Condescending, the entire battlefield is in his eyes, and he has the most advanced military telescope in his hand. After a while, Zuo Liangyu finally found some clues.

He found that although the fighting was fierce in the trenches ahead, there was no panic on the faces of the soldiers in the back row. The gunshots had always maintained a fixed frequency, not fast, but not slow at all.

Like a ruthless hunter, calmly waiting for the prey to take the bait.

This shows that the Ming army must have the confidence to win, otherwise no one can be so calm in the face of the vicious Jiannu.

Zuo Liangyu sucked in a breath of cold air and said in horror, "Your Majesty is trying to lure Huang Taiji into taking the bait, what a ruthless plan!

"Yes!" Lu Xiangsheng nodded and said, "Jiannu's marching speed is extremely fast. If you want to eliminate them in one fell swoop, you must let them continue to penetrate the encirclement. You see, the situation should change soon!"

After speaking, Lu Xiangsheng glanced back at Zuo Liangyu and smiled faintly: "General Zuo, Your Majesty has changed a lot, you'd better restrain your temper, or it will lead to disaster in the future. !"5


Zuo Liangyu snorted and turned his head, but secretly remembered Lu Xiangsheng's words "six two seven" in his heart. Today, whether it is a powerful firearm or this sinister and vicious strategy, all bring to his heart. Great shock!

Before, he felt that he was the factor that determined the outcome of the war, and Daming had no other choice, but now it seems that this is not the case. In the battlefield below, if an army is drawn at will, it can be comparable to his army or even crush it. Press him.

Compared to this, he doesn't seem to be that important. If he still maintains the unruly attitude he had before, and thus offends Chongzhen, I really don't know how Chongzhen will deal with him.

Zuo Liangyu stared at the battlefield in the distance, his heart was turbulent.

But the battlefield below has quietly changed.

The Shenji Battalion has been hanging on to the other side, destroying the two Tartar army with a stable efficiency.

The casualties of the second Tartar army were even more tragic.

I don't know how many people were shot to death by the black guns of the Shenji Camp.

In the distance, Huang Taiji also noticed something was wrong.

According to the comparison of the fighting strength of the Daming army and the Second Tartars, it has been an hour, and it stands to reason that the Daming army camp should have been attacked long ago, but now, why are they still spinning in the trenches?

The two Tartars are almost dead, and the Ming army seems to have lost a lot. Don't they have no ammunition, why are the gunshots still ringing one after another?

"Are they bluffing?" This thought kept spinning in Huang Taiji's mind.

Huang Taiji faintly felt deceitful in his heart, but Kong Youde's words just made him have to pay attention.

Now that so many people have been injured, it is the best time to attack the Ming army. If it is delayed, when the Ming army relaxes, relying on the spears and artillery in their hands, it is really dangerous!

Gritting his teeth, Huang Taiji gave an order in a cold voice: "Go on, let the Eight Banners of Mongolia and Han get ready to destroy the Ming army in one fell swoop!"

"Brothers, the time has come, kill!""

"Kill! 35

The Eight Banners general who had endured for a long time immediately took the lead with a grin, and a moment later, an earth-shattering roar sounded.

Nearly 100,000 people from the Eight Banners of Mongolia and Han launched a general offensive, and a large crowd of people in Wuyangyang rushed towards the army formation of Daming, and the stones on the ground kept jumping.

Huang Taiji couldn't take care of it too much, and he was bound to destroy the Ming army in a battle.

If Daming really hides his clumsiness and the army is overwhelmed, the dense crowd will be enough to drown Daming's military camp.

If they cheat again, just this wave of charges will completely defeat them.

"Hehe, this Huang Taiji is not too stupid." Chongzhen sneered as he looked at the rushing army, and ordered: "The order goes on, the artillery battalion is ready, give me a hard fight, and notify Lu Xiangsheng and the other two. , let them be ready to attack at any time, and must not let Jiannu's soldiers and soldiers go! 35


"Brothers, prepare the mortar, and when Jiannu comes over, give me a good blast!"

"Brothers of Shenji Camp, it's time to make achievements, kill with me! 99

Cao Bianjiao roared excitedly, and rushed forward with the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion.

The soldiers of the artillery battalion were even more nervous to load the ammunition and fired frantically.

For a while, the sound of artillery resounded through the sky, and artillery shells were flying everywhere in the sky, causing the Jiannu below to be stunned.

This time, Chongzhen was constantly trying to hide his strength, and the time was ripe. As long as this army was eliminated, no matter how cunning Huang Taiji was, he would not be able to escape his Wuzhishan.

"Boom! 99

"Boom boom boom!

The terrifying artillery bombarded frantically. There were explosions everywhere, and the gunfire was ten times more intense than before. The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion no longer concealed their figures. Red bullets flew out from the sky, and Jiannu, who was charging at the front, fell like he was reaping wheat.

"Hmph, it sure is a scam!""

Huang Taiji's frowned old Gao said angrily: "Chongzhen child, you are so treacherous, come back, let the soldiers come back!

"Your Majesty, you can't come back!" Kong Youde said hurriedly: "Now is the best time to destroy the Ming army. If we retreat, we will suffer even more casualties. When the Ming army builds larger spears and short cannons, we will no longer be able to destroy the Ming army. No chance!"

"Fart!" Dorgon slapped Kong Youde's face with a slap and said sharply: "Our army has lost at least 50,000 to 60,000 people in the fight so far. If we continue to fight like this, whether we can safely withdraw from Daming is a problem. What, are you waiting for Daming to collect the corpses for us?

"His Royal Highness, if Daming changed his tone, we would be really in trouble." Kong Youde said bitterly: "The Ming army is very likely to bluff and gather all the ammunition to scare us. If we miss this opportunity, we will no longer be Daming's opponents. what!""

"That's right!" The owner of the white flag said solemnly: "We can't ignore this problem. If they are playing tricks, isn't it a big loss for us to leave so quickly?"

"There is a possibility that Chongzhen's child is very treacherous, and he has to guard against it!

"How can my holy country be afraid of the mere Daming pig, I think we should fight it!

The more the banner owners thought about it, the more they felt that what Kong Youde said was very reasonable.

They have all come here, and they are about to take Daming into the bag, and it is too unwilling to quit now...

Kong Youde breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and it was fine to continue the battle, which showed that he still had the value of using it.

If he left directly, based on his performance today, Huang Taiji would definitely not let him go after he returned, and he was lucky to be able to keep a whole corpse.

Kong Youde couldn't help but look up at the battlefield, his eyes suddenly widened, and he said in shock: "Emperor...Emperor, look, an army is coming!"


Huang Taiji hurriedly raised his head and looked over curiously.

At some point, Daming's artillery fire went out, and only the mourning of the Eight Banners of Jiannu could be heard on the battlefield.

Under a round of intensive artillery bombardment, there were not even one out of ten soldiers capable of fighting on the battlefield, and all of them were both weakened, and they didn't even have the courage to fight.

And Daming's battle formation, quietly separated a crack from the middle, a cavalry of about 5,000 people, swaggeringly stepped on countless corpses, and came to the middle of the battlefield.

All around are burning corpses, and the battlefield is filled with smoke. This army is like a death knight returning from hell, making people look cold.

" that His Majesty?

Lu Xiangsheng looked at the handsome man riding a white horse in the middle of the battlefield, and said in a stupefied manner, he could hardly believe his eyes: "Why did Your Majesty run into the middle of the battlefield, you are confused! 35

Zuo Liangyu was also shocked, and immediately ordered: "Quick, send the order, the whole army is ready, ready to rescue Your Majesty at any time!


Huang Taiji and others also exclaimed repeatedly.

"Hey, is that Chongzhen?"

"It can't be fake, can it?"

"It's Chongzhen, the servant sees it right!" Kong Youde said in surprise: "The servant has seen Chongzhen once before, and the one riding the white horse is definitely Chongzhen, he... why did he run into the middle of the battlefield, maybe he wanted to surrender ?"

"This..." 35

Huang Taiji was a little confused. Could it be that Chongzhen ran out of shells and was really ready to surrender?

Dorgon responded very quickly, and said quickly: "Brother 0.6, this old boy Chongzhen has always been treacherous, so beware of cheating!"

"Well, I have to guard against it." Huang Taiji thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Let the whole army get ready, we will meet Chongzhen. 99


The messenger hurriedly withdrew, and the remaining Jiannu soldiers immediately prepared for the battle.

Huang Taiji was still looking at the middle of the battlefield, with doubts in his eyes, what the hell is Chongzhen kid doing?

On the battlefield, Chongzhen waved his hand, Cao Bianjiao walked out triumphantly, pointed to the Jiannu man opposite, his nostrils turned to the sky, and said sternly: "Jiannu dog thief, my Emperor Ming is here, and the old dog of Huang Taiji dares to come over. say?"

"Your Majesty, people want to see you." Dorgon frowned and said, "Your Majesty, beware of fraud!"

"What are you afraid of!" Looking at the triumphant Cao Bianjiao opposite, Huang Taiji's blood was on his head in an instant, his nose was almost crooked, and he said sharply: "Only Daming pigs have always been afraid of us, why should we be afraid of us!"

"All the soldiers, come with me, I want to see what the hell this Chongzhen child wants to play!""


"Capture Chongzhen alive and strengthen my holy country! 35

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