"Hahaha, brother Chongzhen, how cool is it to pretend to be?" Ying Zheng said with a wink.

"It's cool!" Chongzhen said excitedly: "I have never experienced such a thing before, it's really cool!"


"It's a pity that these built slaves are too fragile, otherwise I would still be able to play with them. 35

"Hahaha, don't worry, brother Chongzhen, there are still many Jian slaves, you can play to your heart's content! 35

Ye Yu also said with a smile: "Yes, Lao Zhu, you can show off again, there won't be many opportunities like this in the future.

"Sacred Master... The Holy Master really has the protection of immortals!" It was only then that the soldiers of Daming responded, their eyes widened, and they shouted in shock.

"Long live my emperor, long live the immortal master! 35

"Xianyou Daming, Xianyou me Daming!"

"With the protection of the Immortal Master, who would dare to do anything to me, Daming, the Immortal Master will be wiped out in the blink of an eye!"

In the Ming Dynasty, everyone rejoiced and cheered. Countless soldiers burst into tears with excitement, knelt on their knees and shouted, looking at Chongzhen as if they were looking at a living deity.

Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu stared wide-eyed, looking at Chongzhen surrounded by golden dragons in horror, almost unable to believe their eyes.

Not only did he survive this terrifying explosion, but he also showed such a terrifying miracle. Could it be that Da Ming really has an immortal to protect him?

"How can this happen...how can this happen!" Huang Taiji was so frightened that his whole body was cold, and his eyes were full of horror: "Could it be that there are really immortals in this world?"

"It's over, we're done!"

"Hurry up, Da Ming has the protection of immortals, we are not opponents at all, hurry up!"

Witnessing this terrifying scene with my own eyes, even those with tough hearts like Dorgon and the others are trembling with fear at this moment, and they no longer have the courage to fight against the Ming army.

Many Jiannu soldiers were even more frightened. Their legs became weak, and they fled in a hurry, for fear that they would be destroyed by Chongzhen.

"What... what should we do now?"

The flag owner of the white flag swallowed wildly and asked in a trembling voice.

Everyone present turned to look at Huang Taiji.

Chongzhen has shown such a powerful strength that if they continue to fight, they will find trouble for themselves, and they will not even have the courage to fight.


"All troops retreat!"

Huang Taiji was also pale and roared in panic.

This is still a hammer, I didn't even touch Chongzhen's hair, Dorgon died, the Zhenghuang flag was also destroyed, and the Second Tartar army was severely damaged. The disparity in the strength of the two sides, they also have to cool.

Huang Taiji's order crushed the last straw in Jiannu's heart. They didn't even have enough time to carry the equipment, and they all fled in a hurry, for fear that they would be left here if they slowed down.

"If you want to run, kill me!"

Seeing this scene, Chongzhen sneered and pointed his finger forward. Nine golden dragons roared and flew out immediately. The slow-running Jiannu soldier saw a golden body crashing over, and before he could even scream in agony, he was disguised as a mass of slag. .

The other Jiannu people were all so frightened that they were dripping with cold sweat.

When Cao Bianjiao saw this, he immediately shouted loudly: "Brothers, we have the protection of immortal masters, don't be afraid, kill with me `︾!

"Kill! 35

"Shovel out Jiannu!

"Kill them all!

The Daming soldiers rushed out excitedly, and Chongzhen's compulsion boosted Daming's morale to the extreme.

With the protection of the Immortal Master, they are not afraid that the Jiannu people will dare to resist. Each of these is a meritorious act of walking. Letting one go is to let go a lot of money.

The Ming army and Jiannu chased after me, leaving countless corpses along the way, and finally came to the end of the valley.

Zuo Liangyu and Lu Xiangsheng looked at each other, immediately rectified the troops and surrounded them in a mighty manner.

This time Jiannu suffered heavy losses, and if they did not harvest them cleanly, they were simply sorry for the people who died under their hands.

"It's over, the front is blocked!"

"The pursuers from behind have also come. Nian

"It's hit, we're all hit!"

In the valley, Huang Taiji and the others looked at the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty in the distance in a cold sweat. When they looked back, Cao Bianjiao, who had a grim face, had already brought tens of thousands of soldiers to kill him. There were wolves in front and wolves in the back. There are tigers, they are surrounded here!

At this time, Huang Taiji finally understood, clearly with such a powerful firearm, why Chongzhen was still surrounded by himself.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, if such a brilliant victory spreads all over the country, it will definitely make people admire it!

Zhu Sen politely rode his horse over, and frantically flattered beside Chongzhen.

Chongzhen was also in a good mood at this time, and he casually warned: "Let the old capital of the capital treat the wounded well, and the soldiers who died in battle will be given five times the pension, and must not be neglected! 66

"Yes!" Zhu Senli nodded immediately, and said with a twist: "Your Majesty, the soldiers of the Beijing camp have performed well in this battle, do you think it is..."

Chongzhen glanced at the boy, immediately understood his thoughts, and said lightly: "Well, it's really good, after returning to court this time, soldiers who have performed well can be incorporated into the Shenji battalion. Attitude, I will definitely kill you!" 5

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty!" Zhu Senli said quickly: "You must supervise the little ones well, and let the soldiers of the Beijing camp make a new face and become an elite of my Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Linlin's breathing was a little short. The Shenji Battalion is now the ace of the Ming Dynasty. Joining this team and going out to pretend in the future will be able to say that he belongs to the Shenji Battalion. This is really cool!

Chongzhen saw the boy's expression in his eyes, but didn't say much.

On the one hand, he pretended to be a big coward today, and now he is in a good mood, and he is too lazy to bother with this kid.

"Your Majesty, Kong Youde has been captured!"

After more than an hour, on the battlefield, the shouting and killing gradually subsided.

On the battlefield of Nuoda, there were few Jiannu soldiers standing, and the rest were Daming's army.

The blood-stained Cao Bianjiao carried Kong Youde like a chicken, and drove his horse to Chongzhen's side.

"Humph!" Looking at Kong Youde who was rolling on the ground, Chongzhen snorted coldly, a killing intent flashed in his eyes, and said lightly, "Kong Youde, long time no see!"

At that time, Kong Youde was still a veteran of Daming, in charge of the most elite artillery battalion in Daming.

Chongzhen originally wanted to rely on those advanced artillery to stop Jiannu's attack, but what he didn't expect was that Kong Youde, a dog servant, turned to Jiannu without saying a word, and even took away the most elite troops of Daming, and put the gun muzzle. Aiming at the Ming army.

When we met today, the situation was reversed. The army of Jiannu was eliminated by Daming, but Kong Youde became a prisoner. This made Chongzhen unable to control his killing intent.

When Kong Youde heard the sound, his whole body froze, and he raised his head in horror to look at Chongzhen, who had a cold face.

"Your Majesty, old slave, old slave is wrong!

Kong Youde crawled to Chongzhen's feet and cried out, "Your Majesty, this old slave is confused for a while, let him go!"

"The old slave is willing to return all the red-clothed cannons, Your Majesty, spare the old slave. 39

"Hmph, now I know it's wrong, it's too late!" Chongzhen kicked Kong Youde away, and said with a sneer, "How many of my Tianxia people have been murdered by your artillery battalion, and you still want to admit your mistake, how can it be so simple."5

"Cao Bianjiao, drag this dog thief down and strictly guard it, and when he returns to the capital, I will execute this dog thief Ling Chi to pay homage to the people who died in vain!


Cao Bianjiao waved his hand, and several soldiers who were five big and three thick suddenly ran over.

Kong Youde was so frightened, he begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, Your Majesty, don't kill me, I know I'm wrong!

"I have a new way to make a red-clothed cannon, Your Majesty, don't kill me..."

Several soldiers rushed over immediately, held down Kong Youde's limbs, and tied him up.

Chongzhen couldn't see it, so he simply turned around, but there was a trace of disdain on his face.

Red-clothed cannons, everything, no matter what age, who still uses that kind of backward stuff.

"Your Majesty!" Cao Bianjiao bowed his hands and said with shame on his face: "Your Majesty, Huang Taiji rushed out of our encirclement with more than 10,000 Jian slaves.

"Run?" Chongzhen's face was calm: "The dog who lost his family, let's run away after running, can he still fail, and what are the remaining results?"

Cao Bianjiao breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a deep voice: "The army of Jiannu has been completely wiped out by our department, and there are still more than 10,000 soldiers. I don't know how to deal with it?"


A fierce light flashed in Chongzhen's eyes, and his voice was as cold as a prison: "Bring these people back to the capital, I want everyone to see, what will happen if I hurt my Ming people!"

Over the years, Jiannu has frequently violated Daming, and I don't know how many innocent people he has killed. This time, he will let everyone see that if he kills the people of Tianxia, ​​there is only a dead end!

"Yes!" Cao Bianjiao froze in his heart, and immediately turned around to prepare to deal with the battlefield.

"Wait. 35

Chongzhen stopped Cao Bianjiao, thought about it, and said, "Bury the bodies of these Jian slaves on the spot to avoid causing a plague."

"Let people build another soul-suppressing tower, and build an inscription in the tower to record the glory of this battle. I want these slaves to live forever! 35


Cao Bianjiao grinned, (Wang Liao Zhao) secretly thought in his heart, as expected, His Majesty is still ruthless!

However, he didn't think too much about how many people these Jian slaves have harmed, even if they were to fall into the Asura Hell forever, they would not be able to wash away their sins.

After some battle, there are broken corpses everywhere.

The soldiers of the Ming army did not care about the blood, and they took action one after another, and threw the headless bodies of these Jiannu people into the huge pit formed by the explosion.

These corpses were easy to deal with, and the bodies of many others were bombed to pieces, and even turned into puddles of mud, which were shoveled up by the soldiers and thrown into the pit as well.

It took two days to deal with it before and after it was cleaned up normally.

On the other hand, Chongzhen also returned to the capital with the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion.

Outside the capital, hundreds of thousands of heads were piled up into a huge Jingguan. This scene made the people of the capital, Wen Feng, discolored.

Next to the Jingguan, the people of the capital gathered around, looking at the pile of heads, they all spoke in shock.

"Hey... This, I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands of slaves? 35

"I'm not dreaming, are we really destroying the Jiannu army?

"Look, the top head, that's... that's the head of Jiannu Dorgon!

"What about Huang Taiji, why isn't Huang Taiji missing?"

"I heard that on the battlefield, His Majesty showed great power, and Huang Taiji was so frightened that he grabbed his tail and ran away! 35

"Thank you, Your Majesty, God bless me Da Ming, God bless me Da Ming!"

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