Wang Chengen's mouth twitched, and he reminded a little embarrassedly: "Your Majesty, my shipbuilding in Daming has been abandoned for a long time, and many craftsmen have already switched to other industries. In addition, it is not easy to manufacture such a large ship of more than 1500 materials. I want to build it in more than three years. It is really difficult to cast a thousand ships!

Although Daming's shipbuilding industry was once brilliant, it has been abandoned for a long time after all.

Moreover, the shipbuilding process is very cumbersome, adding up to hundreds of fronts and backs, and it takes at least one year to complete the cooperation of three or five hundred craftsmen.

According to Li Dingguo's news, among the shipyards in good condition, there are two or three big cats and kittens, and some even don't have a single person.

Chongzhen's opening is a thousand ships, which is easier said than done!

"Hmph, if you have any difficulties, just overcome them. My Daming used to be able to make a 5,000-material Daming treasure ship, and a large ship of 1,500 materials is very difficult!"

"Sir once said that the barbarians in Europe have already started the seafaring industry, and the powerful fleet has long been formed, and I am a few steps behind Daming. The country, we don't even have a way to resist!""

Chongzhen spoke angrily, causing Wang Chengen to sweat coldly, kneeling on the ground in fear, shivering: "Sla... slaves don't dare.


Chongzhen snorted coldly and said: "If there are not enough boatmen, then go to the 26th people's room to convene, and promise to make great profits!

"If it's not enough, then train it yourself. I have so many good young people in Daming, can it be possible for them to have maggots in their homes? Let the old boatmen lead the newbies, I don't believe it anymore. There are so many excellent master boatmen in my Daming. Not even a single apprentice could be brought out.39


Wang Chengen wiped his cold sweat, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, this old slave will pass on the order..."

"No, this old slave will go to Jinling Port. At the same time, I will let Dongchang and Jinyiwei collect craftsmen who are good at making large ships. Within three years, a thousand large ships will be sent to the sea. If the task cannot be completed, the old slave will be at His Majesty's disposal. !"

"Okay, then you can go to Jinling Port and keep an eye on the progress of the shipbuilding industry. There will never be any obstacles!" Chongzhen nodded with satisfaction and explained in a deep voice.


Wang Chengen nodded vigorously, and secretly relieved in his heart.

These days, he watched Cao Bianjiao, Huang Degong and others pay attention to them, and even Cao Huachun and Li Yuanyin were in charge of Dongchang and Jinyiwei respectively. He was the only one who could only serve by Chongzhen's side. He is anxious!

And now, Chongzhen has entrusted such an important task to him, although it is a little difficult, but this is the attention to him!

From the words of Chongzhen, you can hear how important it is to the Ming Dynasty to develop shipping and build large ships.

Now that he shoulders such an important mission, Chongzhen pays more attention to him!

Chongzhen clicked Genhuazi happily, and then said: "How is the matter of making the Jiannumeng and Dongying people pay tribute?"

Wang Chengen said quickly: "Your Majesty, after our envoys arrived in Shangdu, they were treated by the Jiannu people. They are willing to pay tribute to me, Daming, with the highest standard, but..."

Wang Chengen secretly glanced at Chongzhen with his eyes closed, and said in a low voice, "But the Jiannu people still don't want to bow their heads to me, Daming, to make a statement!


Chongzhen suddenly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a flash of lightning between them.

"Don't want to bow down and be a minister? Could it be that they still want to do something to me, Daming, but it's really courting death!"

Wang Chengen stooped and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty does not know, after the death of Huang Taiji and Dorgon, the remaining eight banners of Jiannu in Shangdu fought endlessly, and in the end, the Zhenghuang Banner was slightly better, and the son of Huang Taiji, Fulin Superior."9

"Although Fulin is young, he is very similar to his husband, Huang Taiji. The wolf's ambition, coupled with the fact that Huang Taiji and Dorgon died at the hands of my Ming Dynasty, he hates us to the core, and it is normal to bow down to me.

"Hmph, even the little beasts of Jiannu, dare to be so arrogant!" Chongzhen said with a sneer: "Send the messengers to make them tougher, if Jiannu doesn't want to bow his head to Chen Chen, then I, Daming, will directly lead the army to fight!


Wang Chengen nodded again and again, and then reminded: "Your Majesty, regarding the liquidation of Beizhili's property, the slaves have news to report.

Chongzhen frowned: "Why, Beizhili doesn't want to?"

Wang Chengen nodded and said, "After the news of the liquidation of the farmland in Beizhi came out, it was strongly opposed by a group of meritorious nobles, especially Duke Ding, Duke Xun and others who even submitted letters many times, but they were all suppressed by slaves. ."

"Ding Guogong..." Chongzhen smiled coldly and said casually: "These old dogs, don't need to pay attention to them for the time being, how did the other ministers in the DPRK react?

"The other ministers are silent, but according to the news from the East Factory, the ministers of the DPRK and the Middle Kingdom have been walking around frequently in recent days, and the slaves guessed that they should also be worried about His Majesty's attack on them, but the situation is not yet clear, they should only Stand by the sidelines, and will not be against it."5


Chongzhen nodded secretly, the Immortal Master was right.

As long as he comes little by little and doesn't move too much, the ministers in the DPRK and the generals in various places won't have much reaction.

Moreover, he borrowed the pretext of the defeat of the old capital in the war. There is a basis and evidence. Even if these ministers perceive something wrong, they will not perceive the real purpose of Chongzhen.

As long as the frog is boiled in warm water like this, exploited a little in a few years, exploited a little in the next year, and when these insatiable guys react, the army of millions of bears in his hands has already formed, even if they want to resist.

Millions of heroes can resist all obstacles!

"Attack Baiyue?"

Night fell again, and Chongzhen's exclamation sounded again in the farm.

Chongzhen looked at Ying Zheng in shock and said in surprise, "Brother Shi Huang, are you going to attack Baiyue?"

"Didn't the immortal master say that snakes and worms are rampant in the land of Baiyue, if you forcibly attack Daqin, you will suffer heavy losses. Brother Shihuang, you have just settled down in Daqin, so be careful!"

"Isn't the widow asking for Mr.'s opinion! 35 Ying Zheng smiled bitterly and asked Ye Yu: "Sir, do you think my Daqin is suitable for attacking Baiyue now?"

Ye Yu touched his chin, and said after a long sigh: "It's really not a big problem to attack Baiyue now, you can go if you want. Daqin has a strong army and firearms, so destroying a small Baiyue will not be a problem at all.

"Yes! 99

When Ying Zheng heard this, he was instantly overjoyed.

Although he thinks what Feng Quji said before is reasonable, but Ying Zheng actually prefers Tu Ju in his heart.

Daqin was founded on the basis of war, and he, the first emperor, was even more of a war madman.

In the future, Daqin is going to overturn the whole world. If you face a small Baiyue, you will be timid, how can you talk about dominating the world!

Now with Ye Yu's affirmation, Ying Zheng has let go of the last concern in his heart. This time, as long as Baiyue is eliminated, the forces around Daqin will basically be completely eradicated by him. Can blow for a lifetime!

Ying Zheng no longer hesitated, and said excitedly: "After returning, the widow immediately summoned a million soldiers to completely level the land of Baiyue!"

"Million Army..."

Chongzhen's mouth twitched.

Baiyue had less than 50,000 troops up and down, Ying Zheng directly sent a million troops to crush it, and they also had the most advanced firearms in their hands.

This is not a war, this is simply a dimensionality reduction attack!

It is estimated that all the shit that Baiyue is going to be beaten out this time.

Ye Yu frowned, "Lao Zhao, you are too exaggerated. You are just a little 643. It's just a little Baiyue. You don't need a million people. Twenty or thirty thousand people are enough!""


"Two or thirty thousand people?"

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen shouted in shock, looking at Ye Yu in disbelief.

They heard it right, 20,000 to 30,000 people want to eliminate Baiyue, although Daqin is strong, but Baiyue is not a mess!

Ying Zheng said a little embarrassedly: "Sir, Baiyue is protected by dense forests and natural dangers. If there are not 300,000 people, the widowers are really not sure to take it down. 20,000 to 30,000 people, this... this is a bit too little, right? 35

"Yes, sir!" Wang Ben frowned and said, "Sir, after you said it last time, we went back and did a sand table game. Even if an army of 500,000 troops attacked Baiyue, they would suffer heavy losses. Do you deliver food to people?

"You guys, can your thoughts not be so solidified!" Ye Yu rolled his eyes angrily: "It's already the age of firearms, why are your thoughts still stuck in the age of cold weapons. "

"Baiyue people are strong, but can you old Qin people be stronger?"

"They are stuck in the dense forest and can't come out. You use firearms to blast them, and a round of mortars will go down, and they will cry for their parents and mothers, and see that they can't come out. 55

"The land of Baiyue is mainly troubled by miasma and snakes and worms. If you don't enter the forest, it will be over. They like to play cats in the forest. After the old nest is brought, and then their food supply is cut off, their 200,000 people will still be able to eat the bark for a living?"

Ye Yu's remarks made Ying Zheng and Chongzhen nodded.

Yes, that's how war should be.

Taking advantage of one's own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses, although Baiyue has high mountains and dense forests, after a wave of tactics to wash the ground, they can come out even if they don't come out.

When the time comes, on the plains, it will be the Qin army's world. With the Qin army's combat effectiveness, coupled with unparalleled firearms, 20,000 people can knock out Baiyue people's shit.

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