I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 152: Boiled frogs in warm water


Xiaobai nodded and let out a low hissing sound.

After a while, I saw the turf in the yard surging and two colorful loudly swimming out of the grass, one of them was about the size of an adult's calf, and a huge durian was dragging behind it.

"There's...a snake!

Hu Hai sat down on the ground and shouted in horror, Wang Mushi and Yang Zi also jumped, looking at the two big snakes in horror,

Ying Zheng and the others were very calm, obviously they were no strangers to this kind of scene.

Fusu said with a smile: "Don't be afraid of the two younger sisters, these are all spirit beasts raised by Mr.

"Doesn't hurt anyone?" Wang Mushi and Yang Zi were relieved, but there was still some fear on their faces.

"Father... help, father, this snake bites!"

Hu Hai crawled up to Ying Zheng's side, crying loudly: "Father, the child is your son, the son of Da Qin, how could he treat the child like this-"

"Shut up! 33 Ying Zheng slapped his hand and slapped him: "You wicked bastard, you are so embarrassing, the widow would rather not - your son. ""

"Remember, you are here as a slave and a maid, even if your husband beats you to death on the spot, the widow will still thank you for your help, except you, a wicked beast, and don't roll over and kneel!


The little fat man was completely desperate. Although his character was stubborn, he was not a fool.

He could see that Ying Zheng wasn't joking with him, he really didn't care about him, if he angered Ye Yu, he might really die here.

So the bear boy immediately became honest.

He knelt down obediently on the durian, even though two big snakes were staring at him, one on the left and one on the right, his body was trembling, and he didn't dare to say a word of complaint.

"Gudu!" Looking at Wang Mushi and Yang Zi, who were sweating profusely while eating, Hu Hai gulped wildly, his eyes glowing green.

So delicious!

It's so fragrant!

Since that day's immortal temple ceremony, he has been tied up by Ying Zheng, and he hasn't eaten much in the past few days. Now, looking at this incomparably delicious food, he is almost crying.

Ye Yu glanced at it, and said with interest: "Do you know why you are being asked to kneel?

"Hu Hai doesn't know." Hu Hai said angrily, "Maybe it's because Mr. has a prejudice against the kid."

"Hey you little bastard!" Ying Zheng almost laughed angrily when he heard this: "Sir, who is someone who has the same knowledge as you, and if you talk nonsense, the idiot will tear your shit out of you!"

The little fat man hesitated for a second, lowered his head and dared not speak.

"Haha!" Ye Yu raised his eyebrows and said with a cold face, "You are stubborn by nature, and the old guy Lao Zhao is doting on you again, causing you to be tyrannical in the future and even become the fuse for the death of the Second Emperor of Qin. , you even killed your own brothers and sisters, isn't that wrong?

"Although history has changed because of me, and Daqin has turned the country into a prosperous country, it is even less likely that you will become a generation of emperors, but if you don't change your inferiority, you will definitely become the scourge of the calamity in the future. I was full of malice before, you think I don't know?"

Ye Yu's words made Hu Hai tremble with fright, and Fusu, Yang Zi and the others were even more stunned.

Hu Hai led to the death of Da Qin II?

He killed all his siblings?

Ying Zheng never told them these things!

Everyone thinks that this kid has a wicked personality, but I didn't expect him to have such a brutal scene!

Wang Mushi and the others all looked at Hu Hai, this kid, he is really a ruthless person in the future!

This kind of person really needs to be well educated, otherwise it will definitely cause a huge disaster!

Hu Hai's body was cold, looking at the fierce light in Fusu and the others' eyes, his heart was even colder, he could only bite the bullet and say: "This... these things haven't happened yet, who knows if what you said is true or not, maybe it's you Are you talking nonsense! 55

"Hehe, I don't care if you believe it or not, as long as I know it myself." Ye Yu sneered and said, "You are in my hands now, I will help Lao Zhao to educate you well, if you don't obey, I will Let life be better than death! 55

Ye Yu waved his hand, and the big snake on Hu Hai's body suddenly folded a little, so frightened that Hu Hai suddenly froze.

"Hahahaha, thank you sir for helping the widow to teach children!" Ying Zheng raised his glass to Ye Yu cheerfully: "Sir, you can beat and scold, Hu Hai is rough and thick, even if you beat him to death, it doesn't matter, just for me Daqin is nothing but a calamity!"

"Sir, I also toast to you." Chongzhen also took up the glass and drank it, and said gratefully: "Sir, you don't know that this wave has completely damaged Jiannu, and Jiannu has suffered heavy losses this time. !35

"Especially the divine robe you bestowed upon you, its power is even more astonishing. After the news of my Daming Mansion was spread, the people all over the world were excited about it, and they all said that I am the son of destiny!"

Chongzhen raised his glass again and again and was very excited. After this war, the biggest scourge of Jiannu was eliminated, and Daming would enter a period of peaceful development for a long time.

During this period of time, Daming was finally able to take a deep breath.

.....for flowers 0.....

"Yes, this battle of Chongzhen is really beautiful! Ying Zheng is placed on Chongzhen's shoulders, without the air of an emperor through the ages: "But brother Chongzhen, although Jiannu suffered heavy losses this time, it was not completely destroyed. , These tribes on the grassland are like weeds, spring breeze and spring breeze, and can expand to tens of thousands of people, you must not be soft-hearted!

"Brother Shi Huang, don't worry, I understand!" Chongzhen nodded immediately, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: "I have summoned Cao Bianjiao and others, and rushed all the way in the direction of the Jiannu people, on the one hand Eliminate the remnants of Jiannu, on the other hand, go directly to Shengjing to completely eradicate Jiannu from the roots!" Jingjing

"Not bad, not bad!"" Ye Yu nodded in admiration, Lao Zhu, this old boy, is the blood of Lao Zhu's family after all. Although it softened a little before, it was also forced by the situation. Now the main force of Jiannu is After being eliminated, Lao Zhu also let go. In terms of the ruthlessness of his methods, he would not lose to Lao Zhao. After clinking glasses with Chongzhen, Ye Yu thought about it and said, "Lao Zhu, what are you going to do about Wu Sangui and the others? deal with?"

"Wu Sangui!

Hearing this name, a fierce light flashed in Chongzhen's eyes, he pondered for a while and said: "Sir, after I eliminated Huang Taiji, Wu Sanguizu Dashou and others frequently wrote letters, and their attitudes were extremely low, but I could see that they It should be trying to test me, sir, how do you think these rebels should be dealt with?

"Wu Sangui and these people, of course, are going to die!" Ye Yu shook the wine glass and squinted his eyes and said, "Wu Sangui privately let the slaves enter the customs, which was the biggest driver of the collapse of the Ming Dynasty. Zu Dashou is not a good thing, but why? Killing is still a problem. Li Yuanyin couldn't help but asked aloud: "Sir, please guide us. 99

Ye Yu glanced at him, thought about it, and said, "Actually, it's not a problem to deal with Wu Sangui and others. In the end, it's boiled frogs in warm water!"

"Boil a frog in warm water?" Chongzhen and Li Yuanyin looked at each other with a little doubt in their eyes.

Ye Yu didn't hide it either, and simply said: "Actually, I want you to boil Wu Sangui and the others. No matter how they write, you should turn a blind eye. In this way, Wu Sangui and others will not be able to understand your attitude, so they must be in a hurry. Now, they will either raise their own troops to rebel, or they will lead the crowd to vote, and they will never be able to support themselves as before.

"The widow understands!" Ying Zheng suddenly smiled and said, "Brother Chongzhen, you can even destroy the main force of Jiannu. As long as Wu Sangui and the others have no problems with their minds, they will never raise an army to rebel, they can only surrender!" Six.

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