I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 155: Men are double standard dogs!

After some arrangements, Wang Mushi and Yang Zi lived happily in this manor.

No matter how reluctant Hu Hai was, no one was willing to pay attention to him. Under Ye Yu's power, he could only live in the dog kennel honestly.

Late at night.

After Hu Hai finished brushing his teeth, he was about to rest when Ye Yu yelled from the kennel.

Hu Hai rubbed his eyes and said dissatisfiedly: "Why, I want to sleep!

"Sleep for what, I didn't sleep, how dare you sleep?" Ye Yu kicked him angrily, frowned and said, "Get up quickly, I have a tough task for you. !99

"What... what? 35

Hu Hai stared at Ye Yu in horror, isn't this guy still trying to fuck him?

"Actually, it's not a big deal." Ye Yu smiled lightly, pointed to the lively monkeys, deer and other animals in the yard and said, "Have you seen these animals, these little guys are a little dirty on their bodies? Now, your job is to clean them all up!"

"No sir, this will kill people!"

Ye Yu rolled his eyes and smiled lightly: "You don't want to resist, do you want to stand up?

"What should I do if you don't let you consume so much energy and make trouble in my yard?

"How...how do you know!

Hu Hai panicked when he heard the words, and his face was full of horror.

He just thought about these thoughts in his heart and never said it, how could Ye Yu know, could he still read minds?

"You just do it honestly, and if you still want to resist, I will throw you back to Da Qin and let Lao Zhao take care of you!" Ye Yu finally threatened, and yawned back to the bedroom to rest.

Hu Hai howled in despair, holding the brush tremblingly and not daring to approach.

However, under the threat of Wang Mushi, he could only serve these spirit monkeys and spirit deer with a bitter face, and he didn't rest until the middle of the night.

He was severely beaten by society at a young age.

Hu Hai felt that his ginseng no longer had any meaning, and his whole body seemed to have lost its color, and his thoughts had turned into despair.

In the room on the second floor, Yang Zi and the two slept on the soft Simmons, their faces full of excitement, and there was no sleepiness at all.

Originally, Ye Yu had prepared two rooms for them, but they were too timid to sleep alone, so they huddled together.

"Princess, I just took a hot bath, it's really comfortable, much better than in Daqin, what do you think?"

"The body wash and shampoo are also great. I've been washing my whole body and it's fragrant. It's even better than the flower baths I've used before."

"Wonderland is a fairyland, and it is indeed much more than my Daqin fairyland. No wonder Your Majesty has to come every time, and he doesn't want to leave once. 55

"Mr. is also very easy-going, and looks very handsome and handsome. We must serve Mister well in the future, and we must not be kicked out.

The two women hid under the quilt and whispered.

Wang Mushi suddenly blushed and said in a low voice, "Princess, my mother once taught us to go to the Immortal Master's room to serve at night, do you think we should go there?

"For now...don't use it for the time being." Yang Zi's heart beat faster, and the little blushing was dripping blood: "Sir didn't tell me, it's not good for us to go in rashly, let's get up early tomorrow to serve the gentleman."

"Oh yes, we also have to serve Mr. bath, and three meals a day, Mr.'s dishes are delicious, he won't like what we make, right?

"If you don't like it, we can learn it. Didn't the Immortal Master let Hu Hai drink so many seasonings today, Princess, do you remember?

"Remember, remember, I didn't expect Mr. to have so many seasonings here, no wonder the things made are so delicious, let's try it tomorrow morning!

After the two women encouraged each other, with strange feelings, they spent the first unforgettable night in this manor.

Early the next morning.

Before the sky was fully lit, Wang Mushi and the two packed up and got up.

They didn't sleep until two or three o'clock in the afternoon like some modern women, even if they were the princess and the daughter of the mansion, they didn't dare to put on airs in front of Ye Yu, and they all got up to serve.

After the two of them washed up, they hurriedly stood outside Ye Yu Ye Yu's door. They waited until after eight o'clock to hear the movement inside, and then they knocked on the door cautiously and boldly.

"Sir, are you up yet, Yang Zi and I are here to bathe and change for you.


After a while, the door opened, and Ye Yu, who was wearing a Pikachu pajamas, rubbed his eyes and looked at the two beautiful girls standing in front of him, his face full of stunned expressions.

"What time do you guys get up?

Yang Ziqiao blushed slightly and said in a low voice, "We don't know what time it is, we only know that we got up just after dawn. Sir, let's help you bathe and change."

"You guys are really..." Ye Yu said with a bit of tears and laughter: "No need, I'm not a disabled person, let you two little girls bathe and change my clothes for me, doesn't it make people laugh when it spreads out!

"Sir, you can't be like this, we are your maids, and we should be!" Wang Mushi looked at Ye Yu stubbornly: "Does sir hate us?"

"Yes, sir, do you think that a concubine is useless..." Yang Zi also said a little aggrieved.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yu immediately disarmed and surrendered.

In this early morning, two beautiful girls are coquettish to you, which man can stand it!

Ye Yu scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "Well, please, please!"

"Mr. Xie!" Wang Mushi and Yang Zi smiled at each other, and immediately acted.

A fragrant wind wafted into his nostrils, and Ye Yu immediately enjoyed the treatment of an emperor.

You don't have to wear your own clothes.

You don't have to wash your face yourself.

You don't even have to brush your teeth.

If it wasn't for Ye Yu's strong resistance, they would have to help him hold the gun to put out the morning urine.

This also made Ye Yu feel good in his heart. If he knew it earlier, he would have asked Lao Zhao to send the two girls over earlier. This kind of life is too cool!

After getting dressed, Ye Yu took the two girls to the kitchen and taught them how to use the kitchen appliances.

This is particularly difficult for a girl who has lived in Daqin for more than ten years.

Everything is so novel to them, whether it is using a gas stove or a microwave, it can amaze the two girls for a while.

Half an hour later, Yang Zi stood in front of Ye Yu with tears in her eyes, and her little face was black, and said pitifully: "Sir, Yang Zi is really useless, she can't even cook a bit of food. Well, please forgive me, sir.""

"It's okay, there is a first time for everything, just get used to it slowly!"

Ergou flipped the spoon while frying a pot of egg fried rice: "The millet porridge is in the rice cooker, you can serve it yourself, how come you can't get up, Huhai, Ergou, let him come over for breakfast!

"Stupid idiot, get up, the sun basks in the fart. Stupid!"

The two dogs rushed into the kennel excitedly and screamed.

Before, it had the lowest status among the farms, and it couldn't even compare to the beautiful beauty who had just arrived. Now there is a Hu Hai who has a lower status than him, and he has not yet seized the opportunity to bully him.

After a while, the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling suddenly came from the kennel.

Hu Hai crawled out of the kennel, holding a chicken coop with a few bloodstains on his face, and the two dogs followed behind him, one paw and one claw cradling his ass.

Hu Hai cried and ran into the restaurant, hid behind Yang Zi, and cried, "Yang Zi, help, they all want to kill me, help!

"I'm your brother, please save me!

Yang Zi's face flushed with anxiety, and some didn't want to recognize this brother, it was too embarrassing!

Ye Yu glared at the little fat man, and said angrily: "Shame on him, Yang Zi, leave him alone, you can eat by yourself! 35



Yang Zi nodded, sat obediently at the table, took cold vegetables and millet porridge, and ate it happily.

Hu Hai's saliva was drooling, and his eyes were glowing green. Yesterday he drank a belly of hot pot soup and seasonings, and as soon as he urinated, his stomach was long out of stock.

"Sir, where's my meal?" Hu Hai said expectantly, gulping.

"Do you still want to eat at the table?" Ye Yu slapped his hand that was trying to hold the chopsticks, and threw a tattered china bowl at him, and said angrily, "Kneel down and eat for me!"

"Gudu!" Hu Hai now has no hope for Ye Yu, he is a devil anyway, as long as he can give himself a bite of food.

Looking at the dark egg fried rice in front of him, Hu Hai swallowed hard, took the spoon and devoured it.

Yang Zi put a fried dumpling into Ye Yu's mouth, glanced at Hu Hai on the ground, and said with some sympathy: "Sir, I fried this egg fried rice, can I eat it?

"It's okay!" Ye Yu took a bite of the dumpling, waved his hand at will, and said, "This kid has a hard life, and he won't die.

Hu Hai rolled his eyes, didn't dare to say a word, and plucked the rice bit by bit.

When Ye Xiaoling and others came to work on the farm, they saw such a scene.

The two girls in ancient costumes were eating for Ye Yu gently, and there was a little fat man with a troubled face kneeling on the ground and looking like he devoured it, as if he hadn't eaten for half a year.

"Brother Yu, who is this?" Ye Xiaoling asked curiously with bright eyes.

"These are my friends, emmmmm (Wang Liaozhao), a coser who likes to play ancient costumes, you know." Ye Yu said casually.


Ye Xiaoling rolled her eyes, twirling on the faces of Yang Zi and Wang Mushi. She always felt that the relationship between these two young ladies and Yu Ge'er was not normal. Could it be the legendary sister-in-law?

"No wonder I don't like my best friend, it turns out that Brother Yu is playing the golden house, or two!

Ye Xiaoling murmured in a low voice, then pointed to Hu Hai on the ground, and asked suspiciously, "Brother Yu, why does this person eat on his knees? 35

"The doctor said that his knees are not good, and it is better to eat on his knees." Ye Yu waved his hands impatiently: "You can go to work first, and then talk about it when you have time.

"it is good!"

Ye Xiaoling turned her head and glanced at Hu Hai again, then turned and left.

These days, she has seen dog licking. What's wrong with eating on her knees? Maybe people have some special hobbies.

"These are all mortals from the outside world!" Seeing Ye Xiaoling jumping away, Ye Yu solemnly warned the three of them, "You must not reveal any information about Da Qin to outsiders, or you will be responsible for the consequences, understand?" "



The three ignorantly agreed.

Seeing these unfamiliar farmers busy, the three of them would think of Daqin subconsciously, so it seems that there is not much difference between this place and Daqin.

In a trance, such thoughts rose in the hearts of the three of them, and the tension in their hearts dissipated a little, and they began to gradually integrate into this place.

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