I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 149: Chongzhen: Come and beat me!

Huang Taiji gave an order, and the Jiannu people, who were already angry and intolerable, immediately killed them in a mighty manner.

In the middle of the battlefield.

The atmosphere was extraordinarily dignified, the majesty blew, and the black smoke filled the air.

Chongzhen and Huang Taiji each led 5,000 men and horses, and the two sides were less than fifty paces apart, facing each other tensely.

"Humph!" Huang Taiji snorted coldly, then rode his horse out and said, "Child Chongzhen, you are very courageous, you dare to confront me head-on, you are not afraid that I will slash you with a knife!

"Hehe, a little alien, dare to call me? Jiansla beasts, have you forgotten how you knelt down to me, Daming, for asylum?"

Chongzhen held the whip and pointed at Huang Taiji's nose, sneered and said: "Cao Bianjiao, how much did I lose in this battle? 99

"Report to Your Majesty!" Cao Bianjiao shouted loudly, "Our army lost less than one hundred!""

"How much did Jiannu lose?"

Cao Bianjiao's voice became louder and louder: "Your Majesty, Jiannu has lost more than 70,000 yuan, and he is not at all an enemy of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Hahaha, kill 100 enemies and lose 70,000. How weak are the Jiannu people. 39 Chongzhen laughed: "These ants dare to imitate me and build a country, how ridiculous! 39

"Hahaha, the villain is successful, and a group of aliens dares to build a country, which makes me laugh to death.

"How dare these children, are their faces all made of the city wall?

"General Cao, please understand. After all, he has no education and is short-sighted. It is understandable."

"Hahaha, General Huang is right."

In the Daming army formation, there was a loud noise.

Especially Cao Bianjiao Huang Degong and other 26 people laughed even more cheerfully, their faces full of ridicule, and they almost pointed at Huang Taiji's nose.

"Son of a bitch!

"These big bright pigs are too arrogant!"

"Emperor, order, the last will cut off Chongzhen's head and present it to His Majesty."

"Bastard!" Huang Taiji gritted his teeth and was preparing to attack, but Chongzhen, who was opposite him, chuckled lightly: "Jiannu, do you know why I came to see you?"

"What do you mean?" Huang Taiji narrowed his eyes, feeling that something was wrong.

Chongzhen smiled disdainfully, and said lightly: "Cao Bianjiao, bring people back!"


Cao Bianjiao immediately took orders and turned around immediately.

"All of them, withdraw!


All the officers and soldiers were forbidden, turned around in unison, and walked towards the Daming army formation.

Huang Degong looked at the motionless Chongzhen, hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, you..."

"Go back, too. Chongzhen said lightly.


"go back!

Chongzhen's tone increased by three points, Huang Degong sighed, and could only helplessly turn around and leave.

Seeing Chongzhen standing alone in the middle of the battlefield, everyone was stunned.

what's the situation?

Is Chongzhen crazy?

He came here alone with his troops and horses, but let them go back, leaving him alone to face the enemy's thousands of horses. Is this seeking death?

"It's over, Your Majesty is crazy! 35

"Cao Bianjiao, this bastard, why did he abandon His Majesty!

"Quick, quick, brothers, get ready, get ready to go down to rescue Your Majesty! 99

Zuo Liangyu's face changed greatly. He thought that Chongzhen was crazy enough to lead his troops to face Jiannu, but he didn't expect him to be even more crazy.

He immediately prepared to lead his soldiers to rescue Chongzhen.

"Wait, don't worry!" Lu Xiangsheng quickly grabbed Zuo Liangyu.

Zuo Liangyu frowned: "Lu Xiangsheng, you are crazy! Your Majesty is in a critical situation now. If you don't go to rescue Your Majesty, your Majesty's life will be in danger!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty is not a reckless person, he can seduce him by pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger. To lure Jian slaves into the bait, he must have something to hold, and there is absolutely no danger.

Lu Xiang said in a heavy voice, a ray of wisdom flashed in his eyes, and every trace of this war was replayed in Rang's mind. He was very sure that His Majesty must be using some tactics, and Huang Taiji was going to take the bait this time!

Zuo Liangyu was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look at the battlefield subconsciously, and said doubtfully: "You mean, this is His Majesty's plan?

"But Your Majesty is alone on the battlefield. If Jiannu is determined to deal with His Majesty, this..."

Lu Xiangsheng was silent, and this was where he was most puzzled.

Leaving himself alone on the battlefield to face the vicious Jian slaves, what trump card does Chongzhen have?

Could it be that he can deal with the Jiannu army alone?

On the battlefield, Chongzhen faced the 5,000 Jiannu on the opposite side by himself, a group that was calm on the surface, but was actually excited in his heart.

Beside him, what no one could see was a mirror suspended quietly, Ye Yu and Ying Zheng's faces appeared on the mirror, and the two were pointing curiously.

Ying Zheng looked at Huang Taiji, who was riding a dark horse, and said disdainfully, "This is Huang Taiji, and even foreigners from Fanbang dare to call me me. It's really ridiculous!"

"Brother Chongzhen, you have to take good care of them, and let these Jian slaves see the majesty of my Tianxia emperor!"

Ye Yu also said with a smile: "Old Zhu, you have good courage, you dare to face the 5,000 troops of Jiannu alone, you have nothing to do with the eight imperial merchants before. 39

"There is a gentleman who bestows the treasure, and it is only a mere slave. Of course I don't take it seriously." Chongzhen stroked the dragon robe on his body, his face full of confidence.

This robe is the Xuanjing robe that Ye Yu gave to Ying Zheng before. In order to make Chongzhen's plan a perfect implementation, Su Yu, who is now rich and powerful, simply exchanged one for Chongzhen.

After Chongzhen got this dragon robe, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself. He simply changed his plan and used himself as a bait to attract Huang Taiji to take the bait.

As long as Huang Taiji dares to take action against him, he will be able to take the opportunity to act big. Force!

Ye Yu smiled lightly, not surprised by Chongzhen's reaction.

Anyway, with the Xuanjing dragon robe in his body, Lao Zhu would not have any accidents. Lao Zhao pretended to be a big push, and this time it happened that Lao Zhu would also be a big push.

Ye Yu looked around through the mirror, and said curiously, "Old Zhu, how are the preparations going?"

"Don't worry, sir!" Chongzhen said confidently: "I have already made preparations, this time I will let Jiannu be buried here! 35

Saying that, Chongzhen drew his sword and pointed at the sky, looked at the opposite Huang Taiji, and shouted loudly: "I am the son of the great tomorrow, under the protection of the immortal master, even the mere jian slaves dare to be presumptuous in front of me!

"Today, I will let you have a taste of God's condemnation!

The attitude of the Chongzhen scholar Ying Zheng that day was domineering and sideways, his voice was like thunder, his eyes opened and closed, as if a thunder flashed, extremely mighty and domineering!

Ever since he saw the big wave of Ying Zheng's outfit, Lao Zhu's heart was like a hundred claws scratching his heart, and he thought about it day and night to put on a good wave.

Today's scene, he has calculated hundreds of times in his heart, just now that Huang Taiji has become suspicious, this time it is really good to use his body as a bait and pretend to be a big force.

Looking at Chongzhen, who was forced to leak his anger, Huang Taiji and others were stunned.

This Chongzhen, wouldn't he be scared stupid?

He alone, where did he have the courage to act in front of thousands of troops?

Huang Taiji and the others looked at each other, not only did not feel angry, but felt extremely absurd.

"Wait, what is that?

The sharp-eyed Sun Dinghe suddenly exclaimed, his pupils contracted, he pointed at the burning wire near the mountain wall, and shouted in horror: "Your Majesty, there is gunpowder, hurry up!"

"There is an ambush, retreat!"

"Quick retreat!"

Huang Taiji also saw the burning lead, and an unparalleled sense of crisis found his heart.

In an instant, all the pictures before and after were replayed in his mind, and Huang Taiji instantly understood that he had been tricked!

Chongzhen so carelessly confronted his king to king, just to attract him into the trap.

But what Huang Taiji can't understand is why Chongzhen is so crazy, isn't he afraid of being bombed to death?

Too late to think too much, Huang Taiji just wanted to escape quickly.

But, it's too late!

Chongzhen himself took risks, how could he let Huang Taiji escape so easily.

"Boom boom boom!"

The next moment, an earth-shattering explosion sounded.

The ground shook, the ground trembled wildly, like a volcanic eruption, and the hundreds of thousands of catties of gunpowder buried under the plain were instantly detonated.

The fire blazed into the sky.

The dazzling fire light rose up in the sky and the earth, like a rising sun. 627

Endless light and heat radiated out, and a terrifying shock wave swept all directions. Before the Jiannu people could react, they were overwhelmed by the sky-high flames.

In the distance, Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu saw their hands and feet soften, but they felt cold all over in the blazing fire.


It's so scary!

The plains that were several kilometers in radius were destroyed almost instantly. The explosions roared. Huang Taiji and his soldiers, like fallen leaves, were blown up by the terrifying storm, and some people were turned to ashes without even a single scream.

The color of the world changed, and a mushroom cloud even rose above the plain.

Jiannu's army suffered heavy casualties in an instant. Only the Ming army knew the situation in advance and withdrew into the trenches early in the morning. Only a few people were slightly injured.

"What about Your Majesty?"

"Where is your majesty, hurry up, find your majesty!"

Lu Xiangsheng's hands and feet were cold, and he shouted in horror.

Under this terrifying explosion, the 5,000 troops led by Huang Taiji were instantly wiped out. What about Chongzhen? Wouldn't he be killed?

Zuo Liangyu was just about to go down to search when suddenly, on the battlefield, a loud dragon roar sounded.

Everyone turned their heads at the same time, only to see nine golden dragons roaring and flying in the center of the battlefield, in the firelight, the surrounding firelight was instantly blown away, and a tall and straight figure was seen standing in the middle of the battlefield, as if by a god.

The glazed divine light shrouded around Chongzhen, and there was a terrifying explosion, not even a single strand of his hair was injured, and even the warhorse he sat on stood quietly and was not hurt at all.

Chongzhen stood upright in such a quiet and proud manner, showing his domineering, mighty and domineering mess.

"Hahaha, I have the protection of the Immortal Master, and even the little Jiannu dares to oppose me?

"I, Chongzhen, snapped my fingers, and all things vanished into ashes!

Chongzhen laughed unrestrainedly, and his anger was soaring to the sky. At this moment, he finally realized the feeling of Lao Zhao that day, and it was so refreshing.

Especially looking at the stunned expressions of the people around, it was like eating frozen watermelon in summer, and it was refreshing from beginning to end.

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