I, The Identity of the Immortal Master, Has Been Exposed

Chapter 157: Con10t of the conference that subverts cognition

three days later!

Yanjing, Yanjing Hotel, in the conference room on the top floor.

Chu Yusuo was following his teacher Xu Linian to attend a special meeting, and the people attending this meeting were all the big men in the archaeological circles of Tianxia, ​​and they belonged to the big figures who could change the history of Tianxia by stamping their feet.

And the person who presided over this meeting was really her teacher, Xu Linian, the top archaeologist in Tianxia!

Since the discovery of the Jiuding in Feng Quji's tomb, Xu Linian has been running around for a while, and has made important historical discoveries in many places. After he connected these discoveries, the final result came out. , but it made him stunned -- startled!

Thus, there was this meeting of top archaeologists and archaeologists in Tianxia.

"Everyone, everyone is the Taishan Beidou of Tianxia archaeologists, so I won't say much more. The content of this meeting is very important, and it may even be related to the reshaping of my Tianxia history. Pay attention to confidentiality, and our meeting will officially begin below.""

Xu Linian was not polite, and sang directly and neatly.

Then, a series of slides appeared on the big screen behind him.

With a dignified expression on his face, Xu Linian introduced to the crowd: "Everyone, please see, this is an ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty that we discovered. The owner of the tomb is the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty, Feng Quji!"

"In the ancient tomb, we found a huge bronze cauldron. According to the investigation, I have reason to believe that this is one of the nine cauldrons in the legend that Qin Shihuang imitated me in Tianxia. After rigorous comparison, we believe that this material is very similar to the content of my four modern books!"

Two comparison pictures appeared on the screen, one was an enlarged picture of the front of the bronze tripod, and the other was "Postpartum Care of Sows".

Hearing Xu Linian's speech and looking at the picture on the screen, there was an uproar at the scene.

In fact, many experts have heard about the Jiuding-related matters, but this is a project that Xu Linian is in charge of, and they don't know it clearly, but looking at the comparison picture on the screen, many people on the scene are shocked.

"How is this possible, how can Daqin have such advanced knowledge, which is exactly the same as the content recorded in my modern books! 39

"There is also modern writing. Didn't this finally appear in modern times? How could it appear on Qin Dynasty's utensils?"

"Could it be that the mysterious sacrificial writings in my Tianxia history that have been lost are modern writing, and our writings were actually simplified during the Qin Dynasty?

The experts exclaimed again and again and discussed it fiercely.

Chu Yusuo was not too surprised, or rather, she had already been surprised, but she somehow remembered the news of Immortal Master Ye Yu in her mind.

"Everyone, look!" Xu Linian continued: "This is a large burial pit we found near Touman City. There are not only a large number of skeletons in this pit, but also things like saddles and horseshoes. Through analysis, it can be determined that these people belonged to the race located in the Central Plains at that time, and they were the people of our Tianxia!"9

"And we also found a stone tablet around the tomb pit, which clearly states that in the twenty-ninth year of the First Emperor, the Qin army went on an expedition to the desert to destroy the Xiongnu, leaving the inscription on the tablet forever in the northern Xinjiang!

"And on this inscription, there is also the word Immortal Master!"

The more Xu Linian spoke, the more excited he became.

However, the news he disclosed made all the experts and professors Taishan Beidou present dumbfounded.

The Daqin army once went to the northern desert and completely eradicated the Xiongnu? This is impossible. Didn't the Xiongnu be maimed by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty? Wasn't the Great Wall built to resist the attack of the Xiongnu?

Moreover, this stirrup was only invented during the Wei and Jin Dynasties, so how could Da Qin have it?

Could it be that the history everyone has been learning is wrong?

"Everyone, be quiet!" Xu Linian pressed his hands down slightly and continued: "We also found a mysterious temple deep in the Qinling Mountains. The statue in the temple has been broken, but from the inscription, we found that this is the Qin Dynasty. There are 72 sages of the Warring States period, including Li Mu, Sun Bin, and Bai Qi, among them.

"The most important thing is that we still found a small bag of well-preserved rice seeds in the supply platform. After testing by professionals, we found that the genetic structure of this rice seed is very similar to my modern hybrid rice!"


"This is impossible!

Hearing this, the experts present stood up in shock.

Qin Dynasty discovered the seeds of hybrid rice, how is this possible!

I wouldn't even dare to write a novel like this!

An old man with white hair pointed at Xu Linian and scolded: "Old Xu, you are joking with us! Our time is precious, so I won't accompany you here!

After that, the old professor turned around and was about to leave, and many other academic leaders also stood up, glared at Xu Linian in dissatisfaction, and turned around one after another.

Obviously, everyone thought they had been deceived.

"Everyone, wait, it's not too late for you to leave after I finish talking!" Xu Linian's face was calm, obviously he had expected this kind of thing.

He is also very clear that the things he said are too shocking to the world. It is not bad to scold these experts. If it was an ordinary person, he would have taken him away as a madman.

"Everyone, I guarantee by credit that this is a major discovery in the history of Tianxia. Everyone, you are all Taishan Beidou in my Tianxia archaeology, don't you want to find out those secrets that exist in history? 99

Hearing this, the steps of several experts stopped immediately.

Wang Qingcang looked back at Xu Linian, saw that his face was serious and did not seem to be fake, and returned to his seat with a cold snort.

"Just take a look, old man, what other flowers can you say."

......・・For flowers 0‥.....

Xu Linian smiled slightly but was not angry, he knew the character of this old brother very well, he was just an old Tsundere.

"Three days ago, we found a large tomb near Panshan Mountain in Jizhou.

"There are more than 180,000 corpses buried in this tomb, and all of these corpses have had their heads chopped off."

"In the mud at the bottom of the lake next to the tomb, relevant records were found!

Xu Linian pressed the remote control, and the picture of the inscription suddenly appeared on the screen behind him.

Xu Linian's voice suddenly became high: "After the repair by the technicians, we found the records of the immortal master in it. In the thirteenth year of Chongzhen, under the guidance of the immortal master, Chongzhen led the army to beat the Xiongnu and won the beheading of 180,000 people. Brilliant record!

Xu Linian's remarks immediately made the audience fry again.

The experts and professors stood up in shock.

"This is impossible, absolutely impossible, such a brilliant victory, how could there be no record in the history books!

"In the late Ming Dynasty, the army was so weak that Chongzhen didn't even care about himself. How could it be possible to destroy so many Jiannu people? This is unscientific!"

"That's right, if Chongzhen is really so powerful, then the record of hanging the coal mountain must be false? And the Qing Dynasty, how could it be possible to establish a country!"

Many professors didn't believe their eyes and felt that today's meeting was too destructive.

Wang Qingcang sat quietly on the spot, frowning at the picture behind Xu Linian, his expression was far less excited than before.

If the rice seeds and bronze cauldrons just now could be faked, how could the bones of hundreds of thousands of people be faked!

Since there are inscriptions and bones to testify, it shows that this war really happened!

But why is it not recorded in history?

And this fairy...

Wang Qingcang frowned, stood up slowly, and said in a deep voice: "What is the matter with this immortal master? Why is there records about him in Daqin and Daming? Could it be that such a person really exists in my Tianxia history? ? 99

The scene was silent for a moment, everyone present looked at me, I looked at you, and all stopped talking.

This is beyond the scope of their cognition. Rao is that everyone here is a big shot in the field of archaeology. They know many secrets that ordinary people don’t know. In front of the word immortal, they also feel that their knowledge is so shallow.

Xu Linian smiled slightly, nodded to the old man, and then his face suddenly turned straight: "This is the focus of our meeting!"

"I doubt that there has ever been a person, or an organization, who has had an incomprehensible impact on our history. People call him, the celestial master!"5

The audience was silent, and everyone's mouth grew involuntarily, shocked by Xu Linian's words.

No one noticed that in the corner of the conference room, Chu Yusuo's expression suddenly changed as Xu Linian spoke about this plan! Six.

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