes in the Ming army, and all of them immediately changed their panic and shouted hoarsely.

"Brothers, the Daming pig opposite has no ammunition, kill it with me!


In the trenches of Daming, Zhu Senli is still doing the final mobilization: "Brothers, you must pretend to be a little bit like, Your Majesty is watching from behind!"

"Whether you can attract Huang Taiji, it's up to us. If you don't learn it, let me lie down and don't let these Jian slaves find clues!"


The big men in Jingying can't do anything else. If they are concerned with acting skills, then everyone can go to Hengdian to apply for a group act.

At this moment, they tried hard to recall the scene where they were driven by Jiannu to run around in the mountains and fields, and their expressions became more and more frightened.

The soldiers of the two Tartars on the opposite side saw this, their expressions even more ferocious, and they charged towards Daming's position.

"Brothers, kill a Ming army and reward one or two silver, kill with me!


"The fish has taken the bait!" Zhu Senli got up from the trenches, looked at the movement in the distance, his face showed a hint of joy, and immediately drew his sword to the sky: "Brothers, the opportunity to make achievements and careers is here, and if you perform well, you can Enter the Shenji Camp and kill Laozi!


"Laozi will also enter the Shenji camp, kill!"

"Fuck these bastards!""

All the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion suddenly got up from the ground, waving the long knives and daggers in their hands, and fought against the Er Tartar who rushed into the trench.

For a time, swords, lights, swords and shadows, flesh and blood flew, and there were sounds of soldiers colliding everywhere.

In the ditch behind, Huang Degong took the opportunity to roar in a low voice: "Brothers, aim a little bit, don't hit our own brothers!


"Boom! 35

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion dragged their guns and focused their attention on the two Tartars who were fighting with the Ming army in front of them. Whenever a veteran of the Beijing Battalion was in crisis, a bullet flew past, and the bullets were not empty, letting these two Tartars. I don't even know how I died.

"Hahahaha, well, good fight!"

Chongzhen and Huang Taiji both showed satisfied smiles at the same time.

Huang Taiji thought that the Ming army had run out of ammunition and could only fight with cold weapons.

But Chongzhen was admiring that the big men in the Beijing camp were really able to summon the courage to fight against the vicious Jiannu.

It seems that war is really the best way to train a person. After this battle, all the unqualified people will be eliminated, and the rest will be elite soldiers. I will talk about these people being incorporated into the magic battalion. In the midst of the war, the Shenji Camp will become a truly invincible steel army, and it will surely become a sharp blade for attacking the world in the future.

On the battlefield, the battle became more and more stalemate, and there were shouts of killing everywhere.

Outside the battlefield, on the foothills in the distance, two teams of people were quietly observing the situation on the battlefield.

The two groups of men, one team has about ten people, the other team has more than 20 people, all wearing the standard armor of the Ming Dynasty, the two leaders are even more dressed in generals, one is medium in stature, and the other is fierce and calm. The person has an aquiline nose and long and narrow eyes, and at first glance, he is not a good character.

.....for flowers 0......

However, at this time, both of them had shocked expressions on their faces as they stared intently at the battlefield below.

Lu Xiangsheng said in surprise: "When did Daming have such a powerful firearm?"

Zuo Liangyu sighed and said: "No wonder Your Majesty dares to fight Jiannu head-on, it turns out that such a divine weapon is in hand. 35

As he said, there was a trace of sadness between Zuo Liangyu's brows. He thought that the army under his command was already the elite of the Ming Dynasty, but now he suddenly found that in front of the army below, his army was not enough to see. what!

Lu Xiangsheng glanced at Zuo Liangyu and said with a smile, "Why, General Zuo is afraid?"

"I'm afraid, how could it be possible!" Zuo Liangyu sneered and said, "This army is just relying on its powerful equipment. If my army is also equipped with this kind of firearm, it will definitely kill Jiannu and lose their helmets and armor! 35

"It's you, Governor Lu, I heard that the Tianxiong Army under your command has achieved remarkable results, when will we come to show off?

Lu Xiangsheng did not speak, but silently pointed to the direction of the Daming Barracks, and cast his eyes on the battlefield again.

Zuo Liangyu was stunned and turned his head immediately.

He immediately understood what Lu Xiangsheng meant. This was saying that now the war is the key. If Daming wins, then everything will be fine, but if Daming loses, then they will become bereaved dogs from now on, let alone gestures. , It is hard to say whether he can save his life.

With national feud ahead, no matter how reckless Zuo Liangyu was, he had to pay more attention to the situation of his war.

"This army's standing is really strong, but unfortunately, their ammunition seems to be running out. There are so many Jiannu people, I'm afraid it will be difficult to win!" After observing for a while, Zuo Liangyu suddenly frowned and said: " Governor Lu, Your Majesty's situation is in danger, should we save it or not?

Lu Xiangsheng shook his head, and the old god said: "Do you think Your Majesty is really that simple? Have you forgotten the secret order he sent? In my opinion, we can just do nothing. If it ruins His Majesty's good thing, we will both is the sinner.

"You mean, Your Majesty is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

Zuo Liangyu froze in his heart and turned his head again to observe carefully.

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