Hu Hai was stunned when he heard the sound, looked at the red pot in front of him in shock, smelled the thick soup that made his scalp numb, raised his head stiffly and looked at Ye Yu with horror, as if he was looking at a devil.

"Look what, you don't drink the soup, if you don't drink this soup, you won't eat in the future!" Ye Yu kicked him angrily.

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben also stood aside, staring at Hu Hai, as if he poured it directly into him if he didn't drink it.


Facing Ying Zheng and the others with fierce faces, Hu Hai swallowed his saliva in fear, took a look at the red oil with trembling eyes, closed his eyes and ruthlessly, gritted his teeth and poured it in.


"Cough cough!""

"Water, give me water! 35

The bowl smashed into pieces, stuck in his throat, his face was flushed red, his eyes were full of red blood, and he was coughing violently.

Ying Zheng and the others were taken aback by Hu Hai's appearance, but Ye Yu was not surprised at all, and said to Fusu, "Fusu, I have some bottles and jars in my kitchen, you can bring them here.

"Yes!" Fusu hurriedly turned around, and two minutes later ran back with a plastic box in his arms.

Ye Yu took out a bottle of balsamic vinegar from the box and handed it to Hu Hai: "Come, drink water.

"Thank you, thank you, poof!

Hu Hai took the vinegar bottle and took a breath, and then spit it out again.

Ye Yu smiled and said to Wang Mushi and Yang Zi: "Look, what Hu Hai is drinking now is called Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar, it is a kind of seasoning, it tastes very sour, you can use it when you cook in the future. "

"Mmmm." Wang Mushi and Yang Zi nodded in understanding.

Ye Yu took another bottle of soy sauce from the box and said: "This is called soy sauce, and it is also a kind of seasoning. It can be used to season and enhance the color. Come to Huhai and dry this bottle of Haitian soy sauce! 35


Hu Hai's face was contorted, and he looked at Ye Yu with pain.

"Why, you don't drink?" Ye Yu's expression suddenly became dangerous.

"Boo! The long knife on Li Yuanyin's waist was instantly unsheathed, and the blade was dazzlingly pointed at Hu Hai's neck.

"I...I drink it, poof!" Hu Hai took the soy sauce, closed his eyes, and spit out another mouthful.

Ying Zheng and the others stared dumbfoundedly as Ye Yu handed the condiments to Hu Hai one by one, and Hu Hai spat out one after another.

"Good guy, sir, you are really cruel!" Wang Ben murmured, took a step back subconsciously, and looked at Ye Yu with some trepidation.

Chongzhen and the others were even more twitchy, secretly thinking in their hearts that they were fortunately not offending Ye Yu, otherwise their fate would be almost the same as Hu Hai's.

"Father, Father, spare your life!

"Don't leave your son here.

"He's not human, he's a devil, he's a devil, father!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy don't leave the child here, it will kill people!

He was filled with more than a dozen bottles of seasoning, Hu Hai vomited, hugged Ying Zheng's big legs, and cried out to his father and mother.

At this time, his face was blushing and blushing, and his body was covered with various seasonings. His face was dull and his expression collapsed.

"Father, don't leave your son here, this man will kill me!

Hu Hai cried, snot and tears, so Yang Zi couldn't help feeling sympathy.

"You bastard, why are you crying, isn't this still dead!" Ying Zheng angrily scolded: "Why don't you drink some seasoning, don't forget your current status, you are a slave now, even if your husband gives you You have to eat shit too! 99

Saying that, Ying Zheng turned back to look at Wang Mushi, his face suddenly became kinder: "Mushi girl, you are good at kung fu, help the widow to watch this little bastard, if he collides with Mr., you will kill him. , and also save the widow's hands!" 5

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the ministers and daughters remember it." Wang Mushi patted the sword on his waist and looked at Hu Hai with a faint smile on his face.

"God, help me!

Hu Hai raised his head to the sky and wailed, only to feel that the thunder was rolling in the sky, the sun and the moon had no light, and his life was full of darkness.

"Hmph, virtue!"" Ying Zheng gave Hu Hai an angry look, then turned and waved to Yang Zi: "Yang Zi, take good care of Mr., the widow will go first. ""

"Don't worry, Father, Yang Zi understands." Yang Zi nodded with a blushing face.

Ying Zheng laughed, slapped his ass, and took Wang Ben and the others around and left.

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi watched the Gate of Light slowly disappear, feeling quite lost.

Are they going to live in this fairyland from now on?

Ye Yu smiled and said to the two of them: "If you're idle, you're idle, let me show you around, and get used to it in advance, and take a look at your room by the way.

"This is Xiao Lan, this silly bird likes to pretend, so don't pay attention to it, let him have a good time."

"It's so beautiful, how about it, it looks beautiful, I heard that this guy is still a phoenix, but I don't think even a phoenix is ​​as beautiful as my family,"

"There are many snakes in my yard, these are Xiaobai's younger brothers, don't be afraid, these snakes are very smart and will never hurt you.

"This is the light switch, you can turn on the light by pressing it, emmmmm, you don't understand what electricity is now, I'll tell you later, as long as you know this thing will light up when you press it!

"This is the room of the two of you. I'll find someone to decorate it for you. The screen poem is on the left, and Yang Zi is on the right. You can clean up by yourself.

"There is a toilet at the end of the corridor. There is a water heater and a flush toilet. You can flush the water by pressing the toilet. When you take a shower, there is hot water on the left and cold water on the right. You can adjust the temperature by yourself. 99

Ye Yu walked around with the three of them for a while, and then came to the room on the second floor.

The area of ​​his small building is not small. He lives in the master bedroom on the second floor, and there are two side bedrooms on the left and right sides. The decoration is also complete.

He even asked Uncle Dagen to find someone to paint one side, one pink and one light cyan, more in line with the characters of Yang Zi and Yang Zi.

There were also brand new electrical appliances and Simmons in the room, as well as the electric water heater in the toilet, which made Wang Mushi and the three of them stunned.

"Sister Yangzi, look, the walls are so smooth and the floor is like a mirror, how is this made?

"And the implantation bed, it's so soft, how comfortable it is to lie on!

Wang Mushi and Yang Zi exclaimed repeatedly, just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, feeling that everything around them was novel.

When they thought that they would live in such a place in the future, their eyes lighted up and they laughed happily. This place is much better than Xianyang Palace!

"This is the TV. You can watch all kinds of programs when you turn it on. I will teach you to use the remote control tomorrow morning. 39

"And this, this is an air conditioner, which can be used for cooling, but I'm warm in winter and cool in summer, so I don't need it under normal circumstances.

"This is toothpaste and a toothbrush. You must brush your teeth every morning and night, especially Hu Hai, you bastard, your mouth stinks like a toilet, don't wander around in front of me if you have something to do.

Hu Hai looked embarrassed, glanced at the gorgeously decorated room, and said enviously, "Sir, where is my room?

"Your room is below, come come, I'll show you."

"Let me tell you, this room is warm in winter and cool in summer, with good feng shui. After it was repaired, no one has ever lived in it. It's because of you, Hu Hai, that I don't want to let him live in ordinary people."

"so good?"

Hu Hai looked at Ye Yu's back in amazement and thought to himself, "Why is this bastard being so nice to me, he has changed sex?"

After the shock, Hu Hai was full of joy again. He didn't expect a room that was too good, as long as it was similar to Yang Zi's room. No wonder his father always praised Xianyu, this place is simply heaven!

Ye Yu walked in front, feeling the thought of Hu Hai behind him, a snickering smirk appeared on his face.

"Demon, dare to scold me, today I will let you know why the flowers are so red!"

Walking out of the small building all the way to the side room, Ye Yu pointed to a kennel, and said lightly: "Go in!

Hu Hai's expression froze, and he looked at the small house in front of him that was not taller than himself, and said in disbelief, " let me live here? Isn't this a kennel?"

"What's wrong with the kennel!" Ye Yu said angrily, "Look at this kennel, it's warm in winter and cool in summer, with a spacious interior and a pure European-style decoration. If it weren't for the fact that I didn't have a dog at home, it would be such a good house. Can I live with you?"

"You devil!" Hu Hai knelt on the ground in despair and cried.

This bastard, he shouldn't have any hope for him, this person is simply a devil, he is trying to kill himself alive!

"Have eyes but no pearls!" Ye Yu glared at Hu Hai in disgust, then turned his head and smiled at Yang Zi: "Yang Zi, what do you think about Hu Hai's bastard living in this house?"

Yang Zi blushed, put her head against her head, looked at Ye Yu's cheek secretly, and said in a weak voice, "Sir, Yang Zi thinks this house is very good. 35

Wang Mu Shiyu put his hand on the hilt of the sword and looked at Hu Hai with a smile: "Mu Shi also thinks this house is good. In my Daqin, many people can't even live in a kennel."

With a sound of 'bass', the long sword around her waist was half unsheathed, and there was a hint of teasing in her long and narrow eyes. She stared at Hu Hai, and said coldly, "Young Master Hu Hai, do you despise Mr.'s house?"

"I like it, I like it!" Hu Hai suddenly felt the hairs on his neck stand up, and said shiveringly.

"It's good to see, Mr. Hu Hai's eyesight is still good! Ye Yu nodded with a smile.

Hu Hai smiled stiffly, wailing in his heart.

Think of my dignified son of Qin, even living in a dog kennel, and even Wang Mushi can press on me, I want to resist, I want to resist!

I, Hu Hai, will stand up eventually!

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