Outside the capital, countless people knelt on their knees and shouted, excited tears welling up in their eyes.

Since the end of the Ming Dynasty, Jiannu has entered the customs many times, robbed wealth and plundered the population. I don’t know how many people have lost their homes and families because of them. Now looking at the heads of these Jiannu people, the people are ecstatic and can’t help themselves.

At this time, Chongzhen, who had already made preparations, took the opportunity to issue a newspaper, recording various details on the battlefield, especially the scene where he was sheltered by immortals and killed the Quartet, causing the people to shout in shock. Truly consolidating people's hearts, Sun Shu confirmed her identity as the son of destiny,

And Kong Youde was even more miserable. In the noisy downtown, he was executed in public at the end of the day, and his bones were cast and piled up in front of the gate of the capital, enjoying the rejection of the people every day.

"Bah, bastard traitor!

"Kill it well, this traitor is more Damn it than the Jiannu people, it should be killed!"

"This old man will go home and bring his little grandson over here, and douse this bastard traitor with urine!

"The old man has done a beautiful job, such traitors should be cast aside by all the people.

At the gate of the capital, every time the common people pass by, they will inevitably scorn the bronze statue of Kong Youde, which shows how disgusted this traitor is among the common people.

After the news of Jiannu's defeat came out, it made the chief soldiers and officials all over the Ming Dynasty inexplicably horrified.

Countless memorials flew to the imperial city, trying to confirm the authenticity of the news.

It is difficult for these people who are far away from the imperial city to imagine how great changes have taken place in Daming in the past six months.

What happened to the Jiannu people who were invincible in the past, this time the entire army fell into the hands of the Ming army, and even Huang Taiji was unable to escape.

Is it true that as the rumors say, does Daming really have the protection of an immortal master?

"Thank you sir..."


In the imperial study, Chongzhen looked at the mountain of memorials in front of him, heaved a long sigh of relief, and a look of relief appeared on his face.

Fortunately, he had the chance to see the Immortal Master. Under the guidance of the Immortal Master, Daming finally eliminated Jiannu, the enemy of life and death, and he breathed a sigh of relief for the lingering Daming.

Next, it is to go to Shengjing in one go, to wipe out all the remaining Jian slaves, and open up a new situation for Daming.

That night.

Thick fog enveloped Yejia Village again.

Ye Yu stood on the balcony on the third floor early, looking at Guangmen with anticipation, with a little smile in his eyes.

If the time is right, this old guy, Lao Zhao, should bring Yang Zi and Wang Mushi over today, two peerless beauties in ancient costumes, making Su Yu, who is single from the mother and womb, tickled.

Sure enough, Ye Yu didn't wait long when he saw Ying Zheng taking Wang Ben, Fu Su, two young girls and a little fat man with a face full of resentment, stepping out of the gate of light carelessly.

Wang Mushi's beautiful eyes looked at the surrounding environment, and the star eyes were full of surprise: "Is this a fairyland, so beautiful!"

"This tree is so big, are we going to live here forever?"

Yang Zi also has beautiful eyes, and everything around him makes him feel incomparably novel.

Yang Zi covered her mouth and whispered, "Can we see the Immortal Master soon?"

"Quack, beauties, how are you, I'm the master's first general, Xiaolan! 35

Xiaolan fluttered his wings and flew down from the Spirit Gathering Tree, circling above Wang Mushi and the others.

"Beauty, add prestige?"

Xiaolan landed on Wang Ben's head, with a mobile phone (cgag) hanging around his neck, and the huge QR code was particularly obvious.

"Monster... monster!" The little fat man Hu Hai suddenly exclaimed, sitting on the ground with his ass, hugging Ying Zheng's big legs and saying in horror: "Father, you monsters, there are monsters!

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi were also small. Their mouths were slightly opened, and they opened their mouths in shock, and said in shock, "This... this bird can speak?"

"Shut up!" Ying Zheng kicked Hu Hai's butt, and said angrily, "This is a fairy bird, what is it that is screaming, a turtle! 35

On the other side, Fusu gently explained to Wang Mushi and Yangzi: "Yangzi, Mushi sister, this is the fairy bird Xiaolan bred by the immortal master, the master has great powers, it is nothing to let the fairy bird speak, this piece There are many more magical places in the fairyland.

"Fairy bird!"

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi were shocked, and quickly looked at Xiaolan and cupped their hands: "I have seen Lord Xianqin!"

"It's easy to talk about it!" Little Lan sneakily looked up and down on Wang Mushi and Yang Zi, held out her chest to reveal the QR code, and said cheaply, "Do you want to add prestige to these two beauties, I'm single Oh bird." 5

"Prestige?" Wang Mushi frowned and asked in confusion, "What is prestige?"

Yang Zi blushed even more, hid behind Fu Su, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "Brother, what is this immortal bird talking about, why can't Yang Zi understand.


Fusu has black lines all over his head. Could it be that he wants to say, "Sister, have you been swayed by a bird?"

"Xiao Lan, you bastard, get over here!

A roar suddenly sounded in the courtyard, Xiao Lan's body shrank, and immediately flapped her wings and flew towards the courtyard, while flying, she didn't forget to turn her head and roared at him: "Beauty, don't forget to add I am prestige!"

"Hey, Brother Shi Huang, you have come so early." Chongzhen took Li Yuanyin out of the gate of light, first greeted Ying Zheng friendly, and then suddenly adjusted his appearance, facing Yang Zi. He bowed politely to Wang Mushi.

"Next, Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, I have met two of them.""

These two might become the immortal master's wife in the future, and Chongzhen did not dare to be disrespectful.

"The little girl has seen His Majesty Chongzhen!" Wang Mushi and Yang Zi also hurriedly returned their salute, while Meimei looked at Chongzhen curiously.

Before they came, Ying Zheng had given them a detailed introduction to the situation in the Immortal Realm. They also had a certain understanding of Chongzhen, but they were just curious. This is Chongzhen, the emperor after a thousand years? Across time and space, recruit emperors from a thousand years later.

"Hahahaha, brother Chongzhen, long time no see!" Ying Zheng greeted Chongzhen with a smile, and then said, "Go visit Mr. first, don't make Mr. wait too long.

"Okay!" Chongzhen nodded, and the group walked towards the courtyard.

After walking halfway, Ying Zheng turned his head to look at the little fat man who stayed where he was, frowned and said, "Hu Hai, what are you doing?"

The little fat man was like a concubine in mourning, and said with a sad face: "Father...I, can I not go. 35

"Get over here for the widow!" Ying Zheng shouted angrily: "Wang Ben, give me a good look at this little bastard, if he dares to run, break his dog's legs! 35


Wang Ben laughed and walked to Hu Hai's side swaggeringly, and said with a smile, "Young Master, please?"

Hu Hai cried, and followed the crowd into the small courtyard.

At this time, hot pot cold dishes have been placed in the gazebo.

Ye Yu was sitting on a rocking chair, fanning his fan gracefully, and standing on the back of the chair, looking at Ying Zheng and the others who entered the pavilion, a small white snake was entrenched on Ye Yu's shoulders, spitting up. With a snake temperament, a pair of red eyes stared at Hu Hai at the end of the crowd.

Seeing Ye Yu's gaze coming over, Wang Mushi and Yang Zi blushed suddenly.

Wang Mushi stepped out first, and bowed his hands to Ye Yu generously: "Little girl Wang Mushi, I have seen the immortal master.

Yang Zi's face flushed red, she also raised the corner of her skirt slightly, and said with a trembling voice, "Yang... Yang Zi has seen the Immortal Master, and the Immortal Master is auspicious."

"Hehe, you're welcome, you're welcome." Ye Yu put down his folding fan and said with a smile, "I don't have any rules here, you just need to be natural.

His gaze was on the two girls, and Lao Zhao and Lao Wang really gave birth to a bunch of good girls. These two girls were even more beautiful than he looked in the gate of the world.

Wang Mu's poems are generous and generous, Yang Zi is shy and pleasant, and the beauty has its own merits, which is really beautiful and delicious.

It was just that little fat man Hu Hai, who was still standing at the back, hunched over, as if Ye Yu couldn't see him.

Ye Yu smiled secretly in his heart, pointed to the food on the table, and said with a smile: "Come, try my craft."

Ying Zheng and Lao Zhu were unceremonious, sitting at the table and giving themselves bowls of condiments, their movements were natural and skillful, as if they had returned to their own home.

Fusu taught the two younger sisters, seasoning bowls, cooking dishes, and explaining how to eat hot pot.

Ye Yu said with a smile: "From now on, the three of you will stay in my yard to help, Wang Mushi and Yang Zi will live in the guest room on the second floor, and I will show you the way later.

"You eat first. This hot pot should be your first time. Hurry up and try it. I won't do it in the future. These things are left to you two little girls."


"No! 35

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi nodded obediently, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben had given them a detailed introduction to the character of his husband before, saying that he was approachable and had no rules.

Also, this hot pot is really delicious!

Smelling the tempting aroma in the pot, the two girls quickly forgot their nervousness and threw themselves into the fight with the hairy duck intestines.

"Sir, where should I sit?"

Seeing that all the seats were filled, Hu Hai was suddenly unhappy. He smelled the aroma of the hot pot and asked courageously.

"Do you dare to serve the dog?" Ying Zheng was furious: "Go to the side and kneel!

Hu Hai's face was full of resentment: "Father, the boy did nothing wrong, why should he eat on his knees!"

"You still want to eat!" Ying Zheng was so angry that his nose was crooked, feeling extremely embarrassed, and suddenly said in a rage: "Wang Ben, break the widow's dog's legs and throw it out!"

"Okay, okay." Ye Yu waved his hand and said indifferently: "It's like this with children, just teach them a lesson. 35

"Xiao Bai, look at him and let him kneel for an hour to come over for dinner!

"By the way, bring one of the durians in the warehouse, it's comfortable to kneel on."

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