I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 153: Chongzhen Offering Treasures

Ye Yu said simply: "Even if Wu Sangui and the others are leading the way, you should leave them on the air, don't pay attention to them, now Daming has just ended a war, the people are in urgent need of recuperation, and it is not the best time for the war."

"However, you can let your subordinates, the Shenji Camp, the Imperial Army, etc., go to Wu Sangui and the others' territory for two laps, and sound the alarm, indicating that you, Lao Zhu, haven't forgotten them yet."

"As a result, Wu Sangui and the others were instantly terrified. Such people have always regarded their own life as more important than anything else. They will frantically search for a way to survive. When they attack Goryeo in the future and send troops to the Western Regions, these people will People can be used as vanguards, not only can they consume their military strength, but also use one-handed swords to kill people, and completely bury Wu Sangui and others on the battlefield. much?

"Okay, okay!" Chongzhen nodded excitedly when he heard the words, and said excitedly: "Sir, this method is good, it not only prevents our army from fighting with Wu Sangui's army, but also takes the opportunity to weaken the strength of other countries, not only that, Wu Sangui and others I can only bite the bullet, not even a single complaint, it is really high!

Li Yuanyin also nodded repeatedly: "Yes, using this method, we can completely eradicate Wu Sangui and other chaotic parties after "627", and we will not have any losses. It is indeed a sure-fire strategy!"

For the first time, Wang Mushi and Yang Zi, who made Ye Yu's advice, were even more brilliant in their eyes.

Although I don't know who Wu Sangui is, it can make an emperor in Chongzhen have such a headache and use his ass. Everyone knows that it is a difficult role to deal with, but this kind of person is clearly arranged in a few words by Mr. Is it the teacher's job?

"No wonder the emperor's respect for the immortal master is unusual. It turns out that the immortal master is so powerful!" Yang Zi blushed and stared at Ye Yu's face timidly.

As the Daqin Princess, Ying Zheng's most beloved daughter, he has seen many talents in the world, but there is really no one as outstanding as Ye Yu, which makes Yang Zi's heart, which is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, suddenly a little bit rippling.

Ye Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's a small thing, what's there to brag about."

"Mr. not only helped Daming eliminate Jiannu, but also formulated national policies for Daming. Chongzhen really can't repay it!" Chongzhen bowed gratefully to Ye Yu, and then said: "Sir, you said before that you want to collect mysterious treasures. I have sent people to collect a lot of things, and I specially brought them here today to present them to Mr.


Ye Yu heard that, and immediately became interested.

Since Lao Zhao brought the fragments of the Taixu Jade Order, he sent Chongzhen and the two to collect them. He also collected a lot at the Xuanjing Auction, and gained a lot of useful knowledge from them. , He is very enthusiastic now.

"Brother Chongzhen, you are fast enough!" Ying Zheng said with some dissatisfaction: "The widow has also arranged it, but the progress of the search is not good. Give it a head start."

Saying that, Ying Zheng gave Fusu an angry look, criticizing him for his incompetence.

Seeing this, Fusu's face became bitter, and he was about to cry.

He is now in charge of printing newspapers, instructing farmers to grow food, and also assisting Feng Quji in training teachers. One of them is about to be used by three people, so there is no such thing as such.

But in front of Ye Yu, he didn't dare to refute, he could only bow his hands to Ye Yu embarrassedly, it was the capital that he must speed up his search.

Ye Yu waved his hand, indicating that he was not in a hurry, then looked at Chongzhen and said, "Old Zhu, what are you looking for, take it out and see.

Chongzhen scratched his head, looked around the pavilion, and said a little embarrassedly: "Sir, please find a more spacious place, I have a lot of things. 35

"My yard is so big, can't I put it down?" Ye Yu waved his hand and said, "Just take it out, I'll see if there is anything I need."

"OK then."

Chongzhen hesitated for a moment, raised his left hand, a divine light flashed on his watch, and the gate of crossing the world suddenly appeared beside him.

Chongzhen's thoughts moved, and there were ripples on the gate of the world, and then it was like a volcanic eruption, and a piece of black pressure 'sprayed' directly out of the gate of the world.

"Fuck!" Ye Yu was startled, and immediately got up to protect Wang Mushi and the others behind him, staring at the black wave in awe.

"Fuck Lao Zhu, how many things have you collected?" Su Yu asked helplessly, looking at the mysterious objects that had covered his courtyard in just two breaths.

"This... I've collected three or four warehouses." Chongzhen thought for a while and said.

"Three or four warehouses... that's it?" Ye Yu looked at Chongzhen with black lines all over his head. This guy, wouldn't he have collected all the mysterious things in the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben also stared blankly at the animal bones, jade pendants, and even broken tiles that spewed out of the gate.

Wang Ben's eyes straightened, and he muttered: "My dear, Chongzhen boy, you have really made a lot of money to please Mr.

"No, it's not. Chongzhen waved his hands again and again, and said a little embarrassedly: "Actually, I also collected two warehouses, and there are many people who learned that the master needed these things and offered them up spontaneously.

He smiled and looked at Ye Yu: "Sir, your reputation among the people of Daming is so high, and the people regard you as the savior of the world."

Ye Yu nodded.

At this moment, the jetting frequency of the gate of world piercing finally slowed down. Although the animal bone tiles were still sprayed intermittently, the number has been greatly reduced. Ye Yu even had a feeling that the gate of world piercing seemed to have lost weight. quite a few...

Looking at the small courtyard that was flooded with all kinds of strange things, Ye Yu thought for a while, and nodded his forehead. circle.

After a while, Taixu Yuling flew back swayingly, with a few jade plaques, animal bones and a small tower engraved with mysterious patterns behind it.

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi looked at this scene in amazement, Xiao.'s mouth was slightly opened, and his face was full of shock.

This...is this the legendary fairy weapon?

Tai Xuyu Ling touched Ye Yu's forehead affectionately, and then turned into a divine light and penetrated into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Yu was not in a hurry to check the secrets of these jade-brand animal bones. With a flash of light on his watch, these things disappeared in front of his eyes.

"Old Zhu, thank you, but I found a lot of good things!" Ye Yu nodded with satisfaction and smiled at Chongzhen.

"It's alright, it's fine, sir!" Seeing that his collection really contained the treasures that Ye Yu needed, Chongzhen was overjoyed and waved his hands again and again...

He looked at the mountains of debris around him, and said a little embarrassedly: "Sir, these things..."

"Leave these things with me, when will I sell them as scraps." Ye Yu looked around and saw that some things looked strange and delicate, and a flash of love flashed in his eyes.

It just so happened that these things could be used to decorate the farm, and many of them could be given to the villagers as gifts. It was not easy for Lao Zhu to collect these things, so he simply accepted them all.

I saw that he waved his hand again, and the gate of crossing the world appeared in front of him again, he waved his hand, and the debris in the yard suddenly floated up into the sky, forming a neat long dragon, flying all the way to the crossing of the world. in the door.

"Come on, brother Chongzhen, this time, you have made a big splash!" Seeing that the sundries in the courtyard disappeared, Ying Zheng curled his lips, hugging Chongzhen's neck and said, "Next time, if you don't know, I will give it to you. What kind of reward, if you are in the limelight next time, don't forget me, brother! 35

"Brother Shi Huang's kindness to me is as heavy as a mountain, of course I will not forget it!" Chongzhen held up the glass: "Brother Shi Huang, I will toast, you can do what you want!"

"Hahaha, brother Chongzhen, come and do it!


Both Lao Zhu and Lao Zhao had a great harvest today, and the group in a good mood started drinking together.

Ye Yu, who got the unexpected joy, also joined the battle halfway. Together with Wang Ben and Li Yuanyin, the five big men pushed the cups and changed the cups, killing the wine table into a river of blood.

Two hours later, Lao Zhao and Lao Zhu stood up swayingly, glanced at their watches, bowed their hands to Ye Yu and said, "Sir, it's getting late, we'll leave first. 35

"Yang Zi, Mu Shi girl, serve Mr.

Lao Zhao and Lao Wang warned Wang Mushi and Yang Zi before turning around and preparing to leave.

"You bastard, why are you still here!" Ying Zheng turned around and looked at Hu Hai, who was kneeling on top of the durian, and frowned suddenly: "Get out of here now."

Hu Hai glanced at the leftovers on the table, supported the pavilion column and stood up swayingly, and said with a sad face: "Father, my son and minister have been kneeling for more than 0.6 hours, can we eat now?"

"Oh? It's been so long?" Ying Zheng raised his watch with a hazy eye and gave Hu Hai a slap: "Eat, eat, eat in a day, did the widow give birth to a pig? Mr. If you don't speak, you are not allowed to eat!

Hu Hai's whole body jolted, and he could only look at Ye Yu pitifully.

Ye Yu was not drunk, he smiled secretly in his heart, waved his hand at will, and said, "Alright, alright, it's time to grow up, don't let the baby go hungry, come and eat."

"Mr. Xie!" Hu Hai was overjoyed when he heard this, and his resentment towards Ye Yu also weakened a lot.

However, when he rolled and crawled to the side of the table, he was stunned when he looked at the empty hot pot pots on the table.

"Eat, finished?

The little fat man was dumbfounded.

While picking his teeth, Lao Wang sneered and said, "With my Pharaoh here, do you still want leftovers?"

Hu Hai looked at Ye Yu with a bewildered expression: "Sir, what am I going to eat? Are you cooking a pot for me?"

Ye Yu coughed twice and said, "It's getting late now, let's just cook hot pot or something, I think this pot of hot pot soup is pretty good, if you don't dry it out, you should be quite hungry.


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