at the same time.

Jizhou, at the foot of Panshan Mountain, an engineering team is busy, dozens of excavators and dozens of construction vehicles are excavating nervously.


"Crack!" A crisp voice sounded, and the excavator was planted halfway into the soil, as if it had hollowed out something.

"What's wrong?"

"Pharaoh, what happened?"

"What's the situation?"

A few masters who were working immediately ran over to take a look, and saw that the excavator seemed to have dug up something, half of the crawler was stuck in the soil, a huge hole appeared in front of them, and the surrounding soil was still rustling. of slide down.

A daring worker looked down and screamed and got up from the ground.

"Fuck, bones!"

"It's full of bones down there!

"Isn't this an ancient tomb dug? Hurry up, let the manager come over.

The workers on the construction site were suddenly in an uproar, and the surrounding workers suddenly ran over.

When it was confirmed that there were indeed a large number of corpses underground, many people were even more frightened and their hands and feet went weak.

This is the construction site of the school. Could it really be a mass grave below?

"Hurry up, get the boss over here!"

"What boss are you looking for, hurry up and call the police!"

After a while, the police car sounded, and law enforcement officers, forensic doctors, and even a nearby archaeological team ran over.

The leader of this archaeological team is called Wang Chongjun, who is in his thirties this year. He used to be a student of Xu Linian, and he is also a senior brother of Chu Yusuo.


627 This time, he was preparing to inspect an ancient tomb of the Tang Dynasty nearby, but he was called here urgently before the tomb was buried.

After a simple investigation, Wang Chongjun was stunned.

"Judging from the degree of oxidation, these corpses are at least three or four hundred years old, and these should be tombs from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties! 35

"Hey... Look, these corpses have no heads, and there are obvious penetrating wounds on the skeletons. These were all beheaded after the defeat!"

"This, this, why are these scars so similar to the scars left after the explosion? Aren't all the artillery guns in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties cannons, how could they explode, how is this possible!

"It is estimated from the size of the tomb pit that there are at least 100,000 corpses here. Has there been a war of this scale in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties? There is no record in the history books!"

Wang Chongjun and others are going crazy.

The late Ming and early Qing Dynasties were not far from modern times, and events of all sizes were recorded in history. Anyone with a little knowledge of history knows that during that time period, there was no such large-scale war at all!

And even if there was a war, and more than 100,000 people were beheaded, there is no record of such a big event in history!

"Will the judgment be wrong?" An archaeologist frowned and said, "Could this not be a tomb pit from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties?

Wang Chongjun frowned and said nothing. Such a large-scale beheading war is extremely rare in history. Even if there is, there should be detailed records, but in fact, he recalled all the history he knew, but he did not find any corresponding records. .

These corpses, as if they were suddenly drilled out of history, are strange people.

"Immediately block the site and let someone come over to dig, hurry up!" Wang Chongjun urged urgently. For some reason, he remembered the tomb of Feng Quji, the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty, which was unearthed not long ago. The strange bronze cauldron also has no records. , as is the case today.

An archaeologist's intuition told Wang Chongjun that he seemed to have discovered a secret that could subvert history.

"Quick, quick, send someone over immediately!"

"Start work, start work, and irrelevant personnel should retreat a little!

The members of the archaeological team began to get busy.

But as the excavation deepened, everyone's heart couldn't help but clenched, because the ground was really full of corpses, and a shovel could bring out a lot of bone scum.

Wang Chongjun's judgment is still cautious, the bones here are at least more than 150,000.

Mass graves of this size made everyone present feel a shock!

150,000 people were beheaded, what a terrible war!

"Captain, captain, here's a discovery!"

An archaeologist ran over panting and shouted excitedly.

"Not far from here, there is a large lake. When the engineering team was cleaning up the mud, they found a collapsed tower. It seems that it has something to do with this tomb!"


When Wang Chongjun heard the sound, his expression instantly brightened, and he hurried to the lake to see that there was a tower stuck in the mud.

In order to clear the silt in the lake, the engineering team deliberately drained half of the lake water, and the collapsed tower was exposed.

An archaeological team member adjusted his glasses, stared at the tower, and said in amazement: "This...(cgag) Judging from the construction style, this seems to be a Buddhist soul tower!

"More than that, you see, although the Soul Requiring Tower is dilapidated, it still has some elegant and delicate meanings. This is obviously the architectural style of Daming! 99

"Hey... It seems that it is really a building of Daming, this... is there such a large-scale war in the Ming Dynasty, and it is too cruel to build a tower to keep the dead forever alive?"

"Don't worry about this, under normal circumstances, there will definitely be records in the Soul Tower, hurry up and take a look! 99

"Quick, drain all the water, clean up this Soul Tower immediately, quick! 99

Wang Chongjun ordered excitedly.

Dozens of water pumps were working at the same time, and in a short while, all the water and silt in the nearby lake were cleaned up.

Wang Chongjun and others put on their equipment and stepped on the mud to enter the soul-suppressing tower. They saw a large number of murals, and there were even many traces of depiction on the tower wall of the soul-suppressing tower.

It is a pity that most of these murals and inscriptions are soaked in the lake water and blurred, and they have been busy for a long time and have not found anything of value.

"Captain, come and see, there is half a stone tablet here!

At this moment, a team member suddenly shouted in surprise.

"Quick, clean up now!"

Wang Chongjun carefully cleaned the traces on the stone tablet, for fear of destroying the last clue.

When all the traces were cleaned up, Wang Chongjun and others suddenly lit up!

Although this stele is also dilapidated, and many places have been unclear, but a lot of content can still be seen vaguely.

"In the thirteenth year of Chongzhen, Jiannu entered the customs and looted, the emperor personally led a large army to fight Jiannu, wiped out 180,000 enemies, buried it here, calmed the soul with a pagoda, and praised the immortals...

"What is the word behind this fairy, I can't see clearly!"

"Wait, these are the corpses of Jian slaves? Impossible, right?

"Chongzhen led the army to defeat Jiannu and slaughtered 180,000 enemies? Then he built this soul tower, how is this possible?"

The members of the archaeological team were stunned, feeling that the worldview they had built up for a long time was slowly collapsing.

Wasn't Chongzhen beaten into a dog by Jiannu, and finally hanged himself? How could he have wiped out hundreds of thousands of enemies?

The Ming Dynasty all defeated Jiannu, who established the Qing Dynasty in the later period, is it possible that all the records in history are wrong?

"Could it be that Chongzhen deliberately faked in order to show his achievements? 35

"Impossible, if Chongzhen deliberately faked it, what is the explanation for the hundreds of thousands of corpses? Could it be that they are all the corpses of my Tianxia people?

"Yes, judging from the size of the corpse, it is clearly the corpse of a nomad! 99

Everyone was pulling their hair and looking shocked, feeling that their brains were not enough.

Wang Chongjun stared at the last word 'Xian', breathing quickly.

This is the second time he has seen this word on the inscription. The first time was on the bronze cauldron in Feng Quji's tomb, but at that time it was the word 'Xianshi'!

Wang Chongjun's heart tightened, and when he was connected with this sudden appearance, a strange feeling of disobedience shrouded his heart, as if he had discovered some earth-shattering secret.

He took a deep breath and dialed the teacher's phone.

This immortal master who appeared in the shadows of history like a ghost, finally appeared again!

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